Friday, March 4, 2011

Anger and Revenge

Hello all,

Here are some questions to help you get started with your final essay:

What is anger? Don't use a dictionary definition. Come up with your own definition, and see how that compares to other definitions. For example, "wrath" is considered one of the seven deadly sins, and Buddhist philosophy considers anger a manifestation of the ego.

What are the different causes of anger?

What are the different ways people manifest and show anger?

What are the different effects anger can have?

How can anger be a positive? Can it be productive?

How do the causes and expressions of anger differ in the personal, social, and political spheres?

What makes you angry? How do you express your anger?

What has made you the angriest? Why?

For this blog, post a question of your own that you (or one of your colleagues) could answer in the final essay.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Creative Nonfiction: The Personal Essay

Hello All,

Our final essay is going to be a work of creative nonfiction; it will be based on your memories, experiences, and ruminations. The theme of this assignment is "Anger and/or Revenge," so you might access your memories of times you became angry or witnessed others become angry. What causes this anger? Was it warranted? Was it proportional? What effects did it have?

For this blog, read the following essays, and choose one that you think is effective; briefly explain what about it worked for you.

"Einstein Didn't Dream of My Mother"

"A June Journal"

"Red, White, and Silver"

