Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Assignment 12

One component of being a skilled writer is mastering all parts of the writing process, including planning.  Many beginning writers say they "just write," but would an architect grab a hammer and say "it'll all come together at the end"?  Would a doctor say "tell me where it hurts" and then have at it with a scalpel?  Would an artist say "give me some paint and come back in two hours"? 

Like any other craft or trade, writing is most effective when the writer has a plan.  The purpose of this blog assignment is to force you to formulate your plan for our last essay.

The following questions refer to topics covered in the  Personal Essay reading, so if the question confuses you, reread that file in Blackboard.

  1. What tone will you take with your essay?
  2. What narrative perspective will you use?  First-person? Second-person?  Third-person?  Will you switch between perspectives?  Why or why not?
  3. What point-of-view will you use in your essay?
  4. How much psychic distance will you create between you and your subject?
  5. How will you weave story and idea?  In other words, how will you shift between summary and dramatic narrative?
  6. How will you begin your essay?
  1. How will you structure your essay's middle?
  2. How will you end your essay?