Friday, June 29, 2012

"The Image World"

Hello All,

Your second blog assignment is to read Susan Sontag's "The Image World" (which you can access through Blackboard in the Essay 1 tab). 

Once you've read the essay, find two quotes that you find intriguing.  Copy those quotes to your blog, and explain why you found them interesting.

Finally, post a photograph that you have taken.  The only qualification is that you need to have taken the photograph (it can be of anything).

The photograph I've posted is from a trip I took to Turkey.  The graffitti means "Live Primitively" or "Be Primitive" in Turkish.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer 2012 Blog Introductions

Hello All,

For this first assignment, create your blog, and post its URL (the web address of the blog itself) into the Comments box below this post.  Make your blog unique and reflective of your personality (don't just use "English Blog" as your title).  If you run into problems and/or get stuck, don't get frustrated: we'll walk you through the process during the orientation.

Take care!