Thursday, September 4, 2014

Fall 2014, Post #1

Hello All,

My name is Matthew Woodman, and I will be your instructor for English 305.  For this first post, to which you should post a comment/response by September 20, provide a brief introduction of yourself: your major, current job, career goals, what you hope to learn in this course, and any additional trivia about your life.

Here's a bit about me: I have been teaching at CSUB for fourteen years and have spent most of my life here in the central valley.  In addition to English 305, I also teach the freshmen writing course (110), another upper-division GWAR course (310), Advanced Technical Writing (ADM 510), Introduction to Literature (101), and the first-year-experience course (CSUB 101).  When I am not teaching, I am writing poetry; you can see some of my work here and here.  When I am not writing, I am probably reading a book (I'm in the middle of Catherine Lacey's Nobody Is Ever Missing, which is great) or working on my garden of California native plants (which you can follow here).  In terms of this course, I hope to help you improve all aspects of your writing, from development and organization to depth and insight.  Along the way, my goal is to make writing a skill that you will enjoy improving.


  1. Here is where you'll post your responses/comments. Be sure to include your name so I'll know who has responded.

    1. Hello,
      My name is Jane Kumpel and this is my first time at CSUB. I am a transfer student from Bakersfield College, where I graduated with my AA in Liberal Studies. I did three years at Bakersfield College and am considered a junior at CSUB. I am currently a Vocal Music Teacher at Cesar Chavez Elementary School where I love my job! I also am engaged to my fiance Fabian Vega, and we plan to get married next year in July. I love to write and plan for my skills in writing to improve. I look forward to this class and to fufill the requirements of the GWAR.

    2. Hello my name is Fareedah Salahud-din. I am a studio art major and a crj minor. i have been attending csub for about 4 years. I currently work at the Panama Buena Vista School District. After i graduate i want my art work to be in galleries or installed all around the world. I just want to be recognized and remembered. In this course i hope to learn how to take a small subject, and be able to write alot about the subjectv

    3. Hello,
      My name is Erik Chavez. I'm a fourth year Bio major here at CSUB. I'm a full time student. This is hopefully my last year here and at the moment not sure what I am going to do with my major, but hopefully this year brings clarity. For down time, I usually watch sport or just spend time with family and friends. I'm just enjoying what life has to offer. What I hope to get out of this class is better writing skills.

  2. Hello,
    My name is Taylor Stewart and this is my fourth and final year at CSUB. I am majoring in Geology with a minor in Philosophy. I am currently a stay at home mom tending to my 4 month old son, but prior to this I was a secretary for Century Exploration Resources, a small oil and gas company. I am not sure what I hope to do with my degree although I have considered obtaining my teaching credentials to teach earth science at the elementary level. I am taking this class because I wish to improve my writing skills and fulfill the GWAR requirement rather than just take a test.

    1. Hi Taylor, my name is Brenda Leonard and I was originally seeking a Geology major. I decided to change to Liberal Arts and get my teaching credentials after transferring to CSUB. I have done a few observations in the classroom and know now that I have made the right choice. Best of luck in your journey figuring out what you will do in the future.

  3. My name is Natalie DiMaggio. I am a returning student to CSUB. I had to place my college career on hold for seven years, but now I am back at it. This is my last class to complete my bachelors degree in Liberal Studies. After this quarter I plan on finishing up my credentials and teaching at the elementary level. Currently I am a mommy of two, wife and florist at my family's business. I am excited to take this class and improve my writing skills.

  4. Hello,

    My name is Viviana Camacho. I am originally from Ventura County. I moved to Bakersfield in 2012. I am a returning student to CSUB and looking forward to completely my Bachelor's degree in Liberal Studies. I am excited to improve my writing skills by taking this course and reading the work of others. In my spare time I enjoy to listening of all kinds, in particular classic rock and reading classic American and British Literature.

  5. My name is Lisa-Marie Rountree, I am musician and music teacher, who is pursing a teaching credential because of the opportunities it will make available to me. My favorite thing to do, is adventure with the joy of my life, my husband of 10 years. Together, we enjoy raising our 2 kids together and ministering at Canyon Hills ( I enjoy writing and hope to publish a book soon, "My Dearest Daughter", which you can read on my blog. I'm looking forward to the advancement in writing this class will give me.

  6. Hello,
    My name is Ross Hough. I was born and raised in Bakersfield, and this is my third year at CSUB. I am currently a senior catcher on the baseball team here. I transferred to CSUB after my freshman year at Central Arizona College on a baseball scholarship. My current major is engineering and I plan on either doing petroleum or agriculture. My main goal is to get drafted in baseball at the end of this year, and if I don't then engineering will be my backup plan. My goals from this class are to further my writing skills and to fulfill the GWAR requirement.

  7. Hello,
    My name is Paulo S. Lopez Zavala. I am currently working at Cecil Avenue Math & Science Academy as an after school academic instructor. I graduated from Bakersfield College and obtained my AA in liberal studies. I am considered a junior now here at CSUB and it's my first year coming in. My goal is to obtain my bachelors and credentials so i can start my profession as a teacher. I'm looking forward to learn as much as i can in this course so i can become a better writer, although it has never been my forte. I will exploit my best abilities to learn as much as i can and hopefully can succeed in every aspect in this class. I love to play and watch sports and i'm trying to learn Italian on my spare time. I look forward to a great quarter.

  8. My name is Wesley James Bishop. I have enjoyed working at CSUB as a Student Assistant for around four years. This quarter I will be finishing up my B.S. in Business Administration with a concentration in Human Resource Management. I hope to continue studying at CSUB pursuing a Master’s in Business Administration. I am excited about the Human Resources field and how it is evolving to capture and maximize human potential. I love the fact that human potential is the only resource that is not fixed and will never dwindle. I hope to have a long career in Human Resources and I would be sincerely privileged and would like to contribute to the advancement of the Human Resources field. This quarter I would like to learn different ways of writing so I can break away from my routine ways of writing essays. I enjoy playing games, serving others, reading, and I am absolutely fascinated with Mandarin.

  9. Hello everyone, my name in Brenda Leonard. I am a returning CSUB student and an AA Liberal Arts graduate of Bakersfield College. I have a two more semesters to go before I finish my B.A. degree in Liberal Arts. My plan is to continue in the credential prpgram to become a teacher at the elementary level. I currently work full time at Watson Realty ERA as the corporate relocation coordinator. Traveling is my passion and my next goal is to explore Itally. I'm hoping this class will broaden my writing skills and I look forward to learning the differnt modes of writing.

    1. Hi Brenda! Are you a Liberal Arts major or Liberal Studies? Not sure whats the difference is, but I'm a Liberal Studies major, aiming towards my credential as well.

    2. Hi Lisa! I have my AA in Liberal Arts and transferred to CSUB seeking a BA in Liberal Studies. My plan is to continue on to get my credentials and become an elementary school teacher. Good luck with your future plans. I look forward to "chatting it up" on future blogs!

  10. Hello,
    My name is Paula Castillo. I am returning to CSUB after being gone for a little over a year. I attended Bakersfield College and received my AA in liberal studies. After transferring, I had to take some time off of school due to personal problems, but I am excited to be back full time. I am working towards my degree in Business Administration and minor in marketing. I am currently working as rental representative at Penske Truck Rental. My career goals would be to obtain my degree and hopefully be promoted in my current job to be able to utilize my skills. It has been a while since I have taken a writing class, so I am hoping to improve my writing skills and learn new things about writing.

  11. Hello,
    My name is Sarah Summers. I am a new transfer student from Taft College. I gradated Taft College in May with an AA in Psychology. I plan to receive a BA in Sociology with an emphasis on human services. Once I graduate CSUB I would like to work in the social work field. I am currently working in an after school program called ASES where I am an ASES activity leader. I enjoy reading and I look forward to improving my writing skills. I look forward to having a great quarter and to learning a lot in this course.

  12. Hello, my name is Jose Antonio Torres. I transferred to CSU Bakersfield 2 years ago and am now in what should be my last quarter. I should be receiving my B.S. degree in Computer Science with an emphasis in Information Systems. Once I finish my education, I plan on going back home to Exeter, CA where there really are not a lot of tech jobs, but I will attempt to get a computer tech job at a school in the area and eventually becoming the I.T. Director for a school district. I am well aware of some of my writing faux pas, my two greatest weaknesses when it comes to writing are comma splices and run-on sentences. I am hoping that these things will be corrected after taking this class. I look forward to being done with school and starting my career.

    1. Nice work, Jose. Throw a colon or semicolon after "faux pas," and you'll have corrected your comma splice.

      I am well aware of some of my writing faux pas: my two greatest weaknesses when it comes to writing are comma splices and run-on sentences.

  13. Hello,
    My name is Jaimee Brownlow and I have been living in Bakersfield for all my life. I am currently completing my last year of undergraduate studies at CSUB and should be graduating this upcoming June. I am majoring in chemistry with a concentration in biochemistry. After receiving my bachelor's degree, I plan on attending veterinary school to become a large animal veterinarian. I have been an ethical vegetarian since I was about six years old and I am now vegan. My biggest dream in life is to open an animal sanctuary for rescued farm animals. In the past, I have struggled with run-on sentences and transitioning between paragraphs. These are two things I hope to correct in this class. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family, playing with my dogs, cooking or baking, and playing tennis.

  14. Hello,

    My name is Adrienne (Gonzales) Myers. I am a psychology major starting my first quarter at CSUB after finally finishing my associates degree at BC. I am not sure how I'd like to apply my psychology degree after graduation but my main goal right now is to finish what I started after high school. I turned thirty-five earlier this month and am married with one daughter, two step children, and four dogs. I enjoy reading, traveling, and watching baseball. Writing has always been a weakness of mine so I am hoping to not only relearn some fundamentals that I have forgotten since high school but to improve my skills enough to make writing a less stressful process.

  15. Hello, Professor Woodman & Class,
    My name is Vanessa Rivera and this is my third year at Cal State Bakersfield. I plan to major in Criminal Justice with a minor in Sociology. I currently work as the Operator/Student Assistant for the Information Technology Services Department. I recently got hired to work as a part time Sales Associate at Kohl's. I do not know which of the three branches of Criminal Justice: Corrections, Courts, or the Law Enforcement I will pursue. I do hope to have a career where I will encounter a little bit of action and excitement. In this course, I hope to improve my writing and grammar skills. I sincerely hope that I will learn enough to meet the GWAR requirement and pass this course. I love to learn new dialects and languages. I am currently learning Italian.

  16. Hello,
    My name is Maria Muñoz. I am a transfer student from Bakersfield College, graduated in the Spring. I am majoring in Child, Adolescent and Family Studies. Currently I and working part-time at a Korean Restaurant. When I graduate from CSUB I hope to do work and travel. I like to learn about different styles to teach children and the best way to do it is to travel. I hope that this class can help me improve the way I explain myself in writing. In the Spring of 2013 I had the opportunity study in Italy for a semester and also travelled to seven other countries while I was in Europe.

  17. Hello,
    My name is Laura Tinajero. My major is Natural Sciences with a concentration in Biology. I will be graduating next fall and will then follow on to getting my teaching credentials. I am a Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist. I just got hired as a Personal Trainer at the Rec Center here at CSUB. I really want to be a better writer, there's lots of room for improvement. My favorite author is Paulo Coelho. I was reading Manuscript Found in Accra, but I put in on hold to read my boring text books.

  18. Hello,
    My name is Stephanie Avalos and this is my fifth year in CSUB. I will be graduating this quarter. My major is Criminal Justice and I am minoring in Business Administration. I am currently a full time student but I used to work as a secretary in a notary office. My career goal is to work in the criminal justice system as an investigator. I hope to improve my writing skills in order to prepare me for the paperwork I foresee in my future career.

  19. Hello,

    My name is Vincent Villalpando. I am currently in my fifth year at CSUB and I have lived in Bakersfield for pretty much my entire life. I plan on graduating this year with a degree in chemistry with a concentration in biochemistry. Also, I plan to continue my education by either applying to Med school with hopes of becoming a pediatrician. Or by attending graduate school to further study Marine Biology. I have always wanted to better my writing in any way possible. More specifically, limiting the amount of commas I use and constructing better sentences that prove my arguments without having unnecessary commas. In my spare time I enjoy playing sports, spending time with family and friends, and most of all taking advantage of any opportunity to go to the beach.

  20. Hello everyone!

    My name is Sahar Ali, and this is my first year at CSU Bakersfield. I am graduating from Bakersfield College with a degree in Liberal Arts and American Sign Language. I am planning to get my Bachelors degree in Nursing. I have my Medical Assisting degree; however, I want to further explore my opportunities in the medical field. I have a ten month old boy, and he is my main motivation. I love everything about writing, in fact, I write a lot in my spare time. One goal of mine is to write a book, but I want to better my writing skills and techniques. I hope that I can take what I learn from class and apply it to my writing, and also pass this class.

  21. Hello everyone,

    My name is Ruby Jacobo, and I am a senior here at CSUB. I am majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in general business. I plan to graduate this year, if I overload the next two quarters. I have a 10 month old baby and she is my pride and joy. I want to give her a better life than I have and this is why I want to graduate this year. On my free time I enjoy running with friends and spending time with my family. I also enjoy writing when I am feeling down. Journaling is a great way to express my feelings. I would like to improve in my writing by the end of this course. I want to be a better writer and learn more ways of making my sentences more creative.

    1. Hello Ruby,
      I am also majoring in Business Administration. Congratulations on your new baby girl. It is great to see the motivation to finish after having a child and wanting to overload to graduate. I enjoy spending time with my friends and family as well. Since you like writing, I believe you will do great in this class.

  22. My name is Melinda Lumpkin. This is my first quarter at CSUB. I transfered from College of the Sequoias in Visalia. My major is Business Administration with an emphasis in Accounting and I am working towards my Bachelor's Degree. I hope to work as a CPA or as an accountant for a school district once I graduate. In addition to being a full-time student, I am also wife to my wonderful husband David, and mom to my amazing 6-year-old boy Mark. Together we call Tulare home. Prior to returning to school I worked as a Licensed Vocational Nurse at a nursing home in Fresno, California. In this course I expect to improve my over-all writing skills and hope to learn to communicate more effectively through writing. I hope that by the end of this course, everything from writing a paper for class to composing an email will be less of a struggle. In my spare time I enjoy crafting, specifically crochet, reading, and traveling with my family.

  23. My name is Prabhjeet Kaur and this is my last year at CSUB. I am Biology major and Chemistry minor. I plan to attend master's program here for biology. I plan to teach with my college degree and also do some research in microbiology field, my current research is focused on coccidioidomycosis. I am taking this class to fulfill GWAR requirement and look forward to improve my writing skills by taking this class. I enjoy watching movies and traveling.

  24. Hello,
    My name is Zac McCarthy.This is my last quarter at CSUB. I am majoring in Criminal Justice with a minor in Psychology.I am striving to follow in my grandpa's footsteps and become a firefighter.Therefore, this January, I will be joining a fire academy somewhere in the state or go back to school for my fire science certificate. My ultimate goal is to work my way up into arson investigation, which is why I majored in criminal justice. I am taking this class in hope that I will strengthen my writing skills, which will help me in all aspects of life and not just my career. During my spare time, I enjoy reading about political issues, which is very interesting to me, since I am related to politician.

  25. Hello,
    My name is Carolyn Correa and I am a senior at CSUB. I am majoring in psychology while minoring in criminal justice. I eventually would like to become a psychologist or a psychiatrist. I currently work as a psychiatric technician at a mental health facility that houses individuals convicted of crimes. I really enjoy working in the mental health field. I am taking this class to enhance my writing skills. On my free time I like to be outdoors and take trips. I also just started to crossfit and I enjoy that as well.

  26. Hello,
    My name is Xiao Ou Li. I'm a fourth year Econ major here at CSUB. I'm a full time student. This is hopefully my last year here, after i graduate, i will back to LA and work for my friend as accountant. i try to pass the course and get my degree for sure and also i try to learn how to write more professionly.

  27. My name is Brett Rhodes and I am a psychology major. I currently work for the Bakersfield City School District and am thinking I would like to be a teacher. I hope I learn how to be a better writer this quater.
