Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Spring 2015, Post #1

Hello All,

For this first post, read the syllabus, and ask one question you have about the class.


  1. Ok after reading the syllabus, I just have one quick question, you mentioned that there will be assigned blogs about the books you have requested. Now will there be a question or discussion every week? And will there be questions about the 2 books you have requested or just one of them?

    1. I will post blog questions as necessary. Some weeks you may have two or three posts, and other weeks (such as when a draft is due), you may have none. In terms of your required texts, you should use Quick Access as a reference text. For example, if I indicate that you have comma splices in your writing, you can use Quick Access to help you understand what a comma splice is and how to correct it. Our other text, "Writing True Stories," will be the one I will use for the blog questions.

  2. I have a question regarding the formatting of our essays. The syllabus mentions that we can use either MLA or APA format to cite/reference for the second essay. Are we then able to use either MLA or APA format when constructing the other two essays? Do you have a preference?

    1. The Formal Argument (our in-class essay) and the Personal Essay will not require the use of sources, so you won't have to worry too much about formatting for those essays.

  3. For the meet on Saturday, April 4, should we have part or all of the Formal Argument Essay complete? Also, will there be more guidance/discussion regarding this assignment during the in-class meet?

    1. You won't know the topic of the Formal Argument until that Saturday (what I have posted on Blackboard is a past sample). I will discuss that assignment a bit on Saturday, but you should definitely review the notes on Blackboard and then post any questions you have to this blog entry.

    2. Thank you, for the clarificiation.
      Another question about participation; on the syllabus, it says that we are required to visit your office once during the quarter. I live in Fresno so I am wondering if participation points will be deducted if we do not see you in your office?

    3. Judy, are you not taking any other classes at CSUB? Are all of your classes online?

    4. I am taking the RN-BSN program online, so yes, all of my classes are online. I can definitely visit your office if this is a requirement for participation.

    5. I'll talk to you about this after class on the 4th.

  4. After reading the syllabus, I was slightly confused about the blog posts. You mentioned you would post brief writing prompts for us to do for participation, but how will we know when they get posted or when they are due? Will we get an email or should we check in with the blog everyday?

    1. Molly, I will send an e-mail whenever there's a new blog prompt.

  5. Alright, so my question is regarding MyLabsPlus. Basically, I would like further information on it...What types of assignments will be on there, how often these assignments will occur, etc. I've never used the program before so it's all new to me. Thanks for the help. :)

    1. Christine, I am not requiring any of you to use MyLabsPlus. Rather, this is an option (as is the Writing Resource Center) for anyone who would like extra help. If you do choose to use the program, you would use it to focus on whichever areas you would like to improve, such as commas, run-on sentences, or thesis statements.

  6. Hello I had a question about when the class really ends? Is the last day of class May 31st. Also are we going to have time Saturday to write a rough draft before we write the final draft, because I am sure that I will need a rough draft and help on the final. Thank you

    1. Sukhjinder, this is an online class, so there is no real last day of class. There is a typo on the syllabus that I will fix; the final draft of your final essay is due June 9 (not May 9).

      As for this Saturday, the in-class essay evaluates your ability to construct an essay from start-to-finish on your own in two hours; you will not be able to get outside help for this essay/assignment. You probably won't have time to write a separate rough draft and final draft, so you will need to factor in time for revision and editing to your overall writing plan.

  7. After reading the syllabus, I just need clarification regarding the essays. You mention that we need to have rough drafts prior to the final draft. So, for the first essay, are we going to write a rough draft and final draft on Saturday? Thank you.

    1. Claire, the essay on Saturday is the exception to that rule. For the other essays, you will write a separate rough and final draft. For Saturday, you will write just the one final draft.

  8. Maybe this is question is asked ahead of time. For the Academic Analysis essay can we choose any random photograph taken by a student on campus or enrolled in another university, apart from the photographs from the J. Paul Getty Museum? If so, I can begin searching earlier. Will you also be available during other times of the week apart from the times listed for office hours? Can we make an appointment to come see you on different times or can we simply just drop by during those time slots.

    1. Kathy, I am going to have each one of you send me a photogragph, and then I will post all of those photographs to this blog. You'll choose from among those. As for my office hours, I will be in my office M-R from 9-10 and Monday from 12:30-2:00, but you can definitely make an appointment to see me outside of those hours.

  9. I can see a few people have had the same concern as myself about the participation points. The only problem I might have is meeting you for office hours. I generally have work during those times if I'm not in another class. Please let me know if scheduling another time to meet would be okay.
    Thank you

    1. Emily, yes, you can make appointments to see me outside of my regular office hours.

  10. I see that there is no scheduled final exam. Will the Personal Essay act as a final exam for the course as it is weighed more heavily than the other essays?

  11. Hello, professor Woodman.
    My question is in regards to our class readings, are we supposed to read only certain sections of the book "Telling True Stories" or the entire text for the quarter? I do know that the "Quick Access" book is a guide for us to refer back to.

    Thank you.

    1. Cassandra, I will assign certain sections from the book depending on the strengths and weaknesses I see in the essays this Saturday. You shouldn't read the entire book (unless you want to).

  12. Hello, professor Woodman.
    For the assigned books in the syllabus how would we know what are reading assignment would be for the week? Are you going to email us or post a message on blackboard?

    Thank you.

    1. Javier, I will post a prompt on the blog asking you a question about the reading and then e-mail you to let you know to respond.

  13. I asked my question about the syllabus during your office hours earlier this week, but I have a question unrelated to the syllabus. If I'm unable to attend the meeting on Saturday, how do I guarantee that I'm not dropped from the class? I will be writing the essay later during the week.
    Shelby Ice

    1. Shelby, you would need to contact me and let me know (like you've done).

  14. I'm aware that this is an online course. However, since the Formal Argument will be completed during the Saturday orientation session, I was wondering if the other two writing assignments will be in-class essays as well? Also, will there be more insight provided on how to go about writing these papers? Thank you.

    1. Amisha, no, this is the only in-class essay. I will be giving you suggestions for writing the other papers through prompts here on the blog as well as through materials posted to Blackboard.

  15. Hello, professor Woodman.
    I was wondering if a rubric will be posted for each essay? Rubrics help to know what the professor is expecting. Also is my writing lab plus going to be used more frequently than blackboard?
    Thank you,
    Yasmeen Maltos

    1. Yasmeen, I will use the same rubric for all the essays; the rubric is posted on Blackboard under the "Grading and Evaluation" tab.

  16. Many of my questions have been previously asked and answered. I will continue to look for replies for the ones which have not been answered. Since we are doing the first essay in class, the only ones we will submit to "Turnitin" are the last 2, correct? On our peer comments, do you want us to cite our comment resources? Lastly, you state that assignments are due by midnight, for clarity, the assignment due April 26 by midnight must be submitted on April 25th 11:59pm, correct?

    1. Cynthia, you will submt the first essay to as well. That way, you'll be able to see my comments and your grade. You don't need to cite anything when you provide comments for the peer review. You're right; the time is a little confusing and inaccurate. The essay due April 26 should be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on April 26.

  17. Hi Professor Woodman.
    My question will be regarding the Formal Argument essay we will be doing in class on Saturday. Are we able to quote another person if that quote is relevant to the topic? If so, how do we reference them? Or is this something to avoid? Also, do you accept late entries on these blog posts?

    1. Veronica, you're free to quote other people if you'd like. Just make sure to use quotes around there words and introduce them, but there's no need to include a Works Cited page or parenthetical in-text citation. As for the blog posts, you should complete them in a timely manner. If something comes up, and you're a day or two late, then "no harm, no foul"; however, I have intended each blog post to help you gather information for the essays, so I will not accept late posts after the assignment in question is due.

  18. Hello professor Woodman. I have a quick question, are we allow to take a dictionary for the formal argument? Thank you.

    1. Mauro, yes, you may use a dictionary for tomorrow's in-class essay, the Formal Argument.

  19. Dr. Woodman, I have a question regarding acceptable file formats for the essays which are to be submitted.
    Would it be okay to turn in a .pdf copy of each essay or is a directly editable version such as a .docx or .odt required?

    Thank you.

  20. I already entered a blog post, but now I don't see it here and don't see a reply. Does this mean you didn't get it ?

    1. Christina, sometimes the system has a glitch that prevents your post from posting. If you don't see it here, then the post has vanished into the ether . . .

  21. I already submitted a post and I dont see it. Hopefully you reply to this one.
