Saturday, April 18, 2015

Brainstorming: Rhetorical Modes

The rhetorical modes are nine ways of presenting and structuring information.  These are useful for providing new information about a topic without repeating yourself.

For your Academic Analysis, you need to explore the significance of photography for society and/or individuals.

As such, you should begin with the rhetorical mode of Argument, which entails constructing a thesis statement that you would support with reasons and evidence.  For this essay, you should choose the topic (such as photography and time, photography and identity, photography and reality/authenticity), and then construct a thesis statement that presents an argument about that topic.  To support your thesis statement, you will provide reasons and explanations, and then you'll use evidence (the photographs you choose) as illustrations of your claim.

The other rhetorical modes will help you in your exploration.

Use Definition to specify and explain important ideas when you want to focus on essential elements/components of the idea.

Use Description when you want to focus on sensory details (sights, sounds, textures, tastes, smells) or use figurative language (metaphors and similes) to bring an idea or object to life.

Use Narration when you want to use a story to help explain an idea.

Use Exemplification when you want to use examples to explain an idea.

Use Compare and Contrast when you want to explore the similarities and differences between two or more objects or ideas.

Use Cause and Effect when you want to explore causal relationships between objects or ideas.

Use Division and Classification when you want to break an idea into separate categories or types.  For example, you could break the concept of "Music" into the genres of rock, classical, rap, and so on.

Use Process Analysis when you want to explore how something can be done (or how it was done in the past or should be done in the future); this mode emphasizes order and a progression of steps.

For this post, you have four tasks:

1.  Write your thesis statement for this essay.
2.  List the other rhetorical modes besides Argument that you plan to use.
3.  List the photograph from a fellow classmate you plan to use as evidence in your essay.
4.  List the photograph from the Getty Exhibit that you plan to use as evidence in your essay (click on the photographer's names to see the different photographs).


  1. 1. Write your thesis statement for this essay.
    Photographs may share common imageries, such as the photographs, Pawnee Grassland, by Robert Adams and Down in the Valley by J. Maltos with the familiar big skies; however, the significance of each photograph is very distinct. Photography has the ability to duplicate and redefine the experience the photographer hopes to create dependent on the lighting and environment of the captured fragments.

    2. List the other rhetorical modes besides Argument that you plan to use.
    Cause and Effect: The relationship between lighting, framing and subjects in a photograph and the analysis of an image.

    3. List the photograph from a fellow classmate you plan to use as evidence in your essay.
    Down in the Valley by J. Maltos

    4. List the photograph from the Getty Exhibit that you plan to use as evidence in your essay (click on the photographer's names to see the different photographs).
    Pawnee Grassland by Robert Adams

    1. Nice work, Judy. Just tighten up your thesis a bit to avoid the vague phrase "very distinct." Here's one way to revise it:

      ... skies; however,each photograph has a distinct significance resulting from how the photographer uses lighting and environment to redifine the original experience.

    2. It is amazing how your suggested revision can change the formality of the sentence. Thank you!!

    3. Just catch my misspelling: it should be "redefine," not "redifine." I need to pay closer attention to detail . . .

  2. 1. So for the topic I'd like to explore what a photograph means about a photographer- the individual capturing the 'moment'.
    Thesis: Photographs, in themselves, tell a lot not only about the scenery or people in them, but reveal a lot about the moment being captured. Independent of the environmental effects that play on the interpretation of the photo, the psychology a photo reveals tells a lot about the one capturing the moment, and therefore freezing it in time forever.

    2. Description will definitely help place imagery and emotional aspects on different scales, as will compare and contrast. I like cause and effect, but I'm still trying to see how I would use that.

    3. I would like to use A. Patel's "The Broken Light" to help support my paper.

    4. From the Getty Museum, I would like to use William Eggleston's Memphis.

    1. Christine, you've got some great ideas. Just replace the vague/generic phrase "a lot" with a more specific phrase, and you'll be in great shape. For example, instead of writing "the psychology a photo reveals tells a lot about the one capturing the moment," you could write "a photograph reveals deep insights into the psychology of the person capturing the moment."

    2. As for your #2, you could analyze how certain aspects of the photographer's biography, past, or emotional state affect how he or she chooses to capture the moment.

  3. 1. Photographs can have a plethora of meanings, but one thing that is certain is, images allow insight into a moment of the photographers reality; time stands still for just an instant.

    2. I certainly know that I would like to use narration and examples as other rhetorical modes.

    3. I would like to use K. Barrios's "Las cataratas de Guatemala" for evidence in my essay.

    4. I will use the image by Rupp named "The Sunflower Maze" from the Getty Museum exhibition.

    1. Nice work, Jasmine. I'm intrigued by your exploration of subjectivity implied by the phrase "a moment of the photographer's reality."

  4. Photography is the one art that carries no international barriers. A photograph can be understood with eloquence to the eye of the beholder. As can be seen in R. Cha’s, “Babies,” the depth and understanding can be interpreted to that of joy. Photography holds the power to connect the world and discover the identity of which individuals holds within themselves. .
    2. List the other rhetorical modes besides Argument that you plan to use?
    Compare and contrast: Will help identify the differences and what sets one picture from one another.
    3. List the photograph from a fellow classmate you plan to use as evidence in your essay.
    I plan to use R. Cha’s photograph, titled, “Babies.”

    4. The picture I plan to use from the Getty Exhibit as evidence is, “The Sunflower Maze” by Sheron Rupp.

    1. Nice work, Jose. I like your focus on the international/universal aspect of photography.

      In terms of your rhetorical modes, you'll want to choose more than just compare/contrast. Description (and perhaps Division/Classification where you discuss types of these universal experiences) would be a logical choice for your plan.

    2. Ok, thanks for the feedback.

  5. 1) Photographs reveal an individuals identity implicitly and explicitly such as the photographs, Happiest Girl in the World by C. Marcos and The Art of Food by J. Leon. Photographers have the ability to capture a photo of an individual at the right moment to the point where the photo triggers certain emotions aspects and characteristic.
    2) Compare/Contrast : will help identify a standard photo, in contrast envisioning an individual identity through a photo. Description: will express the emotional aspect of the photo.
    3) I plan to use Happiest Girl in the World by C. Marcos and The Art of Food by J.Leon.
    4) My Grandmother by Doug Dubois

  6. 1. Photography is analyzed through what is being captured by the photographer and thus can give society a message or snapshot of what to expect of actual reality; but it can sometimes fail to show what the bigger picture is.
    2. I will be using description to describe the photos that will be mentioned in this essay. Narration will also be used for my personal example. Exemplification as well to further help the gist of my argument. Compare and contrast between a photo that excludes reality and one that does not . I'd like to know more on how to use Process Analysis. Not quite sure if this can be used or not with my essay.
    3. K.Barrrio's “Guatemalan Waterfalls” and T. Stewart's “Best Christmas Gift EVER”
    4. Camilo Jose Vergara's “How the Other Half Worships”

    1. Process analysis would focus on how to do something. You could discuss how the photographer chooses (or chose) to frame the image for the photograph. Conversely, you could list the steps a viewer should take to be able to understand or interpret a photograph.

  7. 1. Thesis: Photographs help society recollect an experience by rekindling emotions that one may have forgotten, thus photos allow for an individual to be able to hold onto their memories.

    2. Exemplification: This will help show how photographs help bring back lost emotions.

    3. E. Tobias" Family Spring Break 2015" will be helpful for my paper.
    4. The photo from getty exhibit that I plan on using is the photo called my grandmother, by doug dubois.

    1. Sukhjinder, watch out for comma splices. Here's your thesis with the comma splice corrected (with a semicolon):

      Photographs help society recollect an experience by rekindling emotions that one may have forgotten; thus, photos allow for an individual to be able to hold onto their memories.

  8. 1. Photography is a powerful art, allowing for a moment in time to be emblazoned in history forever at the hands of a photographer. The true reality of the moment has a potential to be skewed by the click of a button or the change of a camera lens. Photographs are art forms, and as such are interpretive; the danger lies in taking a photograph at face value. The reality we perceive from a photo is subjective to the photographer's whims and timing.
    2. I will be using the following rhetorical modes to further my argument:
    Narration- I plan to use Plato's Allegory of the Cave and the Matrix to draw comparisons in my argument.
    Description and Exemplification- I will use both of these modes to help clarify my argument.
    3. I will be using C. Bidwell's "Vacation Exhaustion".
    4. Along with the aforementioned photograph, I will use "Pawnee Grassland" by Robert Adams.

    1. Taylor, nice word choice ! I especially like "emblazoned" and "skewed."

  9. 1) Thesis statement:
    I will choose photography an time: With photography you are able to capture a moment in which time will stand still forever never get old but never fade away. With C. Bidwell’s “Vacation Exhaustion” it exemplifies the photography and time because it captures that one moment that will last a lifetime, shows that a moment may fade but a photograph can make that moment last forever.

    2) The other Rhetorical node I would use is focus on sensory details and use figurative language

    3) C. Bidwell’s “vacation exhaustion”

    4) I will use Christmas Tree by Mary Kocol

  10. 1. Write your thesis statement for this essay.
    Photographs have various meanings to every viewer, the emotion evoked highly depends on the photographer’s purpose for which the photograph was taken. In this sense, the photographer is manipulating the viewer to recall a memory, personal experience, or desire.
    2. List the other rhetorical modes besides Argument that you plan to use.
    In conjunction with argument, I will be using the rhetorical modes of description and cause and effect for my essay.
    3. List the photograph from a fellow classmate you plan to use as evidence in your essay.
    I will be using K. Barrios’s “ Las Cataratas de Guatemala” as evidence for my essay.
    4. List the photograph from the Getty Exhibit that you plan to use as evidence in your essay (click on the photographer's names to see the different photographs).
    I will be using Robert Dawson’s “Back Lot, Isleton, California” as evidence for my essay.

    I generally become more creative once I begin writing. Will I lose points on my final grade if my thesis changes? I may have a different view after I re-read the articles for this assignment.

    1. Cynthia, you will not lose points if you change your thesis! Revision is all part of the writing process, so change should be a natural possibility.

  11. 1. Photography gives false impressions, experiences and feeling of the actual event and/or object, furthermore it degrades the actual moment when the photograph was taken. (my thesis might evolve as I begin my essay)

    2. For certain I would use exemplification and compare and contrast.

    3. I will be using the photograph, "The Art of Food" by J. Leon.

    4. I will be using the Getty photograph "Hilther Hills State Park" by Adam Bartos.

  12. 1. A photo can only capture the photographer’s story. With society’s altering perceptions about truth and identity, it neglects to oversee the essence of the photo.
    2. I will be using description to describe the photos. Compare and contrast the students’ photos and Getty’s exhibit. Cause and effect of the photographer and their work. A bit of exemplification. Narration for my personal example.
    3. J. Leon’s “Art of Food” and J. Thompson’s “Life’s a Beach”
    4. Sheron Rupp, “Trudy in Annie’s Sunflower Maze” and Camilo Jose Vergara, “Greater Love Christian Church”

  13. 1. The evolution of photography has become an important aspect of our lives, for now we are able to capture a moment in time and freeze it into an image that we can hold onto forever.

    2. Explification
    Process of analysis

    3. J. Maltos's "Down in the Valley"

  14. 1. Once photography was an art to share and explore the world. It brought wonder and knowledge. It was used to explore history. Now it is used in vanity to identify oneself. It is manipulated to create the "perfect" image. Photography has lost its significance.
    2. I will use cause and effect to show that social media has influenced photography in a negative way by making its audience numb.
    I will use division and classification to distinguish the difference between past art through photography and modern photography use for social media.
    I will define phrases like perfect image, filter and art.
    3. j leons the art of food. A beautiful representation of art through food.

    1. I published it before I was through. The computer was doing weird things.
      4.Mitch Epstein 2003 Liquidation Sale

  15. 1. With our fast-paced and busy lifestyles, sometimes it can be easy to forget what truly matters. Photography allows society to capture irreplaceable moments in time, so that they can be treasured for a lifetime.

    2. The rhetorical modes I plan on using are exemplification and description.

    3. C. Blunt's "Ooh, Aah"

    4. Doug Dubois's "My Grandmother"

  16. 1)
    While photography is often employed as a means of preservation, be it a memory or something else, interpretation of that data changes with the passage of time towards a more analytical reading more telling of the societal context under which the photo was taken than the original intentions/experiences of the photographer/subject.

    ~ Something along those lines.

    I believe I will come to rely upon the elements of definition, narration, exemplification, compare & contrast, and potentially division & classification.

    - Still planning. These sound like potential choices though.

    S. Momi's "Joy Caught Off-Guard"

    S. Shore's "2nd St., Ashland, Wisconsin"

    That's the plan at least.

  17. 1. Photography is a very powerful tool that helps one to capture life changing moments; thus turning them into unforgettable memories.
    2. I will also be using exemplification
    3. I plan to use T. Stewart's "Best Christmas Gift EVER" as an example in my essay
    4. I will also be using "Hither Hills State Park" by Adam Bartos

  18. 1. Photography is an important tool that can be used to help trigger different emotions and memories during someone's life; some of which are heartbreaking while others are breathtaking.

    2. The rhetorical modes I plan on using are description and division and classification.

    3. I will be using J. Thompson's "Life's a Beach."

    4. I will be using Sheron Rupp's "Trudy in Annie's Sunflower Maze, Amherst, Massachusetts" for evidence.

  19. I chose to do photography and identity.

    1. Thesis: Photography has the ability to portray identity through a single shot, but it is up to the audience to use the details in the photograph to trigger their senses and imagination in order to get the full story lying within.

    2. The rhetorical modes I plan on using as of now are description, figurative language, and narration. I think these will allow me to further portray the background or story behind the photographs.

    3. T. Stewart's "Best Christmas Gift EVER"

    4. "Memphis" by William Eggleston

  20. 1. Photography and time are intertwined through a sense of meaning that is preserved eternally in the exactness of any given moment.
    2. Definition, Description, Naration
    3. N. Solorio's "Basket of Sunshine"
    4. Charles Sheeler’s “Wheels” and Mathew B. Brady’s “Officers, 71st Regiment, New York Infantry”

  21. 1. Photography and identity have a huge impact in our lives. Identity shows who we are and where we come from, for photography symbolizes valuable meaning.
    2. I plan to use description, exemplification, definition and any other rhetorical modes that will help support my thesis.
    3. I will be using Tobias “Family Spring Break, 2015” photograph in my essay.
    4. I plan to use Sheron Rupp's photograph from the Getty Exhibit.

  22. 1. Photography provides a pathway for individuals to project an image of themselves to the world - it allows for exaggeration and falsification in order to gain acceptance in society.
    2. I plan to use exemplification and compare and contrast for my essay.
    3. I plan on using S. Jackson's "Nails" for the first photograph.
    4. Robert Adams' "Pawnee Grassland, Colorado" from the Getty Exhibit

  23. Photography and time:

    Photography is a powerful tool we use to preserve the memories we hold and store them for years to come. We always return to those photographs to envision ourselves to the moment the picture was originally taken. (It needs some work)

    The rhetorical tools I will plan to use are description and exemplification

    I plan to use T. Stewart's "Best Christmas Gift EVER" and Doug Dubois's "My Grandmother"

  24. 1.A simple or complex photograph has a unique theme that the photographer is trying to inform to society.The technique that are applied to the photograph can make the theme strong or misleading.
    2. I would like to use compare and contrast.
    3. Classmate photograph: C. Blunt's "Ooh, Aah"
    4. I would be using Virginia Beahan and Laura McPhee

  25. 1. Photography is an art form, and the power of a photograph is derived from interpretation. Photography has the ability to capture reality, provoke emotion and trigger memories.

    2. I plan to utilize Narration, Cause and Effect, and Description.

    3. N. Solono’s “Basket of Sunshine’

    4. Jack D. Teemer Jr. “Baltimore”.

  26. 1. Thesis: Photography is catching a moment which is passing, and which is true. It takes an instant out of time. It is true.
    2. Compare and Contrast, Division and Classification
    3. Blunt's "Ooh, Aah”, R. Cha's "Babies!"
    4. Edward Weston
    Ansel Adams, American,
    1945 and,
    View of Gleenbrook [sic] Bay, Lake Tahoe, Showing Saw Mills, Breakwater and Steamers of Carson and Tahoe Lumber and Flume Co., also Lake Terminus of Lake Tahoe, N.G.R.R.
