Monday, March 28, 2016

Spring 2016, Post 1: Introductions

Hello All, and welcome to the class blog!

For this first entry, just introduce yourself (your major, interests, and anything you want to share with the world) and ask one question about the class (after you read the syllabus, of course).  I will respond to these questions as you post them, so check back to see the answers...


  1. Good Afternoon class,

    My name is Jessica Reyes and I am a junior attending CSUB. I am a nursing major. I hope to pursue and succeed in receiving my bachelors degree of science in nursing. I understand that we have to read the power-points prior to our class meeting on Saturday. Will we be allowed to have a copy of these slides to refer back to when writing this 'Formal Argument'?

    1. Hi Jessica! Yes, you may use any and all notes this Saturday.

  2. My name is Morgan Phillips, I am a Senior at CSUB. I am a Liberal Studies major, the non-credential track. I enjoy golfing, reading, and spending time with my family. I have been married for 7 years now, and am pregnant with my second child. I am due the first week of May, so this quarter will be incredibly hectic for me! My question is, on Saturday, do we need to bring any special materials with us?

    1. Congratulations on your second child, Morgan! You won't need to bring any special materials with you this Saturday, but you may bring whatever materials you would like (such as notes or Quick Access).

  3. My name is Juana Camacho, I am currently a Junior at CSUB. I am a nursing major. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I also love going to the gym when I have a chance. My question is, will we have a limited time to write our formal essay?

    1. Hi Juana! Yes, you'll have about two hours to write your essay this Saturday.

  4. Hi everyone, my name is Houa Lee. I am currently in the nursing program as a first year nursing student. On my free time, I love to bake, travel, and try new things such as kayaking and water rafting. My question is, I understand we have blogs we need to post related to our readings, however will we be able to read ahead and post the blogs ahead of time before the due dates?

    1. Hi Houa! I won't have all the blogs available at the same time, but I will generally give you at least two or three days advance warning before a blog post is due.

  5. Hello! My name is Greg C. Bolanos and my major is Theatre. I'm an aspiring writer/film director and thus far I have directed 10 short films (of varying quality), so needless to say writing/directing are passions of mine. I am also one of the leading forces for the Film Club on the CSUB campus. As for my question: Is completing MyWritingLabPlus assignments a requirement for this course?

    1. Hi Greg! No, MyWritingLabPlus is an option that is completely at your discretion. I am not requiring it at all.

  6. Hello all, my name is Jennifer Penuelas i am a liberal studies major. I hope to become a special educations teacher once I graduate. On my free time I like to travel, work out, and film youtube videos. My question is, if we are unable to make the office hours could we schedule an appointment?

    1. Hi Jennifer! Yes, you may schedule office hours with me outside of my normal office hours. Just give me a day's advance notice so I can make arrangements.

  7. Hello, my name is Sequoyah. I am a nursing student. I will be graduating this year and going into Emergency Department Nursing. I enjoy exercising and spending time with family. My question is ,though this has never been a problem in the past, what is the accepted percentage match for

    1. Hi Sequoyah! There is no number for the accepted percentage match. You just want to make sure that any language that isn't yours is quoted. Do that, and you'll be in good shape as far as's plagiarism check is concerned.

  8. Good morning,
    My name is Vanessa Romero and I am an Accounting major. I will be graduating this year and I am excited about all the opportunities that should be coming my way. I enjoy going to music festivals and traveling. This summer I will be going on a 2 week Disney Cruise that will be stopping in Columbia. My question is, are we able to bring a dictionary to this Saturday's meeting?

    1. Hi Vanessa! Yes, you may bring a dictionary to use this Saturday.

  9. Hello everyone! My name is Erica Mullins and I am a graduate student in the Biology Department. I am currently in the final quarter of my MS degree. Because I came from another school for my undergraduate degree, I need to fulfill the GWAR requirement for our campus. I accidentally missed the last exam date (oops!), so I'm taking the course to play it safe. I have six children with my youngest being only six months old. I'm also employed as a TA in the Biology Dept. and am teaching two upper division lab sections this quarter, in addition to taking classes as a student. In other words, outside interests aren't something I get to enjoy right now. I'm literally counting down the days until I can!

    My question is this: how do you prefer that we address you?

    1. Hi Erica! I have no preference as to my address. Some students call me Professor, some call me Mr. Woodman, and some just call me Woodman. The bold call me Matt.

  10. My name is Maria Morales, and I am currently a junior here at CSUB. I am a liberal studies major. I enjoy cooking and spending time with my family. I also like playing sports and maintain myself physically active. My question is: Do we have to take a Blue Book on Saturday?

    1. Hi Maria! No, you will not need a Blue Book this Saturday.

  11. Hi everyone! My name is Yanira Torres and I am currently a senior psychology major. This is my last quarter as an undergraduate at CSUB and I am literally counting down the days to commencement! I am a Behavior Therapist and I have a passion for helping others. I plan to pursue my MS in Counseling Psychology and becoming a Marriage and Family Therapist. I am a very crafty creative person and enjoy taking on diy projects of all types, but unfortunately I have not had any spare time lately to take on any new projects. I also enjoy spending time with my family and love baking. My question about the class is: what do your students' average grade turn out by the end of the quarter? (I ask out of curiosity because I am taking 20 units this quarter and I am pretty nervous).

    1. Hi Yanira! My students generally do well. If a student does the reading, completes the blog assignments, submits the rough drafts, does the peer mark assignments, and submits the final drafts, generally that student has earned an A. The students who think, "oh, these blogs are a waste of time" and "I'm just going to rush through this peer mark assignment and do the bare minimum" generally earn a grade that reflects the bare minimum. Does that help? In other words, many students earn As in my classes, but some students choose to earn Cs (or worse). Don't be nervous. Just be responsible, and you'll be fine.

    2. Thank you! This really puts my nerves at ease.

    3. Thank you! This really puts my nerves at ease.

  12. Hello my name is Susana Tamayo, but go by Susy. I am a senior and plan to graduate this spring with a degree in Business with a concentration in Management. I plan to do my masters in Public Administration in the Fall 2016. I enjoy watching Netflix in my spare time. I know we have to turn in a rough draft for the 3 essays, but if we are still having problem with the paper can we go to your office hours for extra help?

    1. Hi Susy! You'll only need a rough draft for two essays, but you are more then welcome to come by my office hours to get my feedback! Plus, you can see the paintings by Rufino Tamayo, your long-lost relative!

  13. Hello my name is Emilee Parks, and I am a senior planning on graduating this Spring. My major is in Criminal Justice and my minor is in Sociology. I enjoy playing basketball, hanging out with friends, and spending time with my family. My question is what materials will we need to bring this Saturday?

    1. Hi Emilee! There are no materials you "need" to bring this Saturday. IF you'd like to bring notes or a dictionary, you may bring them, but there are no materials that you are required to bring.

  14. Hello,
    My name is Vanessa Agbalog and I am a junior here at CSUB. I am a nursing major; however, I am debating on double majoring with CAFS. I enjoy working out and being around my friends and family. My question is will you frequently update our grades on Blackboard?

    1. Hi Vanessa! No, I will not use Blackboard for grading. I will post your essays' grades on, and I am grading the blogs with C/NC, so you should know how you're doing based on those scores. You can, however, some see me during my office hours at any time, and I can tell you your grade standing.

  15. Hello there, my name is Virginia Basurto. I’m a senior at CSUB, I am doing a double major in Anthropology and pre-nursing. Some of my interest includes painting, learning new languages/new things and helping others. I am currently teaching my 6 year old daughter ASL, Spanish and English. English is actually my second language and I have always had some difficulties in excelling in it, but I am hoping to improve my writing skill with this class. My question is: Will there be a lecture after the writing assignment on Saturday or will we be free to go after we complete our writing assignment?

    1. Hi Virginia! You'll be free to go once you finish the writing assignment. I'll talk for a bit before the exam to answer any remaining questions.

  16. Hi! My name is Julian Cezar and I'm a senior/super senior at CSUB (5th year). I'm a Business major concentrating in Marketing and I also minor in Art. My interests include drawing, eating, sleeping, kpop/kdramas, and my family. I like to enjoy the little things and try new things before having an opinion on it. My question is, Is this argument essay going to have two topics to choone from? Because I took the GWAR writing test and didn't pass and that is why I'd rather take the class than spend more gas money/lunch money. Just kidding.

    1. Hi Julian! Yes, you'll have the option of two different topics/prompts.

  17. Dalton ThornsberryApril 1, 2016 at 5:21 PM

    Hi all! My name is Dalton Thornsberry. I'm beginning my final quarter here at CSUB and will be graduating under Petroleum Engineering in June. I enjoy water sports and really just hanging out in the pool or at the lake/beach as much as possible. I enjoy hanging out with family and tend to go on a lot of mini vacations with them or friends. I actually just returned late last night from the southern islands of Thailand where I stretched my spring break a bit, so apologies for the delay in response! My relates to the formal argument. With the two different topics, are they directly related to the readings required for the week or do notes seem somewhat obsolete?

    1. Hi Dalton! The topics will not relate to photography, so you'll have a bit of a break from that topic. There's no need for those kind of notes, but if you want to bring notes about writing, such as how to structure an essay, feel free to bring those.

  18. Hello, my name is Rebecca Ilodibia. I am an international student from Nigeria. My first degree was in Law, and am currently pursuing an MBA program at CSUB. I enrolled in Eng. 305 to satisfy the GWAR requirement. I love spending time with family and am interested in African hair weaving as an art.
    My question is what percentage of similarity index in turnitin determines a case of plagiarism?

    1. Hi Rebecca! The percentage of similarity isn't a true measure of plagiarism; it only indicates the level of match, not whether a student has cited and quoted correctly. For example, a student might have 1% match and plagaiarize while another student might have 25% match and not plagiarize. can't always measure correctness; it just catches word matches. This is why it's important for the instructor (and the student) to review the actual report, not just look at the percentage of similarity.

  19. Hello! My name is Nadia Mohammadi. I'm a senior this year and expected to graduate this coming up June with a Business and Marketing degree. I hope to find a career after this involving entertainment marketing. I enjoy doing kickboxing, traveling, and I really like playing with dogs. My question would be: Are we going to be posting/commenting on this blog a lot throughout the quarter?

    1. Hi Nadia! It depends on what you mean by "a lot." You'll end up with about 12-15 blog posts. Is that a lot?

  20. Hi! My name is Marlene. I am a Nursing Major and am in my second year of the program, so one year left after this quarter to graduate. I love math and science but struggle so much with writing and English courses. I have only lived in Bakersfield for a year and a half and only moved here for the nursing program. I was born and raised in the Bay Area, more specifically, the east side. I did my first two years of college at Chico State, which although being known as a party school, I did not party at all. It is a great town, but is so opposite from Bakersfield, making my transition to Bakersfield much more difficult. The most important thing to me is family, and although I do not have a any children, I have a niece who I love as if she were mine. I absolutely LOVE making people laugh. I am terrified of this course because as mentioned earlier, I struggle with writing. I realized most people asked questions related to this course so I will ask something different. My question for you is, What made you want to teach English and what do you like most about it?

    1. Hi Marlene! There's no need to be terrified of this class! There are much scarier things in life ... such as taxes. In terms of my own biography, I was always a quick reader (even when I was a small child), so reading became natural. However, there aren't many jobs that say "Reader Wanted." The two closest options would be editor or teacher. I've tried being an editor, but it's no fun. I much prefer teaching because I LOVE making people laugh, too (even though I couldn't get any of you to laugh today during the in-class essay). What do I like most about teaching? I like when students surprise me with their writing. My students are awesome, and I enjoy helping them write in a way where they can show that.

  21. Hi every one, my name is Emily Worley. I was born in San Luis Obispo but raised here in Bakersfield. I am an only child and the first one out of my family to attend college. This is my fourth year of college and my second year in the Nursing Program. I will be done with school next year. Im very easy to get along with and I find it easy to talk to new people, unless Im giving a presentation in front of class (then I'm nervous). But I'm a people person and a dog lover. I have two little girls who's names are Izzi (3yrs) and Sandi (who is still a puppy). I love my dogs like they are my children. For fun I like to do just about anything. I love playing sports such as softball, basketball, frisbee golf, and tennis. I love exploring and hiking in the mountains. Im terrified of bees, wasps, snakes, tornados, and tsunamis. My favorite type of day is a nice cool day where i can relax with family under a shade tree on a comfortable chair, drink refreshing iced tea, eating snacks, listen to the birds and wind chimes.

  22. Hello, my name is Alexandrea Gomez but everyone usually calls me Alex. I am a senior in the Nursing Program. I plan to work in as a Registered Nurse in a Labor and Delivery Unit, although I haven't decided which hospital to work at yet. I have one son, who is 3 years old. I enjoy spending my free time with him, doing outdoor activities. I am currently coaching his T-ball team. I enjoy all sports and exercise in general, although I find that I hardly have time to exercise. My question is, what is the best resource for me to use if I am having trouble in this class?

    1. Hi Alex! The best resource would be the office hours. Just stop on by.
