Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Post #9: Introductions

As we briefly discussed during our Saturday orientation, effective introductions are comprised of three basic parts: hook, context, thesis.

1.  The hook (also known as the lead, the attention-grabber, and the opening) is designed to catch the reader's attention and get him/her thinking about your essay's topic.  These hooks should be original (avoid cliches!), relevant (stay on topic!), and interesting (don't be boring!) and can may take the form of a question, direct quote, definition, anecdote, description, fact/statistic, or example.

2.  The second part of the introduction is when the writer establishes background and context.  In other words, this is when the writer should introduce and explain the broad topic as well as any specific information needed in order to understand the writer's argument.

3.  The thesis is the concise distillation of that argument.  This is where the author makes his or her claim about the topic at hand and implies (if not explicitly stating) the reasons for that claim.

How long should an introduction be?  That depends on the length of the overall essay.  For a book-length work, the introduction might be a full chapter.  For a short response, the introduction might be one long sentence.

For your essay, which needs to be at least four full pages of analysis, you should probably aim for an introduction somewhere between 1/2 page and one full page (typed, double-spaced).

For this post, answer the following questions:

1.  What form of a hook will you choose?  Will you ask a question?  Open with a quote?  Another option?

2.  What ideas will you establish in the section for background/context? (For this blog, you can just list these ideas).

3.  What is your thesis?  (Write the thesis statement).


  1. 1. I will open up my introduction paragraph with a statement/fact hook. Explain how photographs have evolved and developed.
    2. For the background and context I will use information and quotes from Sontag or possibly from studies down on art throughout the years.
    3.A photograph is much more than ink on a sheet of paper, a photograph contains an endless exposure to the outside of our norm world.

    1. Jessica, I like these ideas. Just rephrase the "outside of our norm world" to something like "to worlds beyond ourselves." Also, you've got a comma splice, so change the comma after "paper" to a semicolon.

  2. 1. I will be informative possibly by informing my reader of statics of how many photos are uploaded on social media or a fun fact.
    • how the process of taking a photo works
    • history of photography
    • backing my information with Sontag
    3. One simple photograph can change the world in many ways; it’s one of the best educational tools there is.
    Thesis still in progress*

    1. Virginia, either change or delete the generic phrase "in many ways," and delete the "there is" at the end. Otherwise, this looks good.

  3. 1. Hook: I will use a quote
    • I will discuss how photography has evolved in this era of social media
    • The role photography plays in social commerce content building.
    • How brands are rethinking the use of photography in social sites.

    3.Thesis Statement: More consumers are connecting to the web through different social media platforms, which means a heavier reliance on eye-catching visuals, brands are leveraging on this to attract, engage, and satisfy users who are on-the-go in order to achieve their organization’s goals.

    1. Rebecca, nice work. You might incorporate the phrase "short attention spans" since it seems like this is what you are implying with your phrase "on the go."

      You also have a comma splice, so change the comma after "visuals" to a semicolon.

  4. 1. My hook will be an opening quote from Sontag to establish the tone of my essay.

    2. For the background portion of my introduction, I will introduce my selected student photograph and Behold exhibit, then use both to lead up to my thesis statement.

    3. My thesis statement: With regard to photography, anonymity is an illusion that can be shattered with the click of a shutter.

    1. Erica, I like your focus on anonymity, but your opening prepositional phrase is a bit awkward. How's this instead: "Anonymity in the context of photography is an illusion that can be shattered with a shutter's click."

    2. Thank you! I like your version much better than mine!

  5. 1. For my hook i will use a quote relating to photography from Sontag.

    2. For the my introduction i will give background information about photography and then leading it to social media and how its used.

    3. Thesis: In progress

  6. 1) For my hook I will use an anecdote
    2) I will establish the ideas of a photograph as a tool, a form of story telling, and a form of reflecting emotion.
    3) Photographs project an identity, a life that has been lived and experiences shared, and it is unique to the photographer and their subject.

    1. Sequoyah, I like your idea of projecting an identity (for both photographer and subject). You might also tie this to the fact that we (as viewers) connect to those photographs that share our own "projected" identities.

  7. 1. Hook: quote
    2. My introduction will contain background information of how a photograph is presented.
    3. Photographs provide us with different emotions as it allows us to take a glimpse at a significant time period.

    1. Houa, make your thesis more specific. What do you mean by "different emotions"? What makes a time period "significant"? Why do we need these "gliimpses"?

  8. 1. I will use a question for my hook to bring the readers in. The question will be something like: Have you ever been to a sporting event? Was there a picture of this sport that motivated or sold you on getting tickets?
    2. What sports pictures are used for, how they are taken, what they do for the teams, when taking action shots first started
    3. Over the years, pictures that are used for sports teams have helped advertise games and events because these photographs inspire fans to watch a game they enjoy live and to see their favorite athletes in a closer view than the television or a picture.

    1. Nadia, refine your thesis a bit to make it more concise and condensed: "Sports teams have used photographs to advertise and inspire fans." If this is your focus, you'll want to explore how sports photography does this, and you'll want your thesis to provide some of this explanatory information.

  9. 1. For my hook i will ask a question.
    2. i will define photography and give a brief history of photography
    3. Photographs have different interpretations and can be used in many way.

    1. Maria, your thesis is too broad and generic. Be more specific as to your context and the point you want to make.

  10. Hook: quote - “Photography has always been fascinated by social heights and lower depths” (55).

    1. Value of personal photographs
    2. Value of artistic photographs
    3. Value of photojournalist photographs
    4. Value of the social media ‘selfie’

    Thesis statement: All photographers seek to form a connection through the image they create.

    1. Morgan, work on your thesis a bit. This is too general and broad. How do they form this connection? What kind of connection are they forming? Why are they seeking a connection?

  11. 1) I shall begin with a quote!
    2) The use of photography by the advertising industry
    3) Faulty advertising takes a toll on those that put even a small amount of faith in the industry, primarily to the detriment of their mental well-being.

    1. Greg, what do you mean by "faulty" in the sentence? Do you mean this in an ethical sense? A truth-fallacy sense? Or in the sense of efficacy (i.e., no one is buying the product being advertised)? And to whose well-being are you referring? The photographer's? The consumer's? The audience's?

  12. 1) I will open with the definition of photography.
    The definition of photography provided by the dictionary states that photography is "the art or practice of taking and processing photographs." But can photography truly be considered an art anymore?

    2) I will talk about the role photography and social media has changed the meaning of art.

    3) Photography devolved to the point where it is no longer an art form but simply a tool used to gain attention or meaningless pleasure in our daily lives.

    1. Brenda, clarify your thesis a bit to specify the cause of the devolution.

  13. Dalton ThornsberryApril 24, 2016 at 6:46 PM

    1) I will choose to open with a question.

    2) The ideas I will encompass in the introduction:
    What is photography and it's background.
    Where is photography used and what purposes does it have.
    The powers of photography as an art form and as a form of self expression.

    3) Photography allows for the freedom of expression, whether it be for the purpose of general art, to send a message, or simply as a release of emotion and thought acting as a means for people to seek out their inner selves.

    1. Dalton, who are the "people" in the final clause? Are these the photographers? Or the audience/viewers?

  14. 1. quote
    2. briefly talk about photograph
    3. A photo has different ways to express the meaning behind it to show others what is trying to be interpreted.

    1. Susy, to make this thesis more effective, specify what you mean by "different ways" and "meaning." Also, modify your thesis to emphasize that photographers are trying to express the meaning; the photograph itself isn't trying to do anything...

  15. 1. Hook: "A picture is worth a thousand words." - Unoriginal; probably go with one of Sontag's quotes or a fact/statement on photography, maybe a question.
    2. Intro: Using one of Sontag's quotes or a statement made by Sontag, and briefly explain what a photograph/photography is
    3. Thesis: Photography is taking pictures, but it involves the photographer's view utilizing a camera to record both a physical reality and an internal reality. Today’s current photograph manipulation makes it difficult to see what reality truly is.

    1. Nice work, Julian. This is a solid thesis statement.

  16. 1. I will open with a question.
    2. I would give more background information about photography and refer to social media.
    3. Photos allow viewers to reminisce and see the transformation over the years, and photos are seen differently through others but can still have a major effect on people.

  17. 1. I will open my intro with a question.
    2. I'm going to use quotes and background information about photography and then towards the end include its combination with social media.
    3. Social media is a great way to connect or reconnect with other users; and now that there is an option to upload a photograph, it gives people to be more admirable or hateful.

  18. The hook – question and statistic: Do you use instagram or snapchat? If so you are part of the next statistic: over 400 million snapchat snaps are sent per day and 200 billion photos have been shared via instagram as of 2014.  

    Background: Photos are a big part of the modern world and the above statistic proves that. Also make some general, but informative, statements about why photography is so vital to keeping our world connected and allowing photographers to express themselves, which you will later elaborate on in the body paragraphs.
    Thesis: Photography through social media allows the photographer to develop and share their personal story, perspective on life, and selfhood by keeping them connected to the world around them, eliciting emotions from the viewers, and using each photograph to display a key moment of their journey.  

  19. Sorry for being late, I thought I replied to this two days ago.

    My hook will be an explanation of the prevalence of symbols.

    My background will be further explanations on how famous photographs garner fame.

    Thesis. Photography has become a new method of capturing symbolism and making them.

  20. 1. The Hook: I will use the definition of photography: Merriam Webster defines photography as the art, process, or job of taking pictures with a camera.

    2. Background: I will present a question asking if the definition is relevant, and if photography objectify us merely as images to be identified or do photographs allow us to express new perspectives. Show some example of how photographs taken through time have been more then just art.

    3. Thesis: the true definition of photography depends on the photographer, its audience, and the era it is seen or taken in.


  21. 1. Hook: I will use an anecdote
    2. Photography history and background. Purposes of photographs. Development of photographs.
    3. Thesis: Photography is taking photos of anything, but a connection is captured with what is seen. Reflecting back in time through photographs documents the passing of time, remembrance of special events, and milestones that have occurred in our lives.
