Sunday, February 22, 2015

Post #11: How to Get Lost

The Flaneur Society's Guide to Getting Lost provides three options on how to lose oneself in San Francisco.  For this entry, provide a 10-step set of instructions to help someone "get lost" (interpret that phrase however you'd like) in Bakersfield, starting at CSUB.

The only qualifier is that you can't repeat a step someone else has already written.  Have fun!


  1. 1. Walk three blocks east.
    2. Get to the first bus stop you see and wait for the next bus.
    3. Get on the bus and ride for 25 minutes.
    4. Get off the bus and walk 2 blocks south.
    5. Go in the opposite direction of the first woman you see driving.
    6. When you get to a traffic light, walk west for five minutes.
    7. Turn left at the next intersection.
    8. Look at the cars going by, and go in the direction of the next red car you
    9. When you see a gas station, go in the opposite direction for 2 blocks
    10. Walk in the direction you think you will find a Starbucks.

  2. 1. Pick a direction and exit off of the CSUB campus.
    2. Walk one block in that direction.
    3. Turn right.
    4. Continue in that direction for 3 more blocks.
    5. At the next traffic signal, go left.
    6. Stop at the nearest store and get some refreshments.
    7. Exit the store and head in the direction that looks the best to you.
    8. Make a turn when you pass the next pedestrian.
    9. Now make another turn when you see a yellow car drive by.
    10. Continue walking until you find a peaceful place to rest.

  3. 1. Walk half a block north off the CSUB campus
    2. Turn right on the third traffic light
    3. Keep going straight for 1 mile
    4. Turn left when you see a Mc Donald’s
    5. Get off and order some food
    6. Exit the parking lot and make a U turn
    7. Drive onto the first freeway you see and keep driving
    8. Exit the freeway when you see a Starbucks café
    9. Turn left on the first traffic light
    10. Stop at a grocery store when you see a person jogging on the sidewalk.

  4. 1. Choose the exit south of CSUB Campus.
    2. Walk two blocks west on until the traffic light turns red.
    3.keep walking northsouth on the street until you see a black car.
    4. Once you see the black car continue walking for 2 minutes.
    5. Turn left.
    6.Once you turn walk left keep walking until you see a Walgreens.
    7.Buy yourself a bottle water.
    8.Continue east on the following street.
    9.Follow the first person you see next to you for 10 minutes.
    10.Walk in the opposite direction until a park is seen to enjoy the view.

  5. 1) Begin at CSUB bus stop.
    2) Get on the first bus that arrives and get off at the 9th stop.
    3) Walk until the nearest store.
    4)Buy a Gatorade.
    5)Walk two blocks east.
    6)Turn left at the nearest stop.
    7)Walk 1 block.
    8)Turn left on the nearest street.
    9)Turn right on the nearest street.
    10) Find a place to rest.

    -Laura Gudino

  6. 1. Start at the CSUB soccer fields and walk to the nearest intersection.
    2. Make a right turn and walk until you have passed a street with the letter “b” in its name.
    3. Make a left turn and continue walking until you come across a building with the word “The” in its name.
    4. Make a right turn and count 150 steps.
    5. Make another right and jog for 8 minutes.
    6. Walk until you reach the 2nd grocery store you see.
    7. Once you reach the grocery store, walk away from it in the direction of your choice.
    8. Continue walking for the next 13 minutes.
    9. After the 13 minutes are up, look for a clean sidewalk to sit on, away from traffic.
    10. Sit for 3 minutes, then walk to your right for another 2 miles.

    Isabel Mireles

  7. 1.Take the CSUB exit where the new dorms are located at.
    2.On the next stoplight make a right.
    3. Keep walking and make a left until you see the next main intersection
    4. Keep walking east until you see a bus stop with a bench and then take a 5 minute rest.
    5. Get up and continue to walk until you see a park and enter it.
    6. Once inside the park keep walking inside the park and turn back to the main street, once you see someone walking a dog.
    7. Continue straight and turn right once you see the biggest shopping center and find a Dollar Tree Store.
    8. Enter the store and buy some snacks and water to refresh yourself.
    9. Now back on the main street cross the street and get on the first bus. Stay on the bus for 2 miles.
    10. Exit on the nearest bus terminal and take the correct route to head back home

  8. 1. Start driving out of the parking lot behind the csub icardo center.
    2. On the left side you will see dirt, park in that dirt area.
    3. Get off and enter the FACT center and say hi to the cute owls.
    4. Exit and start walking to your car, drive south.
    5. At the stop light turn to your left side.
    6. Once you see Chase bank keep driving.
    7. Make a U turn at the nearest four way stop.
    8. When you see a woman in a blue shirt, pull over and buy whatever it is she is selling.
    9. After keep driving north.
    10. Once you have reached a yellow castle, you have arrived at your dinner party!

    -Maria Zamarripa

  9. 1.Head east from Csub.
    2.Pass two street lights and make a right.
    3.Travel down the street until you hit gosfford
    4.Turn left when you see wingstop and order a six piece combo
    5.When finish walk off the wings and head where the sun is shinning
    6.After your face is burning find a shady area and rest.
    7.then when you see a stray dog walk with it and have a conversation
    8.Enjoy the rest of the day with your new friend
    -Faviola Gurrola

  10. 1.Start at the Icardo Center and head north.
    2.Make a right at the end of the path.
    3.Go around the white building.
    4.Enter the white building and use the restroom.
    5.Go upstairs and take the elevator downstairs.
    6.Walk east half a mile and then west one mile.
    7.Look for a white building.
    8.Take a picture of the white building and then look at it.
    9.Head south until you can not walk south anymore.
    10.Now be careful with the oncoming traffic.

  11. 1) Start at the Walter stern library.
    2) Go down on the staircases that leads to the koi pond.
    3) Keep walking until you reach the light intersection.
    4) Turn right at the weird looking tree.
    5) Keep walking until you find a fluffy black dog, and take him with you.
    6) Let the puppy guide you for 10 minutes.
    7) After the 10 minutes find the blue hydrant and walk to the phone post.
    8) Now from the phone post walk to the house diagonal from it.
    9) Walk 5 houses to the left.
    10) You have reached the owners house, now decide to leave him there, or take him.
    Jasmin Vega

  12. 1. Exit CSUB through any direction.
    2. Greet everyone you come in contact with.
    3. Walk until you see anyone use a crosswalk and head towards that direction.
    4. Make a right after you pass four stop signs or four traffic lights.
    5. If you see a pink car turn left and continue walking if possible.
    6. Walk 5 blocks in any direction of your choosing
    7. By anything from a street vender if possible.
    8. Walk to the nearest bus stop and get on.
    9. Get off the bus after the bus has stopped 5 times.
    10. Get on another bus and exit at the buses last stop for the day.

  13. 1. Walk two blocks south off the CSUB campus.
    2. Continue walking for two more blocks
    3. Turn left on the stop sign
    4. Keep walking for two miles
    5. Continue walking until you find a red car
    6. Get in to the red car
    7. Drive the red car for three miles
    8. Stop in the first restaurant
    9. Order food for two
    10. Eat the food and relax

    Diana C Montoya

  14. 1. Use first exit you see to leave CSUB.
    2. Turn right and continue for 6 min.
    3. Turn left at second traffic light.
    4. Continue and turn right after 5 traffic lights.
    5. Find a red car and follow it until you see a bird.
    6. Turn towards the direction the bird is flying.
    7. Turn left at the next traffic light.
    8. Make a left when you see a blue car.
    9. Continue for 14 minutes.
    10. Pull over and relax.

  15. 1. Exit CSUB campus off the one-way exit on Stockdale.
    2. Drive down nine traffic lights and turn right.
    3. At the first traffic light turn right.
    4. Merge into lane and take the first exit.
    5. Stay on farthest left lane at stop and turn.
    6. Continue straight and turn left in to Barnes and Noble purchase a book.
    7. Walk across to Pollo Loco and buy a meal.
    8. Exit the lot and turn right.
    9. Continue straight for a couple blocks.
    10. Find a park to read and eat.

  16. Michael C. HernandezFebruary 24, 2015 at 9:27 PM

    1. Begin in the middle of the CSUB campus
    2. Head south until you reach the end of campus
    3. Walk the direction of the first car you see heading East or West
    4. Continue to walk until you reach the second traffic light and choose a different direction of your choice
    5. Once you reach another walking pedestrian, greet them, then turn around
    6. The next place that has something clean to drink, stop and do so
    7. Walk for five minutes to the direction of your choice
    8. Stop and say hello to 3 strangers
    9. Walk to the nearest place to purchase food
    10. With your food, relax on the nearest patch of grass to eat

  17. 1. Leave CSUB campus from the exit closest to you.
    2. Continue on the same street until you hit a dead-end
    3. Turn back around and take a left at the third light.
    4. Keep going on this street until you see a Mexican restaurant and then stop and eat.
    5. After a quick nap continue on the street for two more blocks and then take a right.
    6. Park your car at the closest three story building and get off.
    7. Walk south until you reach the closest frozen yogurt shop.
    8. Walk inside and grab some yogurt.
    9. Stand by the Street and wave for a ride.
    10. Go wherever the driver is heading.

  18. 1. Leave CSUB campus from the exit closest to you.
    2. Continue on the same street until you hit a dead-end
    3. Turn back around and take a left at the third light.
    4. Keep going on this street until you see a Mexican restaurant and then stop and eat.
    5. After a quick nap continue on the street for two more blocks and then take a right.
    6. Park your car at the closest three story building and get off.
    7. Walk south until you reach the closest frozen yogurt shop.
    8. Walk inside and grab some yogurt.
    9. Stand by the Street and wave for a ride.
    10. Go wherever the driver is heading.

  19. 1. Walk down to parking lot J.
    2. Find your car and drive to the nearest exit.
    3. Turn left and follow a police caf.
    4. After 10 minutes of following the cop, turn the opposite direction of where the cop is heading towards.
    5. Pass 3 traffic lights.
    6. Keep going straight after the third traffic light.
    7. On the fifth traffic light make a U-Turn and follow the first fluffy dog you see.
    8. Follow the dog until it is reunited with its owner.
    9. Drive down the nearest Main St. and make a right.
    10. Keep on right until finding the nearest park. Stop and watch the sun set.
    -Andreina Rendon

  20. 1. first drive straight.
    2. turn right.
    3. then, turn left.
    4. at the third intersection, buy a pizza at the corner to your left.
    5. after that make a u turn.
    6. then turn right at every traffic light you see.
    7. when you finally see the casino, gamble a little then turn left.
    8. stop in the first gas station you see, passing the car wash and fill up you tank.
    9. turn left again.
    10. finally turn right at every stop you have and you'll end up in the right place.

    Ruby Montes

  21. David Maciel GonzalezFebruary 24, 2015 at 11:16 PM

    1. Find the CSUB flagpole
    2. Look around your surroundings and find the Bus Stop
    3. Wait for Bus Route 21 and take it
    3.Get off at the first stop.
    4. Walk East until you see a burger joint with a flashy sign that's in yellow and red
    5. Go in and order two number 1's with coke
    6. Detour yourself back to the Bus Stop where you got dropped off
    7. Take Bus Route 21 back to CSUB
    8. Upon arrival, start walking towards the cafeteria
    9. Invite a friend and give them directions to your location
    10. Hopefully your friend won't get lost because you'll sure get lost eating the delicious meal

  22. 1. Drive out to Stockdale & Gosford
    2. Make a left
    3. Keep driving until you pass the old man sleeping under the bench
    4. Make a quick right
    5. Park your car & walk to the nearest bus stop
    6. Don't get off the bus until you reach the 5th stop
    7. Follow the person with the red hat
    8. Turn left & walk 6 blocks
    9. Stop at the place to your right
    10. walk in side & introduce yourself, you just made a new friend!

  23. 1. Get into your car in which you parked at CSUB.
    2. Exit onto Gosford in any direction.
    3. Head east on either Ming or Stockdale.
    4. Stop and put gas along the way.
    5. Pick up some food if you’re hungry.
    6. Continue heading east for a few more miles.
    7. Exit onto the 99 Freeway, north or south.
    8. Keep going until you leave Bakersfield.
    9. Keep driving until the area becomes unfamiliar.
    10. Disable any GPS devices, keep going.and enjoy the ride.

    - Stefano Subia

  24. 1. Grab a friend and get in your car parked in Lot G.
    2. Drive towards Ming Ave's Hwy 99 South exit.
    3. Have your friend put on your favorite songs. Sing along.
    4. Upon reaching the bottom of the mountain and into the Santa Clarita area, stop for gas.
    5. Continue to drive and exit at the next desirable destination. (Beach, Hollywood, Zoo, Museum, ect)
    6. Arrive at desired destination.
    7. Buy whatever your heart desires.
    8. Let your mind wander and explore your environment.
    9. Refill on gas and come home.
    10. Reminisce on your experience.

    Emily Chim
