Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Post #12: How to Find Yourself

Now that you've transcribed directions to lose yourself, it's time to get found . . .

Read "Four Ways to Find Yourself," and post one original method you use to find yourself when you get lost.


  1. One method I tend to use when I find myself lost would be taking into account to learn to appreciate the little things in life. Some days I wake up thinking today won't be a great day because of what happen to me the previous day. But then I think to myself why think that way if the day before was yesterday and the day after will be tomorrow. Every day is a fresh start and good and bad things could happen throughout the day. No matter what happens I ask myself that every day is a fresh start of the remainder of my life. On occasions I have gone to work feeling tired and stressed because all the work and homework that needs to be done after I get home. But rather than thinking and making myself over stress, a simple compliment from my first graders changes my mood. Negatives things happen in life but I manage to turn them into positive things with just a smile glancing back at me. Knowing that over thinking things negatively will not get you anywhere and a year from today won't matter because it will be history

  2. I feel that there are a lot of methods that work differently for each person. I tend to be stressed out most of the time because of school, work, plus a toddler. Its just hard sometimes to find time for yourself alone as the article states. Before I could just leave with friends and forget about everything, but now I cant for I have responsibilities. What I do now to help me find myself is stay up at night and read something I would enjoy. Reading or listening to music while everyone is asleep calms me down and takes my mind to a stable feeling of no worries. They both take the stress away at least for a while and that time I have to realize life is not always fair and I cant just go through life like this but I should do the best and enjoy it.

  3. David Maciel GonzalezFebruary 25, 2015 at 2:33 AM

    With all the heavy loads of responsibility, there's that necessity to get lost in the moment. I find myself lost and I can be consciously aware of being lost. I expect to get beat down in life, to be wrong, and to be unsuccessful which fuels me to better self-develop myself. I'm not perfect, but practice makes perfect. Responsibility brings reality in accordance to achieve goals one intends to accomplish. I will ask myself questions like, at what level do I see myself? I will respond with, well execute action and fail until you achieve success. Along the lines of having responsibilities, I encounter scenarios that I can deeply get lost in. I am a guilty offender of getting lost in love, food, entertainment, and mechanical vehicles. So how do I find myself when I'm lost? One method that can be elaborated would be the amount of time spent being lost in the moment and how I find myself by measuring time. With all the responsibilities, finding myself out of being lost directs me to my mental timer that is like an hour-glass timer that tells me how soon I will find myself into reality.

  4. One method that I can find myself and my identity is to pray every morning before I get out of bed so that I am reminded of whom I am and who I want to become. In many cases, individuals are always seeking to become someone unique in society and forget who they truly are. Patience is the key to success and to new experiences. Many times it’s not how fast you can do the task, but the quality in how you do it. For example, many people rush through their lives and education to become someone they do not know, but when an individual is patient and take her or his time exploring then they knows their identity. At times when I am lost, I do not panic, but instead I pause and look up at the sky and say, "It's a bad day not a bad life". Individuals need to be reminded each and every day who they are because if not they would be lost forever.

  5. Getting lost can be easy to do when traveling and finding your way is even harder when traveling, but the most difficult one would be trying to find yourself while struggling with yourself and the outside world. What I would do if I was lost… well that is a bit difficult because now most of us have GPS on our phones. That should make moving around unknown areas with no trouble at all. I used to not like to have conversations with other people, so I wondered around until I found my way. Though things have changed. There are many ways for one to find themselves when lost and what I did to find myself usually requires me to be alone were I can take my time and consider all the options available and choose the best one. During this time I ask myself questions and try to solve the problem that has troubled me and if I cannot after a few days, I would talk to close friends to get a different perspective and after that, I’m usually not lost anymore.

  6. “It’s when you start to become truly content with who you are as a person that you will discover things about yourself that you never knew before.”

    When I get lost I am able to find myself once again by spending time reflecting on my own life. I primarily think about the situation at hand and how I can learn from it. I try to approach life’s challenges by reminding myself that I am an overcomer. Self reflection has helped me to focus on the goals I have for myself, which in turn enhances my motivation to accomplish those goals. This method works best for me because it allows me to spend time on myself, by myself so that I can make decisions based on my own wants and needs. When I am alone, I am able to tune into what makes me happy. I love how much this method has changed me, because it has taught me to be a more focused, positive, and ambitious person.

    Isabel Mireles

  7. I loved this article! With the stuff I have been going through, this article is really eye opening. My preffered method would be "Learn to appreciate the little things". Like that portion of the article stated, it is very easy to feel negative types of emotions and almost feel like you're drowning, but it's at those times that it is important to keep going. Appreciating not only what we have, but who we have can bring us back to reality and make us realize that things are not so bad as they may seem. I actually had one of those "I feel lost" moments today and I was able to turn it around. I met a client at work today and we had a small discussion of the hardships she is currently facing. She told me about how difficult things were going for her, but she remained optimistic of the things to come. Seeing her appreciate and value the little things made me want to do exactly the same. I believe that if you think negatively, you will attract negative outcomes and the cycle will continue. My favorite statement in this particular section was, "No matter how lost, sad, or miserable you may be feeling, there is always something to be grateful for" and I agree with that all the way.

  8. When I find myself feeling lost, I try to focus on positive things that have occurred in my life in order to better appreciate them. I also recall negative moments, not because I want to feel more lost but because it works as a guide. Acknowledging the negative moments in my life help me understand which is the incorrect direction that I want to take in my life. I also like to have time to myself in order to reflect on the person I am becoming. Responsibilities, such as school and work, do not allow me to have all the time to myself that I would like, so I take advantage of the rides home. I also listen to music as a means to block the world and focus on myself. Connecting to one's inner self can help in understanding who one is.

    1. incorrect direction that I don't*

  9. One method I tend to use when I find myself lost is to look at all the positive things that I have in front of me. I think in things that I have in front of me and appreciate what I have in the moment because maybe tomorrow tomorrow I will not have it. When I think positive my day is better and away from the negative things. I don't like to share my problems with others, it usual to take time and think of some solutions to my problem without close doors.

    Diana C Montoya

  10. A method I use when I need to find myself is solidarity. Being on my own gives me the focus I need to get past a rough patch in life. When things get really bad, I like to drive to the ocean and walk along the beach; it gives me peace of mind and clarity. When I am alone, it is easier for me to connect with myself and reflect on the decisions I have made. By focusing on myself, all other stresses escape me. For a little while I can relax without the weight of responsibilities on my shoulders.

  11. There are days when the pressures from school, the stress of work, and family problems seem too overwhelming. I have had days when these pressures have been too much for me to handle. In the last few months three of my friends were diagnosed with cancer, and knowing that there is nothing I can do to help them is difficult to accept. This is one of my “lost” moments. Meditation and prayer is one way in which I have been able to handle the difficulty of seeing my friends go through their illness. When I meditate I like to go to a quiet place. One of my favorite places to go meditate is a small chapel at my church. The quietness and peacefulness I find there, helps me find my way back to be a source of support for my friends.

  12. It depends what a person is lost from because it will determine how they will be found. I have been lost in what career path I am destine to take. I always thought I would work in the medical field and become a nurse. I was unaware of the sacrifices I would have to take in order to become a nurse. One method I use to not feel lost or stressed out is being able to talk to others, especially my family. I tell them my ideas of what career path I would enjoy or the volunteering I will do in order to know if that is really something I would want to do. I don’t feel as lost when I have my families reassurance as well as when I have a plan of what I’m going to do. I feel better once I think things through. Many people have different ways to cope with being lost. It just depends on the person what works for them as well as what their lost from.

  13. It is easy to get frustrated or feel down when there are constantly things that need to get done and never enough time. Between going to work during the day, and then school at night, time goes by quickly. When I catch myself begin to get discouraged and feel down, I have to slow my mind down. In the moments that are the most frustrating I remember what my goals are and why I am doing what I do. My desire to earn my degree and be able to support my future family and myself is the reason I am working and going to school. Although a day may be tough I always remember what my goal is. Another way I have found to relax is go to the gym and listen to music while working out. While exercising I get rid of the extra energy and anxiety that builds up throughout the day. It also helps me to feel like I have accomplished something and helps me to refocus and be energized for what is next.

  14. It is easy to get frustrated or feel down when there are constantly things that need to get done and never enough time. Between going to work during the day, and then school at night, time goes by quickly. When I catch myself begin to get discouraged and feel down, I have to slow my mind down. In the moments that are the most frustrating I remember what my goals are and why I am doing what I do. My desire to earn my degree and be able to support my future family and myself is the reason I am working and going to school. Although a day may be tough I always remember what my goal is. Another way I have found to relax is go to the gym and listen to music while working out. While exercising I get rid of the extra energy and anxiety that builds up throughout the day. It also helps me to feel like I have accomplished something and helps me to refocus and be energized for what is next.

  15. The moment I entered college I became consistently “lost.” As a stepdaughter, who has been raised by my stepfather, there was always an indifference of how I was treated opposed to my half- brothers. I did not receive support on a financial and emotional basis. On the contrary, my brothers received full support from my parents. As family problems seemed to not get better due to working full-time in order to pay for tuition, I felt constantly “lost.” My stepfather had patriarchal values, were the female is devalued to be competent for success. The consistency of the struggles of being lost was a hard fight to win. There were moments where I did not have enough money for tuition and I was forced to skip a quarter here and there in the trimester system. A communication breakdown existed in the family and it made me feel angry and alone. There were moments that I felt completely lost and I had to find ways to find spirit to continue on. My sister was my person. She was the person I could confine in to let out all my frustrations. She was very supportive and encouraging. My sister and I held this unbreakable bond and told each other that we would always have each other’s shoulder to cry on when moments in life became complicated. One thing I had in mind was “do the one thing you always wanted to do.” I had a goal in my mind and that was to graduate. The eager ambition I had to not give up gave me strength to free myself. I freed myself from bad relationships that I encountered along the way. I freed myself from making up excuses of how unprivileged I felt and I began to do something about it. In order to open myself to better communication with my parents, I had to learn how to love myself. Once I felt connected to myself, I was able to feel positive. With a new positive outlook, there were new positive opportunities in life.

  16. In the moments where I feel lost I usually do focus on the positive things and the places and things I am sure of. When I first started school I was completely lost, I had no idea what it is I wanted to do for the rest of my life. As years rolled by and I had dragged out my general class for too long I had lot of pressure to choose a major and minor. I started to look around and look at the certain occupations that seemed like something I'd like to do after college. I've always known that making tons of money wasn't a future goal of mine, and I have always wanted to help those who needed it most. So of course I chose Sociology and I ended up loving my major. The times where I do feel lost its best to look around and get out of your comfort zone. When I'm lost I also tend to pray a lot more, but recently I have experienced a loss that has made it extremely hard to do. Although there are a variety of things I do when I feel lost, like talk to a close friend or family, listen to music, go somewhere new, spend time with family, do something fun, I guess the biggest the thing I do most when feeling lost is pray, even when it is the hardest to do, I make sure to do it.

    -Maria Zamarripa

  17. The moment i get lost is when i focus too much on myself. When i meditate on my baggage i become stressed. One method i use it worship and prayer. When i can get myself not to focus so much on my stress and focus on positive things, then i am choosing to have a good day. The reality is that we can choose our thoughts and not meditate on those that bring us down.

  18. When i become lost, i just like to be alone and think to myself. I do not want anyone near me when I am lost. I like to play relaxing music and try to focus on something else. I just really do not want anyone around me, just me and my thoughts. I might paint or start doing some crafts to ease that feeling of being lost. I got myself into a lost state of mind, so I should find my way out. That is probably the only way I find myself when I am lost.
    Jasmin Vega

  19. There are several ways to find myself whenever I feel lost. For example, listening to music, talking to my mother, driving away, being alone, and taking baths. I tend to lose myself when I begin to think about my future. I question and doubt my ability to shape my future. Sometimes I feel that what I am currently doing is not what I plan for the rest of my life. The article "4 Ways To Find Yourself After You've Lost Your Way", by Quinn Denio, gave me a new way to find myself. She says, "No matter what it is, just do it. Find the courage that has always been inside you and free yourself". I tend to be afraid of chasing who I want to be and I think that might be my biggest problem. I need to focus on being brave and courageous in order to achieve my goal of finding the person who I truly am.
    Laura Gudino

  20. When I feel lost is usually when am streesed, when I want to do everything, when I worry too much even when I don't have to, when I start thinking it is impossible for me to accomplish what I want, and the list goes on. I do not often have these feelings, but when I do one of the methods I use is being alone. For me, I find it a bit difficult to be alone to find some peace and quite; for I have two girls that keep me busy even at night. however when I do find a place where I can be alone and feel in peace everything seems to clear up. I could comely think to myself, and sometimes I even talk to myself to find myself. Sometimes I find more than myself, and i find the solution of my problems or the reason why I started to feel they way I did.

    Ruby Montes

  21. Feeling "lost" is something I experience quite often. Unfortunately as a person, I am easily riled up and am prone to a lot of excess stress. As a force of habit, I tend to bottle up these feelings. Of course, after a while I soon explode and take out everything in my path, usually with hurtful words. When I feel this way, taking some time off to do nothing is what usually brings me back to myself. Spending a day lying around on the couch watching movies is one of the ways I can relax myself. If I have even more time, taking a trip down South is my favorite stress reliever. I love being near the ocean, where I can hear the waves crash upon the shore. Getting out of town, just for a day, usually always brings me back to myself and refuels my motivation to keep going.

  22. Feeling "lost" is something I experience quite often. Unfortunately as a person, I am easily riled up and am prone to a lot of excess stress. As a force of habit, I tend to bottle up these feelings. Of course, after a while I soon explode and take out everything in my path, usually with hurtful words. When I feel this way, taking some time off to do nothing is what usually brings me back to myself. Spending a day lying around on the couch watching movies is one of the ways I can relax myself. If I have even more time, taking a trip down South is my favorite stress reliever. I love being near the ocean, where I can hear the waves crash upon the shore. Getting out of town, just for a day, usually always brings me back to myself and refuels my motivation to keep going.

  23. Taking a drive alone is a method I use when I find myself feeling lost. Having some time alone is a way in learning something new about me and helps cope with everything going on. With many responsibilities and expectations from my family, I feel driving around town can be helpful in looking back to how much I have grown as a person. There are days where I tend to overstress; taking a drive alone, I feel, is beneficial in discovering the type of person I am and want to be. In the end, I am the only person to trust in guiding what I want for my life to be.
    -Andreina Rendon

  24. Michael C. HernandezMarch 1, 2015 at 8:12 PM

    For myself, I tend to try and get away from all the hustle and bustle that life comes with. Life is full of prioritizing what is important and necessary in order to strive for a better quality of life but in order to find myself, I enjoy getting away from anything distracting and go for a walk, jog or bike ride outdoors. While I'm Outside, I take this time to reassess where I am in life and where I would like to be in the future. This is the perfect time to let go and free myself from all responsibilities, even if it is just for an hour or less. Regardless of how short or long finding myself takes, I find the isolation to be motivating and inspiring to reach what is important to me. The advantage of taking this time to collect my inner thoughts and desires is blocking out the daily nonsense and also give me the serenity to focus on what I truly want in life. There are plenty of great ways to find ones self but I find the strategy to be most beneficial to myself.

  25. Being a college student, I find myself feeling "lost" often. For the past 6 quarters, I have overloaded in order to graduate early. I find myself overwhelmed and asking myself why I do this to myself. I have had some trouble in certain classes and have always managed to pass, but passing was never enough for me. I wanted "As" and "Bs" were a little heartbreaking. I enjoyed learning and still do, but sometimes it is all too much between work and extracurriculars. When I am lost, I turn to my mother. We set aside a day where we can take a drive, go shopping, and I can talk to her. This is always my method to "finding myself" again. Speaking with a friend does not have the same impact as speaking with my mother because I feel no one understands me in the way my mother does. She reminds me why I do what I do and why I need to simply calm down and gather my thoughts.

    Emily Chim
