Monday, May 16, 2016

Post #13: "The Crooked Ladder"

Malcolm Gladwell's "The Crooked Ladder" effectively uses two published texts --A Family Business: Kinship and Social Control in Organized Crime and On the Run: Fugitive Life in an American City-- to compare and contrast how the relationship between social mobility and crime has changed from the 1960s to now.  If one were to describe this essay under the heading of "Lost & Found," one could say that this essay explores how criminals in the past "found" legitimacy and how society and the law enforcement system have changed to make it so that today's criminals stay "lost" in their criminal endeavors.

If you had to compare and contrast two different "texts" (novels, scholarly texts, newspaper accounts, television shows, songs, movies) in your essay, which two texts would you use?  Why?


  1. I will compare the Bible and the Koran, these two scholarly text are fascinating; it is amazing how some of the stories are the same but told from totally different angels. Like the story of Abraham’s family; in the Bible, Sarah and her kids are the heroes, but in the Koran they are the villains. Ishmael and his mother are the heroes of that same story in the Koran. This normally plays out in my mind when I think about the independence of our news channels. CNN and BBC always have a different slant to the same stories, who you listen to depends on your own political leanings.

  2. Since I do not yet have an idea of what I want to accomplish with my essay, I will relate the two texts which immediately came to mind when reading this question: The Selfish Gene by Dawkins and the Genial Gene by Roughgarden. Those two texts contrast nicely when compared, and a comparison would make an interesting essay. The writing styles are very different, and each author has an interesting way of getting their point across. One was written in response to the other, but upon deeper analysis the messages overlap more than either author probably cares to admit. I can see a potential use for relying on these scientifically-inclined texts in a more informal, personal essay.

  3. As another student has mentioned, my essay is still in progress. I have not accomplished and put my ideas together in developing my essay. Two scholarly text that I will compare are the 'Bible' and the 'Introduction to the Historical Jesus'. The Bible is based on religious beliefs, and have altered along with time. Looking into the 'Introduction to the historical Jesus' it is seen and pointed out that what is written and discussed is only what there is proof of. Only what has been discovered from decades ago will be stated.
    Although there will be a conflict between understanding each text because one has more of an extension of information. Bible has facts and other beliefs that have been provided through the ages. Introduction has what has been discovered and written down. Overall what is being told holds great similarity.

  4. I dont have two seperate articles, I actually only have one quote, and although I havent sorted out my essay, I am passionate about gender inequality, and this quote explains alot in just one sentence. It is by John Berger who explains that women were drawn for the visual pleasure of a man, but the moment a mirror is placed in her hand, she is condemned. This quote, with just one sentence, exemplifies how a patriarchy contradicts itself constantly when speaking about women. We are told to love and accept ourselves, to be ourselves, but the moment we do, we are constantly being criticized for it.

  5. If I were to compare two texts, I think I would choose television as my medium. The two shows that I would compare would be Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Once Upon a Time. Both shows share a genre, and are filled with archetypes of classic characters. I would focus on the handling of characters, which are under-represented on television. That includes people of color, women, and LGBT characters. The Essay would focus on how a television show, which ended in 2003 a full eight years before Once first aired, treated its characters much more progressively. I would also include how both shows failed to satisfy the portrayal of such characters.

  6. I don't have specifically two comparisons, but I would compare genres of movies or genres of music. There are romantic and horror films, while there are slow and depressing songs and fast and vulgar songs. Theses genres are different by the appearance in the movies but yet the same because the provide some type of emotion towards the audience.Different genres allow us to see different sides but also obtain similarities.

  7. If I had to compare and contrast two different texts would be baking recipes. Baking comes in a variety of form and comprises of many ingredients. Baking is not complicated, but very complex as it needs to be created with love and care. Recipes for a certain dessert is published in a variety of way. For example, a recipe for French macaroons. One might find a recipe calling for 1 cup of powdered sugar, as another recipe calls for ¾ cup of powder sugar.

  8. I am still not sure about any comparisons, but if I had to compare and contrast anything it would be the different types of songs there is. For example, one song could be about love and the other song could be about being heart broken. I would describe how each song is telling a different story but still bringing a type of emotion to the listener.

  9. I’m still unsure of what my essay is going to be about but if I were to compare two different “texts” it would be the television show Friends and the book “Loose Girl” by Kerry Cohen. In Friends, there’s a group of 6 individuals who are all trying to find their way in life and find the person they are suppose to be with, all while helping each other out and learning lessons along the way. The book “Loose Girl” is about a girl transitioning from high school to college and tells about her years in college and what she went through with family, boys, career choice, and hobbies to get to the point in which she was happy with who she was with and what she was doing with her life.

  10. 1. if I were to compare and contrast two texts, I would use a newspaper article in print and a news channel in the television because when an incident happens and the publish it on the newspaper or comes out in the news channel (in the TV), it is the same story but told differently and people then have different perspectives.

  11. I know I am a person in transition. I feel much closer to the idea of accepting the life I'm living as the life I am meant to live. I love music, so the two songs I feel would be a good comparison for growth would be everything to everyone by everclear and happy home by lukas graham. I think this is a good transition of music as it goes from a person who is allowing themselves to be manipulated by the many hands pulling them in different directions, to someone that is living in transition of finding their calling and looking at what is to come next. This person also looks at the past and the present with acceptance of the events and is able to look at the positive aspect of having the support that they need in order to succeed.

  12. I know I am a person in transition. I feel much closer to the idea of accepting the life I'm living as the life I am meant to live. I love music, so the two songs I feel would be a good comparison for growth would be everything to everyone by everclear and happy home by lukas graham. I think this is a good transition of music as it goes from a person who is allowing themselves to be manipulated by the many hands pulling them in different directions, to someone that is living in transition of finding their calling and looking at what is to come next. This person also looks at the past and the present with acceptance of the events and is able to look at the positive aspect of having the support that they need in order to succeed.

  13. I'm still considering a lot of the ideas to incorporate in my personal essay. I'm known to have great memory for celebrity names, so my best bet to compare is between television shows, songs, and movies. I know my pop culture, but also love music. I'm more deeply moved in discussing lyrics of a song that relates to me.

  14. If I had to compare and contrast two different “text” it would have to be songs. I grew up with old school music (Bob Marley and Tupac Shakur) and music today has changed so much now all of the mainstream rappers rap about money, sex, and flashy things. I feel like the rappers of today have no real substance. When new school rap sings about love they talk about cheating on the girl or hitting her but saying that if she stays then that’s true love it messes with every one ideas of true love and is very influential in todays day and age.

  15. 1.After reading this question, and having my essay completed, two different movies I would choose are “Wizard of Oz” “The outsiders”. These movies make sense after writing my essay. One is about a dream and the other one is reality. Although my life is not like the outsiders, it has a very strong message about some people’s reality. When I was little, I had all these dreams/expectation on where I wanted to be at 25; however, being almost close to that age, I am certainly not where I wanted or thought I would be.

  16. Like another fellow classmate, I would compare and contrast a newspaper article and a news channel published story. I’m all about looking at incidents and things from different perspectives. When a story is published in a newspaper article, the reader makes its own interpretation and understanding by reading instead of hearing and seeing a news anchors interpretation of the incident.

  17. If I were to compare 2 texts I would most likely delve into Stephen King's novel "The Shining" in comparison to the Stanley Kubrick film script adapted from said novel. The reason behind this is that, if I were to equate myself to Stephen King with each text representing my life pre- and post-epiphany, my life before Freshman year was the film script while my current life and iteration of purpose would be the novel. King himself has described the film as cold and made no illusions regarding his disdain for it, while he claims his novel to be very warm. The film ends (SPOILER ALERT if you haven't watched The Shining) with the Overlook Hotel frozen in winter, while the novel ends with the boiler exploding. These are perfect metaphors for my life before the epiphany (cold, expressionless) and afterwards as I continue my journey into the unknown (explosive with potential, possibly spawning a sequel (Doctor Sleep anybody?)).

  18. If I had to compare something I would pick two quotes that I can argue for and against. I enjoying reading quotes that have double meaning because you can discuss both points instead of only talking about one. Every person interprets a quote differently and it's great learning other people's views because it can shape how you think about the quote after.

  19. Dalton ThornsberryJune 1, 2016 at 2:18 PM

    Recently I have really been dealing with a separation of my life. I was one person growing up and am currently at the age where many things are beginning to make me question how wholly I can stick to my roots. I will try and focus on the contrast in music that really describes who I was and who I am becoming. I would say that Always Been Me by Josh Thompson and Yes I'm Changing by Tame Impala are very different genres of music. Yes, I'm Changing can describe the changes I'm currently experiences and Always Been Me can explain the ties I will always have to how I was raised.

  20. Im not exactly sure how I would compare and contrast two different "texts" into my personal essay. I think that the only thing that i can effectively compare and contrast, and flow with my essay, would be about the different definition of lost and found.

  21. Im not exactly sure how I would compare and contrast two different "texts" into my personal essay. I think that the only thing that i can effectively compare and contrast, and flow with my essay, would be about the different definition of lost and found. I would compare and contrast these definitions to add emphasis on how being found and lost means to me personally.

  22. For my essay I would choose two albums which I almost completely relate to. The first is Eyedea and abilitie's First Born and the second is Devin Townsend's Deconstruction. First born is a jazz/hip-hop album and deconstruction is a progressive metal album. Bother are deeply philosophical masterpieces of musical genius. These two albums in many ways helped me find myself. They taught me to ask deeper questions and also helped me with thinking critically and realistically.

  23. I would compare and contrast the article titled "Interview - Jaime King" and other article titled "Shalice Noel - Instagram Sensation and Mother of 4" from the blog titled Not So Mummsy. Both of these blogs feature mothers. One is a working, entrepreneur mother of one which the other is a stay at home mother of four. I love how both of these moms express what their day to day lives look like, and how they manage busy schedule. I also liked how both moms take it day by day with their kids and expressed that they don't judge themselves (because everyone makes mistakes).

  24. Claudia Sotelo

    I would compare and contrast books. The two books I would chose are Sammy and Juliana in Hollywood by Benjamin Alire Saenz and Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. These two books are favorites of mine and I could find many points that I could compare and contrast while relating them to my essay. Both of the books deal with struggling with family issues and how certain issues can impact your life.
