Sunday, May 29, 2016

Post #17: Personal Essay / Rhetorical Modes

Which rhetorical modes will you use for your personal essay?

In case you've forgotten, here are those nine rhetoical modes once again:

Argument: Make an assertion, and support that assertion through reasons and evidence.

Description: Illustrate an object or idea by providing specific imagery (such as visual details) or figurative language (such as metaphors).

Definition: Specify the essential qualities of an object or idea.

Exemplification: Provide examples.

Narration: Tell a story.

Compare/Contrast: Detail similarities and differences.

Cause/Effect: Detail the causes (and/or effects).

Process Analysis: Explain how to do something or how something was done.

Division / Classification: Break an idea down into categories, and then label each category.

Be sure to specify HOW you will be using the mode.  For example, if you plan on using compare/contrast, what two things will you be comparing and contrasting?


  1. For my personal essay I have chosen to predominantly use exemplification and narration. Exemplification was used to give examples that help me tell my story. Narration was used to describe the story I am trying to tell. Description was also used fairly heavily as I relied on visualizations of things such as tv commercials to reveal the identity of specific things that I purposely left out of my essay. I used that as a repeated device in my essay to establish a pattern which hopefully connects the episodes I wrote about in my essay.

  2. I chose to use narration, this will help me articulate my journey thus far, and hopefully gain new insights about myself.

  3. In my essay, I will be using narration and exemplification. I will tell my personal story and then provide examples based on my story.

  4. In my essay I will be using narration and compare and contrast. I will use narration to describe a story and use compare and contrast to compare and contrast my life before and after I decided that the life I am living now is the life I am supposed to be living.

  5. In my essay I will use Description to illustrate the idea of what a happy life may mean to someone. I will also use Exemplification to provide examples of the major things that could lead to one’s happiness. Definition would be used to describe the qualities that pertain to the idea of happiness. I’d use Narration to tell a personal story of where I’m at in life on the happiness scale. I’m not sure if I would use Compare/Contrast because I’m not sure what I could compare. Lastly I will use Division/Classification to break down the idea of a peaceful happy life into categories and label the categories in stages.

  6. Description, narration, cause/effect and contrast would all be part of this essay. I will be narrating certain stories from my life and in doing so describing and illustrating the things going on, and how they have effected me. In this I will be able to explain the event as the cause and the change in my person, the effect. I will also be able to contrast the person I was, to the person I am.

  7. In my essay I will use description, narration, and compare/contrast. I will compare my parents were towards me the oldest, to my younger siblings.

  8. In my essay I will being using description, narration, and cause/effect. I will provide examples of my own personal life and exactly when someone should be content with their life; I will explain when the exact moment I realized this is what I am supposed to be doing.

  9. In my personal essay I will definitely be using narration to tell the story of myself that leads to some cause/effect to where I am now, and probably add some exemplifications. I will provide examples to what have caused my depression during my high school days and tell the story of my family. It is personal, but I am tired of hiding the pain away.

  10. 1.In my essay I am using description, definition, and narration. For description I am describing, how I feel and images of events that shaped me into the woman I am. For definition, I am defining what I think being found and lost are. Lastly, for narration, I am telling a story on how a certain event made me believe I would be whole if I ever accomplished it.

  11. In my essay will be using narration, exemplifications, description, and definition. Not sure if all will be getting used but I will consider all. Narration would be used by telling the story of how certain events has made me who I am today. I will provide examples and details of these events. I will be describing how I felt throughout these stages in my story and for definition I will be defining lost and found in my perspective.

  12. In my essay I will use exemplification and narration. While using this I will be able to share a story and examples for the readers to be able have a vision understanding of my essay.

  13. For my personal essay I will be using both Exemplification and Narration. I will be narrating the big moments in my life that shaped who I am today, or at least the moments that make me feel like I know where I was meant to be. I will be providing specific examples such as getting married, teaching overseas, and becoming a mother.

  14. Dalton ThornsberryJune 1, 2016 at 3:35 PM

    Process analysis will be a great tool to kick off explanations of how particular things are done. This will be good for building a background of what I will be talking about in my personal narrative and explain particular situations I am in. It will give more detail so that readers can really understand what I am alluding to. Description will be used to place readers in the moment by allowing for them to really picture what is happening. Lastly, Narration will be used throughout the entire essay to explain my story and give an idea as to how things have progressed throughout.

  15. In my personal essay, I will be using Narration, exemplification, and description. I will be talking about my personal story. Then I will follow with providing examples. Description is to provide me to describe and talk about definitions.

  16. for my personal essay i will be using cause and effect to describe the events that lead to me finding myself (becoming "found"). I will also use narrator to tell the story of why I was "lost." Lastly I will use exemplification to provide examples as to why I now feel found compared to how i was once lost.

  17. In this essay I chose to use a narration of the event that lead me to self realization and the important factor that brought me to this moment.

  18. I used Exemplification and Narration by telling stories that exemplified my journey from lost child to fully realized person. I also used Division/Classification by classifying my stories based on the age I was at that time (child, high schooler, college student).

  19. I will use description in my essay by describing artist ideas and how my creative life has evolved. I will use narration to tell my life and how I came to be.

  20. I will use:
    1. Exemplification by giving examples about growing using my sister and myself.
    2. Compare and contrast in the way of thinking between young adults and adults.
    3. Cause and effect in realizing working in the medical field was not for me leading me back to finishing school.
    4. Argument by asserting that people, especially young adults, need to take it slow and not rush growing up because otherwise they will miss all the in between which is the most important in growing up and finding yourself.

  21. For my essay,
    I am using
    and descriptive

    These modes of writing will help me better explain what and why certain events have shaped me to be who I am now.

  22. Claudia Sotelo

    The Rhetorical modes that are in my paper are argument, definition, and narration. I will first be defining what “become who you are” means to me. I will also be arguing where I am in my life. I am not yet the person I am supposed to be. I know this because I am indecisive with my life, I am not one hundred percent happy with myself, and there are still many things I want to do. I will be using narration to explain experiences that happened in my life and to mention how CSUB has influenced my life.

  23. I will use narration by telling stories about my mom. I will also use definition as I explore the legacy of my mom. I will define legacy and use it as a theme in my essay.
