Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Spring 2017, Post #1

Hello All,

As I wrote in the e-mail, introduce yourselves and ask a question about the class or syllabus.


  1. Good afternoon all,

    My name is Amelia, and I am a Philosophy major in my final semester here at CSUB. My question regarding the course is: Will we be expected to write in a specific format (APA, MLA, etc.), or will we be permitted to use the formatting from our individual professions?

    1. Amelia, you'll be free to use whichever format you'd prefer.

  2. Good afternoon everyone,
    My name is Guadalupe Munoz, My major is liberal studies in hope to become a special ed educator. My question regarding the course is will we be using blackboard throughout the semester or will we be posting discussions on this blog post? Thank you!
    Enjoy your day!

    1. Guadalupe, I am going to try to avoid using Blackboard this quarter, so we will be using this blog to complete small exercises and will use Turnitin.com to submit the essays.

  3. Hello everyone,
    My name is Karla Arroyo and I am a liberal studies major. My question is are we going to do any group assignments for this course?

    1. Karla, there will be no group assignments in this course.

  4. Good morning everyone,

    My name is Yimi Osorio. I am a Criminal Justice major and this is my last semester at CSUB. My question regarding the course is there a certain percentage (Ex: no more than 20%) that we must be within for all our papers?

    Thank you.

    1. Yimi, I am not sure what you mean by the 20%. Are you referring to matches in Turnitin.com? If you are, then there is no specific percentage you need to be under. We will discuss this in more detail once we get closer to the essay that requires research.

    2. Yes, I was referring to the matches in Turnitin.com.
      Sorry for not being specific.

      Thank you.

  5. Good morning everyone,

    My name is Guillermo Vidales. I am a Biology major and it is my first semester here at CSUB and my question is how frequent will we all be meeting up?

    1. Guillermo, this Saturday will be the one day we all meet as a class.

  6. Good morning everyone,

    My name is Kenya Alvarenga. I am a Liberal Studies major and want to become and special education instructor. My question is, will we be turning in our rough drafts to this blog page or turnitin.com where everyone has access to comment back?

    1. Kenya, you will be submitting your rough drafts through Turnitin.com, and you will get feedback from at least two of your peers through the PeerMark component of Turnitin.com. You are also free to take your rough drafts to the Writing Resource Center and to my office hours to get further feedback.

  7. My name is Sol Pulido. I am currently a senior working on two degrees in psychology and CAFS. My question is, will we be receiving feedback and examples of how we could improve the mistakes made?

    1. Sol, yes, I will be giving feedback on all your essays so that you can improve for the next time.

  8. Good Afternoon Everyone,
    My name is Yuri Soto. I am a Criminal Justice major and I am currently a junior. My future plans are to work my way through the criminal justice to become a undercover Federal Bureau of Investigation Agent. My question is, where can I find the information to enroll into this class for Turnitin.com? On the syllabus it shows
    "Class ID-###
    Class Enrollment Password-XXXX" .

    1. Yuri,

      I will send an e-mail with the Turnitin.com information tomorrow.

  9. Hello,
    My name is Tania Gil. I am a Nursing major in my last semester and hoping to become a critical care nurse. My question is will we be able to review our in-class essay after it has been graded?

    1. Tania, yes, you will be able to review your in-class essay (and my comments) after I have graded it.

  10. Hello,

    My name is Cheyenne Baker. I am a Junior and I am a Criminal Justice major, with a minor in Business Administration. My question for this class is although we only have one or two requirement classes, will you still be available all the other Saturdays leading up to finals week?

    Thank you for your time,

    Cheyenne Baker <3

    1. Cheyenne, I will be holding office hours during the week, but this will be the only Saturday. If any student is unable to meet during the week, he or she may make an appointment to meet me on a Saturday, but I will not be holding regular office hours on the weekends.

  11. Hello,

    My name is Kaylynn and I am a softball player here at CSUB and I am junior majoring in Liberal Studies. Since we are trying to avoid blackboard for this course, does this mean we will be communicating by this blog spot and email only for the course of our assignments?

    1. Kaylynn, we will use this blog spot, e-mail, and Turnitin.com. I have used Blackboard for classes in the past, but it seems to be more trouble than it's worth.

  12. Hello,

    My name is Erik Garcia and my major is in Business Administration with a concentration in Management. This is my last semester at CSUB. Is there a set amount of modules we must complete in MyWritingLabPlus by the end of the semester, or is it just an extra resource for us?

    Thank you,
    - Erik S. Garcia

    1. Erik, it's just an extra resource for you. Use it however would be most useful.

  13. Good afternoon everyone,

    My name is Mayra Valle. I am currently a Junior here in CSUB, and am majoring in Liberal Studies in hope of becoming an Elementary School teacher. Other than your office hours, are there any outside resources that we are encouraged to use to get help or feedback on our assignments before we turn it in?

    1. Mayra, you're free to visit the Writing Resource Center with all of your writing or writing questions. This is a resource that you have already paid for with your fees, so you might as well take advantage of it.

  14. Hello Everyone,

    My name is Shu'Vonte' Johnson, prenounced Shu-Von-Tay. This is my fourth year here at Cal State, and I am a Liberal Studies major. My question for this class is, I know that you stated Saturday is the only mandatory class, but will you be available during class time on the following Saturday's for those who need a more physical learning environment?

    Thank you, and have a nice rest of the day ��

    1. Shu'Vonte', I will not be holding regular office hours on Saturdays or Sundays, but if you (or any student) needs to make an appointment, I can swing by my office on that weekend.

  15. Hello everyone, my name is Genesis Rincon, and I am currently a liberal studies major and in my third year of college. My question is, after our meet up and essays we do this Saturday, will we only have two essays for the remainder of the semester? Thank you.

    1. Genesis, we will have the essay this weekend, the Academic Analysis, the Critique, and the Personal Essay, so after this Saturday, you will have three essays left.

  16. Hi class my name is Alexandra Acosta, I'am a senior here at CSUB and majoring in liberal studies. My passion is to teach Elementary students anywhere from grades 4th down .
    My question is, should we expect to get our graded papers back?

    1. Alexandra, everything will be electronic, so you will be able to see the grade (and my comments) on your papers, but you will never "get them back" unless you want to download and print them from the Turnitin.com website.

  17. Good evening all,

    My name is Alyssa, and I am a Nursing major in my 8th semester here at CSUB. My question regarding the course is: Are we using this same website to submit our blogs based on our reading assignments? On the syllabus it says that our first blog is due this Monday, on February 1st.

    1. Alyssa, yes, you will be using this site to post the blogs based on the reading assignments.

    2. My name is Alyssa Obordo

  18. Hello, my name is Hannah Lockridge and I'm a 3rd year Kinesiology major. I would like to be an Athletic Trainer for a collegiate sports program. Would we be able to submit our rough drafts and final essays to you for writing assistance prior to the due date?

    1. Hannah, yes, you will be able to come by my office during my office hours, and I will be happy to discuss your rough drafts before the final drafts are due.

  19. Hello everyone,

    My name is Heriberto Pina and I am a Business major with a concentration in finance. My question is are we going to meet every Saturday for lecture? or will this be the only time?

    1. Heriberto, this will be the only Saturday meeting.

  20. (I think my post wasn't saved)
    My name is Madison Alaine Tingey. I am a Religious Studies major. This is my last semester. My question is how long will we have to write our in class essays, tomorrow?

    1. Madison, you will have at least two hours (and perhaps more) time to write the in-class essay.

  21. Greetings everyone,

    My name is Jeamie Lyn Tarabishi, I'm currently a senior. I am majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in Human Resource Management. My question regarding this course is if we are unable to meet at the scheduled office hours throughout the semester, will we be able to contact to you to set up an appointment at a different time/date?

    1. Jeamie, yes, you can set up appointments for office hours.

  22. Hello,

    My name is Deena Zein, and I'm a CAFS major and PSYCH minor. This is hopefully my last semester! My question for this course is regarding the blog posts. I noticed we have 3 due almost every week. How long/extensive is each one supposed to be?

    1. Deena, each post will be a paragraph or so and will help you with the ideas and writing strategies of your essays.

  23. Hi everyone my name is Elena Lopez. I am a Psychology major in my last semester at CSUB. My question for this class is will there be a time due for the blog posts, such as 11:59 p.m.

    1. Elena,

      No, I am not so particular as to try to keep track of the specific hour and minute these blogs are posted. The point of these blogs is to get you thinking about effective, "good" writing, not to penalize you for posting a minute or two past the deadline.

  24. Hello everyone, my name is Brooke-Lynn Woodworth and I am a junior here at csub and a liberal studies major. My question is if for whatever reason any student does poorly on an essay will they be given an opportunity to make up for that or an extra credit assignment?

    1. Brooke-Lynn,

      The in-class essay (which you wrote on the Saturday in the library) is the only essay you can "make-up" by writing another in-class essay; I will keep whichever score is higher, so this cannot hurt your grade. For the other essays, the grade you earn is the grade you earn; there will be no make-ups or extra credit. I recommend everyone take advantage of my office hours as well as the Writing Resource Center to make sure that the essay you turn in as your final draft is as good of an essay as you can write.

  25. Hi everyone, my name is Leslie Rodriguez and I am a junior here at Csub. My major is Psychology and minor is Religious Studies. I am interested in becoming a school psychologist. My question is will we be updated on our grades throughout the semester, and if so, would it be through blackboard?

    1. Leslie,

      Your overall class grade will be based (mostly) on your essay scores, so each of you should know at all times how you are doing in the course. So far, the only grade I have is your in-class essay grade, so that grade is your current grade in the class. That will change, of course, once you write your next essay. As for the blogs, I will tally all of those at the end of the semester (when I also check to see who came to see me twice during my office hours, as the syllabus requires), and then that grade gets factored in as well.
      You are all welcome to e-mail me, as well, with questions about your grade in the class, but I will not be posting these grades or randomly e-mailing you about them.

  26. Hi all, my name is Angela Beardsley. I am a junior, majoring in Philosophy and minoring in Business Administration. My question is will you be using Blackboard?

    1. Angela,

      I am going to do my best to avoid using Blackboard. I used it in the past with my other hybrid/on-line classes, but I did not find it useful. We'll see how long I can hold out.

  27. Hello, I am Michael Ballard and I'm a senior due to graduate in the fall. I'm majoring in Philosophy with heavy interest into metaphysics. I had a question on how this is done but it was answered in class. Thanks


  28. Hello I am Casey Bryan and I am a senior. I am a Liberal Studies major. I don't really have a question just kind of a statement: I don't really enjoy working with blogs. I liked blackboard more I know how to work it.

    1. Casey,

      These blogs will be much easier to search; one problem I had with the blogs through Blackboard is that it was often difficult to browse past blogs for information; I had to click to open each one. Here, you can see all the responses at once and just scroll up and down, which for me (and I assume for others) makes for a more user-friendly experience. This will be useful when you begin posting information that you could use in your actual essays.
      I will be curious if you still prefer the Blackboard format of blogs by the end of the semester. If so, let me know, and I will go back to Blackboard.

  29. Hello, my name is Kathryn Wright. I am a senior and am expected to graduate this spring. My major is in Communication and my minor is in Marketing. The questions I had about this course were also answered in class.

  30. Hi everyone my name is Cindy Primero, my major is Child, Adolescent and Family studies with a minor in spanish. I will be graduating the upcoming fall semester. My question is how will we be able to know our grades?

    1. Cindy,

      You can log into Turnitin.com and see your essay's score (and my comments), and since your grade in the class is based largely on these essay scores, you should be able to infer your class grade based on these essay scores.
      You are also free to e-mail me at any time with questions as to your class grade.

  31. Hi everyone, my name is Rupinder Kaur. I am a bio major and I am hoping to graduate this spring. I do not have any questions at the moment.

  32. M.B. 2/5/17

    “The Beginning of the Rainbow”
    Being a philosophy major I was largely familiar with a lot of the material in chapter one, although I found it refreshing to review the scientific theory of color. Additionally, I found the method of writing used by Mrs. Finlay to be quite agreeable and readily understandable. I took particular not of this during the reading due to feelings of familiarity, a lack of desire and bore dome. Much to my pleasure Victoria incorporates personal revelation, explanations and factual knowledge with an exuberant flow that is complimentary to the read.
    Opening her book with scientific explanation of how we perceive color, she offers those without such knowledge answers to question possible existing for most of their lives. Such questions as why is it that color, or could it be another color than the one we perceive are often asked as children only to be answered with because it is. Although for many there is no question as to color, it just simply is. This has in turn lead many great philosophical and scientific minds to develop theory in all areas of study.

    “The Paintbox”
    This chapter was very influential to me due to my heritage in the native American tribes. In which as I read on I found the native peoples of Australia, aboriginals, had endured much of the same perils of the native American peoples of north America. Throughout the reading, I encountered many resemblances between the two groups that could possibly be mirror images, such as the removal and regulation of the peoples from their lands, the systematic theft of sacred goods, and resulting displacement of ceremonial customs vital to the aboriginal belief. These along with other offenses have stripped the peoples in both cultures of their faith, productive desire and natural freedoms granted with living. As a result, these people have become desponded to society with little self-worth amongst themselves.

    “The Ocre”
    Orca was used throughout the world for trade, ceremony, and art. Many native tribes of different areas around the globe use orca s the primary agent for color. As such those with limited amount of orca or none at all, traded the surplus goods for orca creating a value for orca matched only by paper currency. Additionally, certain colors was deemed sacred and only used for ceremonial purposes. As in the color red, red was used as the color to signify a boys journey through manhood, the beginning of womanhood in girls having the first minstrel cycle, or other vital developmental steps for members of society. Other cultures discovered the artistical aspects of orca and use it to create great work of expression that are coveted and appreciated today. Furthermore, as Victoria pointed out that, up until recent developments, one generation of artistical secrets is not expressed to the burgeoning generation of artist and the subtle art of natural coloring is disappearing. In modern times this could seem irrelevant except for those who desire art work of such skill and make. I hope for the sake of continuance that their exist enough appreciation to preserve the what is left of the old ways.
