Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Summer 2017, Post 1

Hello All,

This assignment should be easy: 1) Read the syllabus and 2) Ask a question about the class, the syllabus, or an assignment.  Be sure to post your name along with your question so I'll know to give you credit.


  1. For one of our books do we need Writing tools 55 essential strategies for Every Writer or the older edition Writing tools 50 essential strategies for every writer.
    Carlos Montejo

    1. Either copy will work, though the pagination may differ.

  2. Should we bring a printed copy of the syllabus to the mandatory meeting on June 3rd? Additionally, will you be going over the cover letter and resume there as well?
    -Amber Giese

    1. You won't need to bring a copy of the syllabus to the meeting; I won't be going over the resume/cover letter on Saturday. That will be the topic for the very end of the summer session.

  3. The syllabus is straight forward and concise. I have no questions.

    Samuel Tomasello

    1. Straightforward and concise? That doesn't sound like me. Are you sure you read the right syllabus?

    2. I posted a more detailed response. It lays out things in an understandable format. What frustrates me somewhat is the addition of other...programs? Is that the right word? Three other things to juggle, for a fella that doesn't generally have a use for the internet overall is a bit much, but it's doable. Modern times, and the use of online coursework it something to get used to.


    3. Samuel, I was messing with you. If you have no questions, you have no questions! I understand your frustrations regarding the additional "programs," but Turnitin.com is essential for an online course (where there are no hard-copy submissions), and Mywritinglabsplus is an "add-on," as it were, to all composition courses (it's a department policy, not an instructor one). Let me know if these programs start becoming a tangle, and I'll try to sort them out.

  4. The Academic Analysis part of the syllabus states that we will expand from our argument on the in-class essay. Does that mean we will be having an in-class essay on Saturday?

    Mariel Yanez

    1. Yes, you will be having an in-class essay on Saturday. We will spend the first hour talking about it, and you'll have the next two hours to write it.

  5. How fast do you reply via email?
    Will Turnitin provide the due time of each assignment or are they usually due at 11:59 pm of the day the assignment is due?
    Is August 4th the last day of class? (since that seems to be our last assignment)

    Jenny Wu

    1. I reply to email pretty quickly. The assignments will be due at 11:59 pm on the days they're due. August 4th is the last day of class (though this is an online course, so it's not like we really have a last day of class).

  6. Will you be going over your expectations of the essays in further detail or providing us with example essays? Also, will we be using Blackboard at any point in the course?

    1. I am going to do my best to avoid using Blackboard. From my experience, it is more trouble than it's worth. I will be going over my expectations in greater detail both during our orientation on Saturday and throughout the course. I hesitate to post or send example essays because I've found that students try to copy those essays rather than finding their own way through a topic. That being said, if anyone would like to see a sample essay, I'd be happy to pull one from the vault.

    2. I almost agree, Blackboard is a frustrating program to navigate. I appreciate the use of other source materials.

  7. Is this course considered an English composition course? Also since Blackboard will not be used how will grades be reported?

    Rommel Agustin

    1. Yes, this is an English composition course. I will post each assignment's grade (along with my comments regarding that assignment) in Turnitin.com.

  8. I have thoroughly read the syllabus and my only question is, which I am sure you will tell us in the orientation regardless but for the in-class essay how many pages will it have to be?

    Crystal Carter

    1. The in-class essay should be somewhere between 1 1/2 and 3 pages long.

  9. I noticed that your office hours say "by Appointment." Do you have a preferred time to meet students? (such as morning, noon, afternoon, etcetera)

    - Luminne Lavilla

    1. No, everyone has completely different schedules, so I know from past experience that if I hold regular office hours, I'll be the only one there. Instead, I'll swing by the office whenever anyone needs me. I live close enough to campus so that this isn't a problem for me.

  10. I see that we may use either APA or MLA format in our citation. Do you have a preference? Also, will our grades be posted on turnitin.com, or can we find them anywhere else?

    1. I have no preference as to APA or MLA, so choose whichever makes you more comfortable. The grades for individual assignments will be posted on Turnitin.com, but you can always email me for an overall class grade.

  11. I'm submitting a further detailed response to the prompt to "read the syllabus and post a question" requirement.
    From my understanding, there is no "Blackboard" requirement for this course, apparently?
    This further complicates things for this caveman, stone age type...
    I also have come to the understanding that there is a firm requirement for the use of "turnitin" and the necessity for the student to also enroll in this program? Again, complicating things for the caveman student, haha...
    Additionally, I see a requirement for the "writinglab plus" program...further complicating things, adding three different programs for the caveman to juggle, in addition to the "Blackboard" assignments of the other classes being undertaken, and the student email to monitor...
    This isn't a complaint, really, it's merely an observation.
    I am a Traumatic Brain Injury and PTSD suffering Veteran Student, still catching up to the modern world, and it's quite a bit to juggle. It can be done, but please, Professor and fellow students, please keep me in the loop and help me out when you can, even if it's a check up to remind me of an assignment. I have a whiteboard and extensive notebooks and logs that keep me focused, otherwise, but it is nice to have some help from the class.


    1. No worries. I'll explain everything in more detail on Saturday; basically, the only systems you will be required to use are this blog (for short assignments like this) and Turnitin.com (to submit your essays).

  12. Good Evening professor Woodman,
    I have read the syllabus and I do have a two questions. My first question is Do we have to bring the required texts on our first class meeting?My second question is , will you be providing us with a more detailed explanation on the four assignments for this course.
    -Kimberly Irineo-Donato

    1. No, you do not need to bring the books to Saturday's orientation, and yes, I will be providing more detailed explanations of the assignments as their due dates arrive.

    2. This answered one of my questions, thank you.

  13. Hello Professor Woodman!
    Pertaining to the books listed for this course, do you have any recommendations regarding when to read which content?
    -Robert Melendez

    1. I'll be posting individual reading/blog assignments throughout the course, but if you want to get a jumpstart, you could begin anywhere; both books are filled with interesting/relevant information.

  14. Hello Professor,
    Are we going to have more than one in class assignment? because on the syllabus says that in class writing assignments may be given at the first meeting, last meeting, or both meetings.

    Alondra Moreno

    1. We are only going to have one in-class assignment. Everything else will be online. That language about "last meetings" is standard language for all 3109s (some instructors do meet on a "last day").

  15. Mr. Woodman,
    Are there any websites/resources that you would recommend that would help us with citing references for our papers?

    1. Yes, there are websites that I would recommend. Our own Writing Resource Center has excellent material, and Purdue's University OWL (online writing lab) also has great information. I'll post links to each site once we begin researching material.

    2. Where are we meeting this Saturday?

  16. Good afternoon Professor,
    I noticed that some of the assignments will be peer marked. Does that mean we have to personally meet with our peers from class or can we communicate with them through email. Also, I read that a C- is passing; is this correct?

    Ashley Manuel

    1. The Peermark assignment will be completed through Turnitin.com, so we will have no face-to-face class meetings after Saturday. Yes, C- is passing.

  17. Hello Professor Woodman, and good evening. This format is so different and foreign to me. I really was looking forward to you perhaps using blackboard, but I see that you do things differently. I am only concerned about my personal readiness for this course. It seems odd to me to take a formal writing class that isn't connected to reading. I am looking forward to the personal essay. I just hope that I'm prepared for the personal essay and all else. Do we get to keep our in-class essay as a draft for another assignment or is that being turned-in the same day?

    1. Victoria Newton! **

    2. We will be connected to reading (hence our two required texts. You in-class essay will be graded as an in-class essay and will also become the basis for another assignment (the academic analysis/research paper). As for your personal readiness, if you are of Junior standing (not a freshman or sophomore) and passed freshman English, then you are "ready" for this course. I'm curious, though: why were you looking forward to Blackboard?

    3. I am a transfer as of last semester and it is what I'm most familiar with while being at CSUB. I find blackboard reliable with displaying the due dates all in one place and the ability to check grades; this method changes that. Will the books be required for tomorrow's meeting?

    4. No, the books will not be required for tomorrow's meeting, and the syllabus shows all the due dates for the essays. I will be e-mailing you when the blog assignments are due, so hopefully this is reliable also.

  18. Hello Professor,

    How many points can we earn through out this semester?

    Dylan Hernandez

    1. Points? Each essay will be graded out of 100 possible points, and each blog response will be credit/no credit; the syllabus gives the breakdown in terms of what percentage of the overall grade each essay is worth.

  19. Because the class meets once for the term, do we have just one attempt to get a C- or higher on the in-class essay?

    Gelynne Agustin

    1. No, you will be able to retake the in-class essay if you need to. This will be something we'll discuss tomorrow during the orientation.

  20. How many times can we turn in our paper at turnitin.com?

    Jasper Agpaoa

    1. I'm not sure what you're getting at here. How many times would you want to turn in your paper?

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. When we are grading peer reviewing our classmates papers, do you want us to focus on grammar, general flow of essay, and the relation of the the body to the thesis? Or do you want us to give a general response on the relation of the writers view with the topic?

    Additionally, will you notify us via email about your blog posts?

    Jagjeet Gill

    1. When you are reviewing your classmates' essays, I want you to focus on content and structure. In other words, is the essay clear, logical, and easy to follow? Or is it confusing, illogical, and poorly structured? Don't worry about the grammar; that's up to the writer (and whether or not the writer wants to schedule office hours with me).

  23. How long does tomorrow's in-class essay have to be in terms of word count?

    Take Care
    Shawn Anto

    1. I do not count the words in an essay. It will be a typed, doubl-spaced essay and should be between 1 1/2 and 3 pages long.
