Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Summer 2017, Post #2

Part of an effective argumentative essay is the use of evidence to help proves one's point; we can classify types of evidence using the Greek terms logos, ethos, and pathos.  Logos refers to logical evidence, such as facts, statistics, and hard "objective" data.  Ethos refers to the legitimacy of an ethical voice; this usually takes the form of expert testimony but can also refer to legal codes and other "fundamental" sources.  Pathos refers to emotional evidence, such as specific examples, descriptions, and narratives.  An effective argument will use all three types of evidence to convince and appeal to each part of an audience's personality.

Thus, when you are finding sources to use to develop your formal argument (the in-class essay), you should be looking for facts/statistics to develop the logic of your claims, expert testimony to develop the ethics of your claims, and specific examples and narratives to develop the emotions of your claims.

Begin your research by looking for scholarly articles (that have been peer reviewed and have an "ethos" foundation) through the Walter Stiern Library.  To decide which search terms to use, look at each body paragraph of your in-class essay.  What was the focus of body paragraph #1?  Search for an article that explores those ideas, and then do the same for each of your body paragraphs.  Be sure to save the articles (or e-mail them to yourself).  You might run into some difficulty if you're using a home computer with slow internet connection, so if this happens, give yourself some time to stop by the actual Walter Stiern Libray to use their computers.

For this blog, post the authors and titles of three (3!) articles you find, and explain in a sentence or two how each source is relevant for the topic of your essay.


  1. 1. Fostering a Sense of Community in Residence Halls: A Role for Housing and Residential Professionals in Increasing College Student Persistence by Natalee M. Erb, Matthew Sinclair, and John M. Braxton
    -This source relates to my formal argument essay by further explaining the concept that living within dormitories increases both individual and communal identity which in return results in positive emotional development for students.

    2. Social Adjustment of College Freshman: The Importance of Gender and Living Environment by Wendy K. Enochs and Catherine B. Roland
    -This article is important to add depth to my essay because it uses the idea of logos to appeal to the audience through the usage of various statistics that support the point that living within the dormitories teaches students various critical life skills.

    3. Living and Learning in College by Stewart S. Gordon
    -This source is relevant due to the fact that it provides valuable information regarding the large amount of diversity that college students are exposed to while living within assigned dormitories. In addition, this article provides information to support the point that being placed in assigned living situations broadens student’s perspectives of the world around them.

    -Paige Oliver

    1. Sweet! These are great sources.

    2. These are indeed excellent sources! I should adjust my own search criteria! I wrote about the housing issues as well! Thanks Paige!-Samuel

  2. I chose Topic Five for my in-class essay.

    The first body paragraph is about the management of post-Revolution France. The article that I found is:
    Brown, H. G. (2010). ROBESPIERRE'S TAIL: THE POSSIBILITIES OF JUSTICE AFTER THE TERROR. Canadian Journal Of History, 45(3), 503-535.
    This article is relevant to the topic of my essay because it discusses in intricate detail the internal management/government of France during its Reign of Terror from 1793 to 1794. I disputed sustainable management as the most effect means for peace, so this article will provide the Logos of my first body paragraph.

    My second body paragraph is about the Manifest Destiny in the United States. The article I found is:
    Konkle, M. (2008). Indigenous Ownership and Emergence of U.S. Liberal Imperialism. American Indian Quarterly, 32(3), 297-323.
    This article is relevant to the topic of my essay because it discusses the unfair and unjust treatment of the American indigenous peoples because of American imperialism justified through Manifest Destiny. I argued the possibility of unfairness and unjustness within sustainable management in the pursuit of peace, so this article will provide the Logos of my second body paragraph.

    My third body paragraph is about the inequity of human involvement and cost. The article I found is:
    Frieden, T. R., & Henning, K. J. (2009). Public health requirements for rapid progress in global health. Global Public Health, 4(4), 323-337. doi:10.1080/17441690903089430
    This article is relevant to the topic of my essay because it discusses the requirements needed to promote universal access to the resources of health care. I disputed equitable distribution of resources as means for peace because of human inequity and cost-effectiveness; therefore, this article will provide the Logos of my third body paragraph.

    1. Nice! I like how your sources give you a wide context: two sources that explore historical contexts (from different parts of the world) and one that is current.

  3. For my in-class essay, I wrote about the importance of Student Housing and Residence Halls on academic success. As a Peer Financial Advisor for Student Housing and Residential Life, I find this to be an important and personal topic to discuss.

    My first body paragraph is about the decrease in social anxiety and depressive behaviors due to the structure of the Residence Halls. An article I found relevant to this claim is, "Exploring the Effects of Campus Residential Settings on Educational Outcomes" by Daniel Eisenberg. The study seeks to explain the correlation between higher student success in comparison to those who live off campus. It also explores the direct relationship structured student living has on the emotional experience of college students.

    The second body paragraph details the importance of an intimate connection with the community and university. An article to promote this ideal is, "The Effects of Residential Learning Communities on Students' Educational Experiences and Learning Outcomes During the First Year of College" by Gary Pike. The research was conducted in order to establish the direct and indirect effects living in student housing posses on first time freshmen especially in regards to community involvement.

    My third body paragraph outlined the importance of intimate relationships with educational and communicative opportunities. The scholarly article I found to support this claim is, "A Commentary on, The Educational Role in College Student Housing" by Carolyn Palmer, Ellen Broido and Jo Campbell. The commentary explores the importance Student Housing has played on student success since the early 1960's with the emergence of the department of Student Affairs. The article also describes the theory of the "Learning Outcome" which details the environment as a structured factor in the total outcome of the living experience and ultimately student success.

    1. Sweet! These sources sound perfect.

    2. I like these sources! I was going for variety, and was finding issues regarding independent living and the disabled, and drawing correlations to young adults, in my mind, mind you...
      Actual academic sources regarding university issues is actually more appropriate! I'm noting this for future reference, thank you Gabriella!

    3. I like these sources a lot! Very interesting and useful!

  4. My in-class essay attempted to ascertain the role of critics in success. In many aspects of my life, including hobbies, I've found that when I achieved a little, a critic could help me achieve far more. As a critic myself in my hobbies, it's my hope to dispel some of the myths concerning criticism.

    Source one:
    "Film Criticism in the Twenty-First Century" by Andrew McWhirter
    An objective view on criticism, including a definition and several sublevels of where and how criticism can be given and received.
    Source two:
    "What should Be the Standards for Scholarly Criticsm?" by Mary M. Shirley
    A supplement as to what criticism ought to be as well as what a response to a poor criticism ought to entail. Note: this paper also makes a few response errors that I will need to address in my own paper.
    Source three:
    "Defining and Measuring Academic Success" by Travis T, York, et al.
    A clear definition of success through the use of subcategories. Perhaps deconstructing and reconstructing this definition will give me a wider definition to encompass all of success? Too soon to tell.

    If my paper hopes to connect criticism with success, it first needs clear definitions, which is what I hope to gain through these sources. I hope this is sufficient.

    -Amber Giese

    1. Perfect. I like how you're covering different contexts with the same general idea.

  5. 1/ Establishing the Creative Environment in Technology Education (Richard E. Peterson)
    - This article can be useful in my argumentative essay because it determines that technology is dependent of creativity. My first body paragraph discussed how technology can affect creativity but I can use this to discuss how creativity is vital for creation of technology and not the other way around.

    2/ Links Between Preschool Children’s Social Skills and Observed Pretend Play in Outdoor Childcare Environments (Jiayao Li, Linda L. Hestenes, and Yudan C. Wang)
    - This article is supportive of my body paragraph and essay because it discusses and provides examples of how children’s play affects socialization. The authors discuss how pretend play promotes social skills.

    3/ Emotional Mechanisms Underlying Personal and Creative Development (Iakovleva, E. L.)
    - This may be my favorite article found; this article discusses how the sense of self and creativity is developed based off of emotional connections and socialization. This article is useful to my third body paragraph because it discusses emotions and creativity.

  6. 1. My first article is titled Hero Worship: The Elevation of the Human Spirit by Scott T. Allison and George R. Goethals. It focuses on the psychology of hero development and worship. It speaks to the importance of a hero to cognitive development, and the positive benefits a hero has on our future selves. I can use this article in my first paragraph, because it supports my thesis statement. It also appeals to our changing definitions of what a hero is.

    2. My second article is titled Changing Characteristics of Heroic Women in Midcentury Mainstream Media by Janice Hume. It is about redefining what a hero is, and involving the feminine perspective in heroism. I can use this in my second paragraph because it will support my ideas on the evolution of the mother daughter relationship that I write about.

    3. My third article is titled It’s Time Again for Heroes- Or Were They Ever Gone? By Tony R. Sanchez. It talks about the disillusionment of the concept of hero, in our society. It does not support my third paragraph, but I am considering rewriting it influenced by this article.

  7. The following sources could support my claim that it should come to the choice of the student how they live while attending university. They provide insight into independent living, and communal living styles of living, from various sources.

    My freshman year : what a professor learned by becoming a student / Rebekah Nathan.
    -Defines what it's like for an experienced adult to live once more in communal conditions.
    -A mature adults perspective on dorm room living.
    -View point from a cultural anthropologist.
    -A Book format source.

    -Goes into detail the importance of young adults gaining the skills to live an independent lifestyle.
    -Mostly deals with the disabled, but there are points to be made regarding the overall importance of living independently for young adults.
    -A Masters Thesis Format source, adding diversity in source material.

    OF THE
    Serial No. 113–45
    Printed for the use of the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs
    -More insight on independent living regarding the disabled.
    -Further input on the importance of independent living for an adults well being.

    What if?: promising practices for improving schools/ Rita Stafford Dunn, Shirley A. Griggs
    -Provides insight on theories which may improve schools, such as a students bill of rights, etc...
    -Details the issues students may face in school

    Property rights : rights and liberties under the law / Polly J. Price.
    -Stresses the importance of property rights given to adults
    -University students are adults for the most part and have certain rights.
    -Reinforces my opinion that dorms should not be forced upon the students, as they have certain rights regarding property and where they choose to live.

    I'm certain there are more sources, but I was mainly aiming for diversity, and went out to left field for some of my theoretical sources. Cheers!

    1. I have presented three books, a master's thesis, and a congressional hearing...I feel that's fairly diverse!

  8. 1. The Differential Effects of On- and Off-Campus Living Arrangements on Students' Openness to Diversity.
    Author: Pike, Gary R.
    This article is relevant for the topic of my essay because it discusses that living on campus allows students living on campus to be more open to different cultural groups. I see it as stepping out of your comfort zone and being more open to diversity.
    2. SOCIAL ADJUSTMENT OF COLLEGE FRESHMEN: THE IMPORTANCE OF GENDER AND LIVING ENVIRONMENT. Author(s): Enochs, Wendy K. and Roland, Catherine B. This article relates to my formal essay because it talks about college students being able to build important critical life skills when living on campus.
    Author: Jeremy Rovinsky
    this article is relevant to my formal essay because it further discusses the independence that comes when living on campus.
    -Kimberly Irineo-Donato

  9. 1. SICKLER, STEPHANIE and BEVERLY ROSKOS. "Factors That Play a Role in First-Year Students' On-Campus Housing Decisions." Journal of College & University Student Housing, vol. 39/40, no. 2/1, Apr. 2013, pp. 10-31.
    The first body paragraph talks about how student housing does not have to be required in order for students to gain knowledge about diversity. I understand that by students living in dormitories they are more expose to learn about how diverse the world is. This article talks about the experience students obtain by living on on-campus housing.

    2.LONG, LARRY D. "Does It Matter Where College Students Live? Differences in Satisfaction and Outcomes as a Function of Students' Living Arrangement and Gender." Journal of College & University Student Housing, vol. 40, no. 2, Jan. 2014, pp. 66-85. EBSCOhost.

    This source is relevant to my paper because it offers evidence for both sides. For some students, living on on-campus housing may be more beneficial for them while others think otherwise. Student houses has it's advantages and disadvantage it just differs for each individual.

    3. WALLACE, JAMES A. "The Philosophy of University Housing." Journal of College & University Student Housing, vol. 38/39, no. 2/1, Apr. 2012, pp. 94-99. EBSCOhost
    My second body paragraph focuses on the student's personal growth. This article talks about how student housing not only benefit intellectual but also social and personal growth.

  10. 1.Challenging state modernity: Governmental adaptation and n formal water politics in Mexico City
    Felipe de Alba
    This first article goes into the struggle between Mexico City and its ability to supply water to its population. This article correlates with my second body paragraph and appeals to ethos.
    2.Sustainable Groundwater Management Act.
    Kiparsky, Michael
    This article compliments my first body paragraph about California groundwater policy. The article appeals to logos.
    3.Why Invisible Power and
    Structural Violence Persist in the
    ater Domain*
    Lyla Mehta
    The title of the last article is very similar to my thesis statement and can be used to form an extra body paragraph.
    Carlos Montejo

  11. 1. Cole, D. (2008). Constructive Criticism: The Role of Student-Faculty Interactions on African American and Hispanic Students' Educational Gains. Journal of College Student Development 49(6), 587-605. The Johns Hopkins University Press. Retrieved June 10, 2017, from Project MUSE database.
    -The study shows that faculty who give constructive criticism to minority students (African American and Hispanic students) help the student improve their overall GPA, achieve academic success, and improve educational satisfaction.
    - This source is relevant because it shows that not all criticism are negative. Constructive criticism is a powerful tool because not only the feedback is encouraging for the recipient, the criticism can also bring the recipient to success (in this case, improving overall GPA and improving education satisfaction).

    2. Raver, Jana L., et al. "Destructive Criticism Revisited: Appraisals, Task Outcomes, and the Moderating Role of Competitiveness." Applied Psychology: An International Review, vol. 61, no. 2, Apr. 2012, pp. 177-203. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1111/j.1464-0597.2011.00462.x.
    - Raver discusses how constructive criticism should be used than deconstructive criticism.
    - It is noted from Raver’s article that deconstructive criticism is not the preferred way to criticize a person because the criticism can be harsh and harmful.

    (counterargument) HOWEVER… criticism is still necessary to have success.
    According to Renegar, endure criticism is necessary to keep the conversation fresh and ongoing.

    Renegar, Valerie R. "Critical/Cultural Scholarship and the Responsibility for Building Theory: Enduring Criticism Revisited." Western Journal of Communication, vol. 77, no. 5, Oct. 2013, pp. 509-513. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1080/10570314.2013.804194.

    - Renegar’s source is relevant to the essay because the article discussed how “enduring criticism” is necessary to increase the value of the research or the product so that new theories can be generated. If scholars choose not to contribute to the theory, the product can only be valuable to a few people who shares similar interests.
    -Although Raver’s deconstructive criticism statement is true and should be avoided at all times, even the harsh criticism can be valued as improvements.

    3. Shahar, Ben, et al. "A Wait‐List Randomized Controlled Trial of Loving‐Kindness Meditation Programme for Self‐Criticism." Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, vol. 22, no. 4, Jul-Aug, 2015, pp. 346-356. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1002/cpp.1893.
    -Self-criticisms are one of the setbacks to many that struggle to achieve success. Self-criticism plays a significant role in many psychological disorders and it is highly related to depression. However, when the person realizes that their own critiques are the reason that sets them back, and becomes more accepting towards themselves (thus becoming more self-compassionate), one can surpass their own criticism. Practicing self- compassion can reduce depressive symptoms and increase positive emotions. Self-compassion can promote positive and optimistic thinking, which are the key to success.
    - This article is relevant because it shows that everybody can be a critic, including yourself. How the person perceive criticism can determine the road to success or failure. If a person accepts that they are flawed human beings, and becomes more self-compassionate towards themselves, then the person will have an open mind to conquer the criticism in a more positive light. Criticism is not a failure, but it is opportunity to perfect the work.

    -Jenny Wu

  12. 1. “when people do not have enough of a resource, they take it from those who have” – Resource Unpredictability, Mistrust, and War by Carol R. Ember and Melvin Ember
    a. The is relevant to my argument because it reaffirms the idea that war for resources is common throughout human history and even within different cultures.
    2.“The proportion of national income going to the bottommost group has probably not increased in the United States or in most other economies. New forms of division and stratification may be emerging”- Poverty, Inequality, and Conflict by S. M. Miller, Martin Rein, Pamela Roby, and Bertram M. Gross
    a. This is relevant to my argument because its shows the inequality still has not been fix because of the internal conflicts that are seen politically and socioeconomically in America and many other developed or developing countries. This is also bringing up the moral issue of seeing the poor become more improvised while the wealthiest become richer.
    3.“the expectation is that resolve declines as trade increases, making war less attractive, with the understanding that the value of trade should be assessed by a measure of dependence”- How Trade Affect Conflict? by James D. Morrow
    a. This is relevant to my argument because it shows that trade and dependence of others is key to preventing conflict.

    -Rommel Agustin

  13. I chose Topic five for my in-class essay
    1. The peasants’ revolt by Peter Jones (http://falcon.lib.csub.edu:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=8908280542&site=ehost-live)
    - This article is relevant to the topic of my essay because it discusses the role of the peasants play during the French Revolution and it also further support my claim that lack of resources can lead to violence. This will provide as an example of violence caused by inequality.
    2. “Risk, Uncertainty, and Violence in Eastern Africa” by Carol Ember, Teferi Abate Adem and Ian Skoggard.
    a. This is relevant to my argument because it shows a relationship between resource scarcity and warfare frequency. It reaffirms the idea that conflict and lack of resources have strong correlation.
    3. “Promoting Peace and Economic Security in Rwanda Through Fair and Equitable Land Rights” by Jamie Crook
    a. This is article is relevant because it shows how the country uses different strategies in solving poverty and violence.
    -Jasper Agpaoa

  14. 1. Gary R. Pike
    The differential effects of on and off campus living arrangements on students' openness to diversity.
    This article will support one of my main topics that is that college students tend to be more open to diversity than those living off campus.

    2. Wendy K. Enochs and Catherine B. Roland
    Social adjustment of college freshman: the importance of gender and living environment.
    This article is relevant because it shows how gender is affected in the overall adjustment level and social adjustment and the different type of living environment.

    3. Samantha Nazione, Carolyn Laplante, Sandi W. Smith, Jennifer Cornacchoine, Jessica Russell, and Cynthia Stohl
    Memorable messages for navigating college life.
    This article will show the different experiences freshman college students experience during their first year such as: challenges and topics, changes in behaviors and attitudes, and message sources.

    1. -Mariel Yanez

      Oops, I forgot to tag my name.

  15. Hello Everyone, my name is Jagjeet Gill and the three sources I am going to use for my paper are:

    1) Kurman, J, et al. "Is Self-Enhancement Negatively Related to Constructive Self-Criticism? Self-Enhancement and Self-Criticism in Israel and in Japan." Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, vol. 34, no. 1, Jan. 2003, pp. 24-37. EBSCOhost, falcon.lib.csub.edu:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?

    I am going to use this source in my first paragraph as a way to support my argument of having critics in our lives. This source talks about the difference between emotional self-criticism and constructive self-criticism. The relation between these topics and self-enhancement is something society tends to wrongly relate. This is a concrete source in clarifying my argument.

    2) Niraj, Rakesh and Jagdip Singh. "Impact of User-Generated and Professional Critics Reviews on Bollywood Movie Success." Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ), vol. 23, no. 3, Aug. 2015, pp. 179-187. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1016/j.ausmj.2015.02.001.

    I am going to use this source in my second paragraph as a way to promote the idea of achieving success through criticism by referencing data and the various analytical techniques used in determining the success rates of Bollywood movies. This source is important because it is supported by algorithms and semantic networks to validate the claims about critics and success.

    3) Lueke, Niloufar and Reid Skeel. "The Effect of Self-Criticism on Working Memory in Females Following Success and Failure." Personality and Individual Differences, vol. 111, 01 June 2017, pp. 318-323. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1016/j.paid.2017.02.035.
    I am going to use this source in my third paragraph to relate my claims to scientific research. The relation of failure and success to self-criticism varies. This source covers the most important factor that countless people do not understand when learning from their failures and trying to be successful.

  16. I got topic seven: “As we get older, it is harder to have heroes, but it still necessary.” –Ernest Hemingway
    1. “Where Have all the Heroes Gone? By John Mariotti
    It is an interesting source where the author examines how was to have a hero years ago and how it is now. He also says that at a young age to have a hero is something easy, because children are more innocent, and they see heroes everywhere, but as we get older we do not trust as a child does. It makes that adults spend more time looking for a hero or they realize that they do not to have one.
    2. “Do We Still Need Heroes?” by Steve Nadon
    This article explains that heroes are no more than a humans’ obsession to have an idea or a role model of how our lives as to look like, but there is not a specific reason to have a hero if we do not need it. Also, he says that as we get older we have more contact with social media and it makes us to lose contact with the real world around us, and at the end, social media causes that we lose interest in having a hero.
    3. “Boy, Do We Ever Need a Hero?” by David Granger
    Mr. Granger describes what heroes are and why humans do not need always believe in them. He states that heroes are an important part on children lives, but when they get older their experience in life makes them to lose interest in having a hero.

    Alondra Moreno

    1. All your sources seem very useful for the topic that you chose!

  17. My essay discusses the importance of promoting sustainability (renewable energy) and the equitable distribution of resources to promote peace within communities.

    1)"Dollars From Sense: The Economic Benefits of Renewable Energy" by The National Energy Renewable Laboratory
    -This document is relevant for my essay because it discusses the the benefits for communities using solar and wind energy, for example, the creation of jobs that result from renewable energy.

    2)"How To Become An Environmentally Sustainable Community" by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection; Office of Planning and Sustainable Communities
    -This document is relevant because it discusses the process of becoming a sustainable community, the benefits, and the experience/lessons learned from implementing the process.

    3)"Distributive Justice" by Michelle Maiese
    -This article is relevant because it discusses the significance and outcomes of the even/fair distribution of resources.

  18. My essay is about criticism and without it, there is no success.

    1:Stoeber, Joachim, Jemeela Hutchfield, and Kerry Wood. "Perfectionism, Self-efficacy, and Aspiration Level: Differential Effects of Perfectionistic Striving and Self-criticism After Success and Failure." Personality and Individual Differences, 45.4 (2008): 323-327.
    ~ The will address my 1st paragraph about how criticism will affect a person's aspirations.

    2:Adrian, Manuella. "Can Failure Carefully Observed Become a Springboard to Success?." Substance Use & Misuse, 47.13-14 (2012): 1384.
    ~ This will address my second paragraph about how failure is seen to a person and if it really is failure.

    3:Ellis, Shmuel, Bernd Carette, Frederik Anseel, and Filip Lievens. "Systematic Reflection: Implications for Learning from Failures and Successes." Current Directions in Psychological Science, 23.1 (2014): 67.
    ~ This will be about my third paragraph addressing how we can learn from our failure and it will bring us success.

    I have articles that I found that can also help address my paragraph and that will just give me more knowledge on my topic.

  19. Religion and Spirituality
    -The article discusses the benefits residential halls have on students gaining spiritual or religious identity.

    The Impact of Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention on University Resident Assistants. Deborah J.Taub, Heather L. Servaty-Seib, Nathan Miles, Ji-Yeon Lee, Carrie A. Wachter Morris, Susan L. Prieto-Welch, and Donald Werden
    -University housing provides students with opportunities to better communicate with trained staff about potential life ending problems.

    The Philosophy
    of University Housing
    -This article states that with shared experiences through university housing students get a sense of community.

    Gelynne Agustin

  20. 1. "Social adjustment of college freshman: The importance of gender and living environment" by Wendy Enochs and Catherine Roland
    - This article discussed the benefits of living on campus, such as establishing connections through campus activities and transitioning to college in an easier way.

    2. "The impact of on-campus student growth on first-year student engagement and success" by Steven LaNasa, Elizabeth Olson, and Natalie Alleman
    - Students living on campus allows colleges to foster students' education. Living on campus fosters change while maximizing social, cultural, and extracurricular engagement.

    3. "The Differential Effects of On- and Off-Campus Living Arrangements on Students' Openness to Diversity" by Gary Pike
    - This article supports on of my topics about living on campus allows students to be more open minded about different cultures

  21. http://coolestwords.com/
