Thursday, October 30, 2014

Losing It

Our culture traffics in idioms, one such expression being, "I'm losing it" or "I've lost it."

For this post, describe (in a paragraph or two) one time you "lost it."


  1. It drives me banana sandwich that the San Francisco Giants won the World Series. Let me explain. I am a dodger fan. We have the highest payroll in the majors right now. We won our division, meaning we had a better regular season than the Giants. Once the playoffs come around all of our star players start playing like scrubs. So, we were eliminated in the second round of this year’s playoffs. My first reaction is angry at our level of play and at that fact that we should have won. But, a small feeling of satisfaction that the Giants will lose in their next playoff match up keeps my sanity. The glorious feeling of the Giants losing is what a dodger fan lives for and can’t wait to bring it up to any Giants fan across the globe. But, what happens? The Giants win. Reminding me that the Dodgers lost and the Giants are World Series champs. It is at this point where I have officially lost it and have to rethink life.

    1. Haha... I have to say I agree with this one. If anything gets me going it's baseball. I've been rationalizing, telling myself and others that sometimes it's not the best team that wins, just the luckiest. Now I'm just sitting in front of my laptop getting angry again. Thanks. :)

  2. A little more than 3 years ago my husband and I found ourselves in the midst of some very hard times. He had lost his job due to a very poor decision on his part. We had been going through fertility treatments for about 6 months trying to have what would have been our second child. I became very ill and had to have a total hysterectomy - devastating to us as we both had hoped to have a large family. Leading up to my surgery I was bed ridden. I have always been the one to cook dinner for our family, but in my condition I no longer could, so my husband did his best. The night before my surgery my husband prepared an amazing dinner - my favorite: steak, baked potatoes, and broccoli. The next morning he 'cleaned the kitchen/ remains of our dinner' and we left for the hospital. We were in the hospital for several days. When we came home our extended family had arranged to bring us meals for several weeks - along with paper plates and plastic utensils. We didn't use our dishwasher at all for several weeks. During this time a 'smell' started. Barely noticeable at first, but it eventually became overwhelming. While my husband was at work I began this mission to find the source. After several unsuccessful attempts I finally arrived at the dishwasher. I unlocked it and opened the door and to my absolute horror found it to be FULL of maggots! Apparently the night before my surgery, instead of cleaning the kitchen, dear husband tossed the dishes with the left-over food and all into the dishwasher and just left it there. GROSS! I lost it big time!

  3. I know what happens in the videos. I have read every excruciating detail, with tears rolling down my cheek. Still, I am able to turn the page and continue reading. Watching the videos are different. Words of a sentence leave you with room for a lacking imagination, the videos don't. The videos depict the horrendous acts without needing to provide words. The videos provide images that are beyond our ignorant imagination. I have read about chick culling multiple times. I have watched the video once. To read about newborn baby chicks being ground up alive is one thing. To watch newborn baby chicks being macerated using a high speed grinder, is another. To read about a piglet being slammed onto a concrete floor is one thing. To see the man emotionally able to throw a piglet onto the concrete floor, is another. To read about a baby calf being torn away from its mother the day of birth is one thing. To see the human inflicted broken bond between the two, is another. I know what happens in the videos. I have watched them once. This time, I turned the volume on. This time, I completely lost it. I have read about slaughterhouse abuse. I have seen slaughterhouse abuse. This time, I heard the animals cry. This time, I heard the animals scream.

  4. A few years ago I was working in relocation at a local company. My boss was an older man in his early seventies who looked a lot like the actor Sorrell Brooke. He drove me crazy because he had "selective memory." He only wanted to remember what suited his needs at the time and ignored the rest. Every time there was an update in policy it was my job to distribute this information and explain in detail what the information meant and how it affected the company.
    The problem began when I realized he pretended not to remember anything I was telling him when it didn't suite his needs. I was finding myself explaining the same thing over and over. The process was unbearable because it would last over an hour each time, and it would always end by me calling corporate headquarters who created the update and have them tell him the same information I just got done explaining to him moments earlier.
    One day in the midst of the madness I had enough. I lost it! When he left for lunch, I stapled all the updates for the entire year all over his walls. I waited for him to return from lunch just to see his reaction to my frustrations. I was not disappointed. He was so shocked his neck started to quiver and I thought he was going to have a heart attach. I laughed so hard I started to cry. He fired me of course, but I walked out laughing! Even today when I think of his reaction it makes giggle. That was the best freakout I have ever had,

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  6. It was about five or six ago that i had a breakdown and i totally lost it. I had a cellphone and it wasn't that old, i probably had it for only a year but i was a really bad phone. I was very fond of texting so whenever my phone would act up it would get me really frustrated. I had warranty on it, so i did exchange probably about two or three times because it would freeze up on me or it would just shut down. One day when i had gotten out of work and my friends were having a pizza party so right when i called them by phone decides to shut off, forever. I was really tired from work since i was a dishwasher at the time, so my back was killing me. All i was thinking about was to go with some friends relax and eat some delicious pizza. At the moment my phone turns off i was so infuriated i just threw it to the ground until it broke and then threw it into the food disposer. It felt so good hear that piece of crap of a phone grind, it was music to my ears. A few minutes later i realized that now i was left with no phone, but i didn't care because i had finally gotten out of my system something that i was holding in for a long time. Maybe it was a dumb idea to break my phone when i could've probably gotten another, but i didn't care. I was relieved and that's all that mattered.

  7. fareedah salahud-dinOctober 31, 2014 at 1:30 PM

    I work at the Panama Buena Vista School district as a classified sub. About a couple weeks ago I was working at a school I hadn't worked at this current year. Usually that's not a problem for me because most schools and classes are ran the same. But this wasn't an ordinary class, this class was a SDC special aid class. This type of class means that the children are troubled or mentally challenged but not fully disabled. The class functions and acts like normal people, but the students are very defiant and rude. The way I was trained and have been displaying since 2009 was to be firm and not let them over power me. So that's what I went into the class intending to do, put my foot down. But at this school there was a new teacher and the teacher basically let the class run over him. So when I got disrespected by a student I went to sketch my authority and more than once was scolded by the teacher like I was the student and the student was me. I was livid. I marched to the principal and informed him I could not work in a class where the teacher has no control. The principal agreed that as an employee I had the right to be moved and so I was. I finshed the rest of my day in another class. And still got paid for that position on that day.

  8. I have three brothers that are all older than me. The two oldest got into gangs when they were in middle school. They've had multiple run-ins with the police. My third brother who is five years older than myself is a little bit slow. When I was 16 almost 17 during the summer. The police showed up to my mother's apartment and knocked at our door. This of course woke everyone up. This being during the summer meant that I had gone to bed late. Before we knew what was happening the police officers used a battering ram on our front door and ordered everyone to come down stairs. Upon doing this they searched and handcuffed everyone. When my brother who is five years my senior came down they knocked him to the ground to handcuff him. They used excessive force to "restrain" him. He had no idea what was going on, none of us did. They threw a flash-bang upstairs after we came down, which broke the upstairs window that was by the stairs. They searched our apartment like a tornado ripping through a town and repeatedly asked for my oldest brother who didn't live with us. Eventually, not immediately, I started cussing out the cops like there was no tomorrow. They were searching my mom's house when my oldest brother didn't even live there. To top all of this off they were being very disrespectful to my mom, the apartment, my brother, and myself. The officer who was asking me questions was being extremely rude. I decided not to answer anymore of his questions and I cussed him out like there was no tomorrow. Long story short when they were done searching the apartment the officer that I cussed out came up to me and apologized on his way out.

  9. Ahhh, Georgie Boy. I have always sort of identified with him. He is crazy in a way that makes sense to me sometimes, like when he created a candy line up to identify the person who stole his candy bar. Twix!! That being said, I'm not really a person who loses it. In the spirit of Halloween I will recount an evening when I was a little too upset about trick-or-treaters walking across my lawn. I let it go the first few times but when a group of 5 or 6 older ran from next door to my porch across both lawns I turned to my husband and said how sad it was that nobody teaches their children manners anymore. He gave me a look that said "that's enough" but as the children were walking away I added "stay off the grass, please". I heard a mother at the end of my walkway ask "what did you say to my child?". I repeated myself and said that I was sure that she was about to remind her child of the same thing since it is rude to behave so disrespectfully towards other people's property. I followed that by saying how embarrassed I would be if my child behaved that way. The mom actually looked embarrassed for a moment but just muttered "bitch" under her breath and walked away. The next group of kids coming along heard everything and made sure to use the walkway. I felt a little bad but I was right, so... not really. Hopefully I don't go all Mr. Wilson on anyone tonight. Serenity now!!

  10. Losing it; a phrase we use to describe times where everything seems out of our control. Those days when cannot figure out what is happening and why we are facing the situations that arise before us, we feel like pulling our hair out, screaming at the top of our lungs, punching the nearest object; we are losing it. We are losing our sense of control and power on our life. Personally, I experience plenty of days where i feel like I'm losing it. Being at the point in life where I have to make a decision about my career feels like it is a narrow street of options; one way leads to a bright open life while the other lead to a dark, unpredictable future. Everyone experiences their own version of "losing it." For me, I feel panic creeping up my body, stress overtaking and a strange sense of detachment from things around me. During those times i feel like I'm losing control, it helps to zero in an focus on the one thing you find calming and pleasing. Whether that be sleeping, dancing, reading, or simply walking aimlessly until everything clicks back into place, there is a cure for the times we catch the "losing it" virus. Losing it is nothing more than feeling overwhelmed by the events taking place around us. However, this emotion can wreck havoc within us which can break us down not only mentally but physically as well.

  11. I lost it this morning. I was so tired. They were so loud! I was late to work. They were fighting again! I tried to hold it in but they got louder and louder and I lost it. There it was, loader, demanding and bitchy as hell.

  12. I lose it every time I'm watching the Philadelphia Eagles play. I love football so I get very emotional about it. There is just so many little things that drive me nuts when I'm watching the game little simple mistakes that just kills us down the line. I literally watch the games alone because if anybody was around they would think I was crazy on how mad or even happy I may get after a certain play. What drives me to really lose it is when we have a clear chance to win the game but end up messing it up. Having the team you cheer for with such passion and losing in such a crucial game is what really gets me to that point when I have "lost it".

  13. I "lose it" every time I have a bad burrito roller person at chipotle. I always go in so pumped to have a burrito. However, my luck, I always get the new person in training. Thus, I am stuck with having half my burrito broken apart. This is the most annoying thing to me. I would have ordered a bowl if I wanted one, which is how I end up having to eat my burrito when it falls apart.

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  15. One time I lost it was when I was researching the topic rape for my criminal justice seminar paper. Every article I read about was always the same. There is no money to test every Rape kit victims are required to take. Many of them just sit in a specific room that holds these rape kits that are more the 30 years old. It makes me lose it because these victims or family members may never know who did this and/or that person may rape others. Well when I read these articles, my family and boyfriend ending up being at the other end. I was always talking about the subject on how it is unfair to the victims and family. It was three difficult months of pure torture for them. And even now I still lose it when I read or watch about similar cases on the articles or news.

  16. I used to live with a roommate. She was constantly eating my food and not cleaning after herself. My patience with her was running out and I knew I would lose it eventually. I just did not know how. One day she invited me to a party, I declined partly because I had important exams and because she would also get into trouble. That early morning received a call at 2AM. It was my roommate stating she was being held at the police station because she was drunk driving. Since this was not the first time this had happened, I lost it and proceeded to yell at her over the phone at her lack of responsibility. I hung and called her parents to bail her out and within the next few days I had moved out.

  17. I grew up with a sister who is seven years younger than me. We never had anything in common because we had such different personalities, so I never had to deal with her stealing my clothes. When my boyfriend 's family started to have financial trouble, we moved in to help them out. I have always hated when people enter my room and go through my belongings. One day I found my boyfriends 's little brother wearing my sweater from high school. I let it slide and told him not to touch my stuff again. His sister came into my room one day asking if this sweater belonged to me. I was upset because I knew his brother had taken it again. I asked my boyfriend to talk to his parents about it and he did. After months had passed, I saw a picture online with his little brother wearing one of my newer sweaters. I was furious to see that he was disobeying my wishes. His parents "talked" to him again for the 4th time. The other day my boyfriend and I were going to meet some friends for dinner and I could not find my pants. We searched the whole room and nothing. His little brother was drying clothes, so I opened it and come to find the pants I was looking for and another sweater! I was so angry and went off on my boyfriend. He sat there with a scared look on my face because I was so furious and upset, but still to this day they have not punished that kid.

  18. There are many times where I have lost it, but one very memorable time was when I went overseas for the first time. I am the type of person who can get adjusted to something very quickly; however, it is very hard when it is something the total opposite of what you are used to. I lived in my husband's house, which wasn't a problem. The house was filled with his parents, brothers, sister in laws, and nieces and nephews. I'm not too used to being around such a large family every single day because I used to live with just my mother and two brothers. Anyways, my husbands house is located on top of a hill. The fact that I would have to climb up the hill to get to the house every day or every couple days drove me crazy alone. So, the only times I have lost it were the times that the electricity would turn off for days or where water would run out. The second time I went, I got pregnant right away. Every single thing I was craving wasn't available there, so I almost lost my mind. Thankfully, I made it back sooner than I thought.

  19. At the company I work at, before I moved up into my position of accounts manager, I was a respiratory technician in charge of servicing air trailers for our company and customers. The position is always consistently busy and yet upper management always liked to task me to do extra work for them even though they knew i was starting early and getting off later. One day i was exhausted from working four consecutive (16-18) hour days and on my fourth day, our operations manger at the time promised me that i would have an assistant by my last day of a job i was working on. Well the assistant never showed up and instead of finding me a replacement the op. manager gave me a list of names and numbers and told me to figure it out. I lost my mind and told him what was on my mind about lack of help and communication and when he told me to calm down I let him know that calming down went out the window 8 hours ago. Luckily I was not fired but instead promoted because even though i lost my mind I was still able to manage and handle all my responsibilities and was professional with all of our customers.

  20. The day I lost it was on a Sunday after dinner. I was washing the dishes. The deal that I made with my parents was that as soon as I finish with the dishes I was free to do anything. Well, I washing the dishes and I was quite happy because there did not seem to be a lot of dishes. Ten to go, nine, eight, seven, six. But then my sister puts another plate in the sink. I was like "okay no problem." I continue to wash. Then my brother comes in and puts his cup in the sink. My brother and his family arrive and my niece and nephew are thirsty so they want to drink juice. They get two cups but the cup they got for my niece is too big so they put the cup in the sink and get another cup. My other brother and sister come and they get cups, drink water, and then place it in the sink. By now, I am really frustrated that they keep placing dishes in the sink. Then my sister comes in and she knows that I am getting annoyed. So she gets a cup pours water, drinks the water, and then she smirks as she throws the cup in the sink. That was the last straw. After that I lost it!!!

  21. Thinking of one specific instance when I have lost it because I feel as though I am always going crazy. However, I would have to say that the most recent was yesterday. I was in target with my five year old going to pick up a present for a birthday party my seven year was going to. My son while walking down the toy isle sees something that he all the sudden remembers he was desperately. I tell him that I am not going to buy the toy and he needs to put it back. Well, he does but then starts throwing a horrible fit because I am not buying the stinking toy. I begin to "lose It". We right then and there head to the checkout and go home. When we arrive home I realize that I completely did not even get what I had went to the store for in the first place. After that I gave up and sent my husband to get it.

  22. When I was younger my older sisters would always make fun of me, I was the youngest after all. Well one time I could not take it anymore, they were making fun of my boyfriend at the time and every time I would try to say something they would keep going with the comments. It was so frustrating that they would not let me get a word in. I then lost it completely. I yelled so loud in frustration and ran out the back door slamming it like five times. It got pretty bad, but since I was young and in my mother's home, my mother made me apologize for damaging her property. She did not even say anything to my sisters who kept laughing, so then I lost it again. It was a pretty bad night, but ever since then my sisters have not messed with me so much as to get me that angry.

  23. Growing up, I used to spend a lot of time at my grandparents house while my parents worked. Everyday after school I would stay at my grandparents till my parents got off work and so did four of my boy cousins. Every time we would play with each other things always seemed to go well and we would all get along. Our favorite game was hid and go seek outside. We would hide all down the street. Well one day I happened to get tagged and was the seeker. I literally looked for my cousins what seemed like hours to then find them all inside watching TV and eating an ice cream. I lost it! I was so mad I started crying, turned the TV off and knocked one of my cousins ice creams out of his hand.

  24. Last time I had lost it was working with a group. We had a game plan for a huge project (teaching English in East Asia) and everything went different than planned and expected. We focused on minor subjects, never got together the day before teaching English, and every person was at different levels of completion and preparation. When I begin "losing it" though, I withdraw and start calculating every possible wrong outcome. So that is what I did. I withdrew and drove myself into a deeper hole. Thankfully, I got to a point where I just let it go and prayed to God. Everything worked out and everyone attending loved it.
