Sunday, November 2, 2014

Lost in a Moment

And now to take a more positive tone.

Watch the short film below and describe (in a short paragraph or two) one time you were lost in the moment.


  1. Every time I hear the song "A thousand years by: Christina Perri" I get lost in the moment because it reminds me of my best friend Shelby. It does not matter if I am having a bad or good day. When I hear that song everything goes away and I just think of great times we've had together. To me it is a time of peace or escape from what I am worrying about at the moment. It is actually really great to get lost in that moment. Typical response after getting lost in the moment is to call or send my friend a message and then go on with my day in a better mood than I was before.

  2. I get lost in a the moment when I'm dancing. It doesnt matter who im dancing with or who is looking. It's just about letting go and feeling the music and being happy and joyful. I forget about everything and everyone and the smile on my face is beyond ecstatic.

  3. The time that i got lost in a moment was the time i saw my all-time favorite spanish rock band Mana. It was about 2 years ago, and it was a goal that i've had since was a youngster. When i hear their music i get locked into a world of peace and tranquility. I still remember like it was yesterday when i had purchased my tickets, and i was anticipating September 13 to get here. That day of the concert was surreal, when i walked into the Rabobank Arena and seeing them for the first time was indescribable. I did not care that i had to work the next day, and i certainly didn't care that i lost my voice for 2 days because it was all worth it. I will forever remember that night as a moment in which i lost to notion of time and whatever came after that night.

  4. A time that I felt lost in a moment occurred when my husband and I were vacationing in Carmel to celebrate our second anniversary. We were on a rather scenic road coming back towards our inn from Monterey where we had gone for dinner. We had visited the area several The way the setting sun was shining through the trees cast a halo of backlight on the homes and woods to the west and painted the scenery to the east in gold light. My husband and I had both stopped talking and just enjoyed the view. I felt like we were the only people on the road and the show was just for us. At some point our kids called us to complain about each other and we finally realized that we had missed our turn a mile or two back. We had been completely taken by our surroundings and forgotten about our destination. It was one of the best moments of our vacation.

  5. I would have to say that I get lost in the moment every time I make and finish a piece of art work. I love to make sculptures. There is a certain feeling I get when I know that I am going to create something original. There is just something about building up other items to make one final project, that I truly adore.I get lost in the moment of being in control and making something I would want to see or buy. I get a since of joy when I finish a piece and no that its all mine.

  6. A time that I have been lost in the moment is when I go camping or hiking with my boyfriend. My boyfriend and I go camping semi often and every we go it is a new adventure to get lost in. Camping is an escape for us. A place for us to forget about all of our responsibilities and just enjoy the scenery and fresh air.

  7. I get lost in the moment every time my boyfriend and I leave town. We are able to get away and forget about all of the things we have going on at home. We spend time in a different town exploring all the things a new town has to offer. I enjoy trying different restaurants and foods that we do not have here in town. We are always too busy with school and work to be able to spend quality time together, so when we are able to leave somewhere it is like nothing else matters. I am able to clear my mind and get lost in the moment.

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  9. Last year I travelled to Paris, France and was able to climb up the steps to the Eiffel Tower. When I finally reached the top, the view was breathtaking. Something I had never seen before. Climbing the staircase was pretty difficult and I had lost my breath by the time I got to the top, but I did not even care. Nothing mattered at that time, it did not matter that I had gone up alone and it did not matter that I was tired. I was just so happy that I was actually in Paris on top of the Eiffel Tower, something that I never would have imagined. Just realizing that the world is so beautiful and that people created the tower itself was amazing. I was so lost in the moment that I lost track of time and forgot I had to meet up with someone, but it was worth it. A moment I would never forget.

  10. I was born and raised in Bakersfield. When i was 14 years old I took a trip to my mother's home country, the Philippines. Although we were exposed to various poverty-stricken lifestyles, we were also exposed to one of the most beautiful beaches I have ever seen. Boracay is a small island located a little less than ten hours away from the country's capitol, Manila. This trip was the firs time I have ever traveled out of the country, and this beautiful island seemed so surreal. The island consisted of white sandy beaches with transparent blue water hitting the shoreline. At one point in the trip, I was able to pause and reflect upon my amazing experience. It was during this moment, while sitting at dinner with some family, that the sun began to set and i felt lost in the moment.

  11. The first time I went to the beach with my girlfriend. It wasn't because of the scenery of the beach that I became enthralled in the moment. I know this because the beach was covered by clouds. It wasn't a particularly beautiful day to be at the beach but I lost myself t here that day because I spent it with my wonderful girlfriend. We lost track of time and talked for hours until we got hungry. It was a great day. It was my first time at the beach. We basically did nothing and yet it was such an exciting day.

  12. The time I can recall the most when I had gotten lost in a moment was when I was 12. Every year my family vacations in Lake Tahoe and the drive there was remarkable. I remember the change in weather, the air turning crisp and the tunnel of trees. As a young girl, I would always ask if we were close to our destination when traveling as every young kid would but not on our trip to Tahoe. Now, when I travel I get lost in the moment. Every so often I drive up to the Sequoia National Forest and just take in the scenery. I get lost in the view and smell of the tress. Being up in the mountains is where I get lost the most.

  13. The most rememberable time I got lost in the moment was when I was flying to Washington, DC. The view when I was landing was so beautiful. It made me realize how big this world really is. Washington, DC is the farthest that I have been away from Bakersfield. Therefore, seeing how much more there is to this world really made me get lost in the moment.

  14. I got lost every time I read a new book. I get lost in the characters, their struggles, fears, and joys. The setting, whether it be Victorian England or down the Missisippi River. The plot provides an insight into the unknown and allows me to lose myself in the journey of the characters. It is an escape from reality to me and once I am done with a book I feel content.

  15. I got lost in the moment when I went to a cave in Arkansas for the first time. The tour guide turned on all the lights and the cave just lit up. The sight was just awesome. The top of the cave was so high that it was surreal. I also get lost in the moment when I listen to music. I love to listen to music. It just is so soothing when you want it or it can be fast and loud.

  16. I got lost in the moment when I go to the beach and sit down to watch the sunset. The different colors that surrounds me make me think of what it would feel like going into the ocean. The sounds of the seagulls and waves breaking makes me relax and think about how beautiful nature is. Being able to taste the salty air and feel the sand between my toes makes me happy. Every time I go to the beach by myself, it is always the same. The feeling of peacefulness, allows me to reflect about accomplishments in my life and what I am going to do with my future. Being lost in this particular moment is a beautiful privilege for me.

  17. I got lost in the moment when I played football in high school. Game nights were the best nothing else mattered at that moment but playing and giving it all out in the field. The stands full of people, the band playing, the cheers going on it was the best. It got the intensity and the adrenaline going. Those were really great memories in which I felt lost in the moment.

  18. The first thing that came to mind to share is not one moment, but several. I get completely lost in the moment every time I ride a rollercoaster. I completely forget everything else in the world, anything I'm feeling, who I'm with, etc. and just have the most wonderful time. I scream, yell, shout joyfully all the while with a huge grin on my face. I love the speed, twists, turns, and drops. Then at the very end, when it abruptly stops and you know its over, it's like being thrown back into reality - and I can't wait to do it again!

  19. "We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea – whether it is to sail or to watch it – we are going back from whence we came." -President John F. Kennedy

    The quote by John F. Kennedy is perfect for this blog post because every chance I get to go to the beach is a moment where everything else in the world ceases to exist for me. The has always been a place that will always feel right to me. The ocean is like a second home. The sound of each wave hitting the water is the most relaxing. The ocean is so peaceful. Yet, has enough power to keep us humble. The ocean is a mystery still so it isn't hard to imagine getting lost in all of the possibilities.

  20. An amazing time when I just got "lost in a moment" was when I went to Australia and traveled it's east coast. The whole trip I felt this way, but one spot in particular was when I went snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef. I had seen pictures of it, heard about it, dreamed about it, but being there was simple surreal.
    I've always loved swimming and this was just a different way of doing what love. I got my snorkel mask, cleaned out the lens, and put them on very meticulously. I swam out 25 yards and then dunked my head underwater. I was absolutely terrified and paralyzed in awe of what I saw. It was absolutely amazing how many fish I saw and how they were all different. I couldn't stop exploring after that. Hours passed and I was completely oblivious. That and the rest of Australia was one of the most memorable times I simple got "lost in the moment".

  21. I think getting "lost in a moment" can happen anywhere where you unplug from your daily routine and focus on what's going on around you. I can get lost in the moment when I'm painting, or when I go scubba diving, or hiking. I believe it's a mind set that people get into when they do something they enjoy.

  22. Being in a field of study that requires long hours of studying I often feel disheveled and tired and in need of a good escape from the present. While most would considered taking a break to go out, mingle with friends, or catch up on a recent movie, I choose to pack my things and head to yoga. Yoga is peaceful activity that allows me to calm my thoughts and focus more on what I need to do in order to keep myself happy. Life isn't always about pleasing those around you. If I started conforming to how others would like me to behave, my life would be a chaotic mess. I like tranquility. I like silence. I like connecting to my inner self. Every time I make my way to my yoga class, I lose myself in the moment and simply revel in the peaceful thoughts the simple activity brings to me. One would think that losing yourself in a moment would mean you lose control. However, in my case, I feel I grow as a person each time I go to yoga as I discover new things about myself even i did not know.

  23. The time I remember of being lost in the moment was when I had my son last year. The feeling after giving labor and knowing that I have a child that I can call mine was the most beautiful thing in the world. I immediately forgot everything I had gone through and nothing was able to ruin the moment of joy and happiness I felt. It was just me and him and nothing else mattered. I will forever look back to that day and I don't know if anything else can compare to that for me.
