Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Generating and Structuring Content

This essay will be more varied and idiosyncratic than our academic analysis.  In other words, instead of following a rigid structure of introduction (with hook, context, and thesis), body paragraphs (with topic sentences and integration of research), and conclusion, you will be freer to follow your own path.  This can be both exhilarating and a bit frightening.  Where should I begin?  What should I write about?  How am I going to write four pages on the topic of getting/being lost?

One way of brainstorming and structuring information is to use the rhetorical modes, which are methods for presenting information.  The nine rhetorical modes are as follows: definition, description, exemplification, narration, cause/effect, compare/contrast, division/classification, process analysis, and argument.

Definition refers to the essential qualities or details that comprise a thing or idea.  For this essay, you may choose to define "loss" or "lost."  This definition alone could comprise anywhere from one sentence to a few pages.  Most students immediately turn to a dictionary for definitions and then just quote from Webster's; however, the most effective definitions are the ones you come up with on your own.  Feel free to use a dictionary to help you shape your definition (and even quote from one if you'd like), but be sure that the heart of your definition (and its explanation) comes from you.

Description refers to details associated with the object or idea.  These details can be literal, sensory details (how a thing looks, sounds, feels, smells, and tastes) or can be rhetorical, figurative comparisons (using a metaphor or simile).  For this essay, you could describe what being lost feels like (using the first-person "I" or second-person "you") or what a person who is lost looks like (using the third-person "he" or "she").

Exemplification refers to giving examples that illustrate your idea or claim.  For this essay, you could give examples of times you've been lost or historical examples of famous people who have been lost (such as Amelia Earnhardt or Christopher Columbus).

Narration refers to using a story to illustrate an idea or claim.  All stories require three components: characters, setting, and plot.  For this essay, you could narrate a time you were lost (or found), a time you lost something, or a time you were lost in a moment.  For narrative to be effective, remember, there must be a clearly developed plot, setting, and characters.

Cause/Effect refers to an explanation or exploration of causal relationships.  For this essay, you could explore what leads a person to become lost (or found), or you could discuss the effects of being lost (or found).

Compare/Contrast refers to an explanation or exploration of the similarities and/or differences between objects or ideas.  For this essay, you could compare/contrast different times you were lost, or you could compare/contrast different ways of being lost.

Division/Classification refers to an explanation or exploration of the various types or categories of an object or idea.  For this essay, you could divide and classify the different types of being lost, the different methods of being found, or the various types of loss.

Process Analysis refers to an explanation or exploration of the steps involved in a process.  For this essay, you could analyze the steps involved in getting lost (or found).

Argument refers to presenting a claim that you then develop through logical reasoning and evidence.  For this essay, you could argue that being lost is an essential component of being human.

These examples are but a few of the possible ideas you could explore with these rhetorical modes; for example, there are many more arguments you could make regarding the idea of being lost.  A successful essay does not have to use each and every one of these rhetorical modes, but a successful essay will develop the rhetorical modes it does use with specific detail and effective exploration.  For this blog post, list which rhetorical modes you plan on using for your essay (and you can always change your mind later), and provide a brief explanation of how you will use those modes.


  1. I plan on using the process analysis rhetorical mode to structure my essay as a whole. I like the idea of explaining and exploring the steps that resulted in getting "lost". Within the process analysis, I want to work in the cause/ effect, exemplification, and description rhetorical modes. The cause/ effect rhetorical mode will allow me to discuss the effects of being "lost". The exemplification rhetorical mode will allow me to use descriptive content that will convey presented ideas. Lastly, the descriptive rhetorical mode will allow me to elaborate on sensory details that will hopefully result in the reader feeling somewhat connected to my essay.

  2. I will use definition to describe what being “lost” means. I will refer back to my personal definition throughout the essay. I will compare and contrast the different times I was lost and use cause and effect to explain how each time I was lost affected me or affected the situation I was in before becoming lost. I will use stories (narration) to describe the specific times I was lost and use description with it to explain the feelings I felt while being lost. I think all of these work together as one and hope it helps give the essay a better flow.

  3. I will use narration to tell my story of being lost and then found. I will also use definition to develop my definition of lost, and description to illustrate what it felt like when I was lost and then found. I will also use process analysis to describe the steps I took and believe can help others in similar situations, to be found. Lastly, I'll use cause/effect to explain what I believe led me into my situation of being lost and also led me to be found.

  4. I will use my own personal definition of what it feels like to be lost. I also will tell a narrative to set up how this feeling is developed and dealt with. I would also like to explore new possibilities of how the feeling of being lost can vary using cause/effect. I do believe that there are different levels of being lost so i will also explore this idea using division/classification.

  5. fareedah salahud-dinNovember 5, 2014 at 3:36 PM

    I will be using definition to define certain things in my essay. I will be using description to describe certain events that take place. I will be using exemplification to give examples of certain things that play parts in the essay. Narration because I am telling the story in the first person. Cause and effect to show how one thing caused another to happen in my essay that caused me to loss it.

  6. For my essay I will argue that there are many definitions of loss and that these types of losses are an essential component of human life. I will do these by using the following rhetorical devices: exemplification, division/ classification, and argument. In exemplification and division/ classification I will give literary examples of various types of losses.

  7. For this essay I will use definition, narration, process analysis, and description on "getting lost". I will use definition to clarify what I mean when discussing "getting lost" or "lost in the moment". Then, I will use exemplification and narration of personal experience(s) to set a foundation for my theme. I will also use process analysis and description when going through my narration as well.

  8. For this essay i will be using the rhetorical modes of definition, description, exemplification. I will use definition to describe my personal definition of being lost, and i will also compare it to the denotation meaning of lost. I will then use description to be as descriptive as i can to illustrate what being "lost" feels like. Finally i will use exemplification to list some examples of when i have been "lost" or "lost in a moment" myself. I will try to elaborate my personal sense of being lost throughout the paper through the use of these rhetorical methods, so i can create a more profound connection with the reader of my essay.

  9. I will use definition to begin my essay. I will use my personal definition of being lost and what I think it means throughout the essay. I will compare and contrast the different times I was lost and use cause and effect to explain how each time I was lost affected me or affected the situation I was in before becoming lost. I will use narration to describe the specific times I was lost and how it felt.

  10. For this essay I will use my own personal definition of what being lost is and compare this to Webster’s definition of being lost. I will then compare and contrast my definition to Websters. In the essay I will use narration to tell a story in my life in first person and exemplification this will allow the readers to connect with my essay.

  11. Description. Describing different atmospheres and or feelings that someone feels when they get lost. Exemplification giving examples of situations where people get lost. Narration by telling a story of when as a child you get lost. The panic that quickly sets in. Compare/Contrast the difference between getting lost as a child and getting lost as an adult. Division/Classification the different types of getting lost. As in when you need to get away. Or when you are simply lost in your own thoughts.

  12. I plan using definition, description, and narrative rhetorical methods to tell a time when I was lost. I will define what being lost is to me at a time when you are all alone and have no one to comfort you. I will describe certain situations where I have been lost in detail about how I felt emotionally. I also want to try to narrate different moments in my life when I was lost or felt lost. I believe these methods would be the most helpful to create my essay.

  13. For my essay, I plan to use definition to define what it means to get lost. I will also use process analysis to describe the steps that were taken that lead me to getting lost. I will also use argument because I need to describe that it is normal for a person to get lost in their life. Lastly, I will also use cause/effect to explain what caused me to become lost in the first place. These methods will help my essay come together in order to be able to describe the moments that lead me to become lost.

  14. I will use Definition to define loss or lost. I will define it in my own words. I will use Exemplification to illustrate my idea. I will also use Narration to tell a time when I was lost in a moment. Using all of these modes I will be able to develop my essay.

  15. I plan to use my own definition of lost to create the base of my essay. From there I will use description, exemplification and narration to explain situations in which I have felt lost. I will use compare/contrast to show the different times I was lost and how they were different from each other and I will tie it back to my definition of being lost. Using these tools I will develop my essay of being lost.

  16. For my essay, I am going to use narration. This will make my essay flow very smoothly. I will narrate a time I was lost in a moment. Also, I plan on using definition. This will help my readers understand my viewpoint from the foundation of my own definition.

  17. For my essay, I will present an argument that loss is an essential component of being human. This will be developed throughout the essay by using the rhetorical mode, exemplification. I will use it by giving different examples of times I was lost and how I helped others that were in the process of finding themselves. I will also provide the steps involved of being lost, this should help strengthen my essay and argument.

  18. For my essay I will develop my own definition of being lost. I will then go into description of a time I was lost and exemplify this type of lost. I will also use compare and contrast along with classify and divide the different ways of being lost.

  19. For my essay, I will describe my own definition of being lost, and i will use compare and contrast for being lost in two different situation. Also, I will classify and divide the different ways of being lost and getting out of a situation and coming back to reality. I will explain how being lost can be defined in two different ways one is when you get lost in a moment because of its beauty and the way it makes you feel where as other is when you get depressed and lose sense of life and present. Also, I will use narration to explain and tell about the past when I was lost not for a moment but for a long time.
