Monday, January 5, 2015

Winter 2015, Post 1

Hello All,

My name is Matthew Woodman, and I will be your instructor for English 305.  For this first post, to which you should post a comment/response by January 7, provide a brief introduction of yourself: your major, current job, career goals, what you hope to learn in this course, and any additional trivia about your life.

Here's a bit about me: I have been teaching at CSUB for fourteen years and have spent most of my life here in the central valley.  In addition to English 305, I also teach the freshmen writing course (110), another upper-division GWAR course (310), Advanced Technical Writing (ADM 510), Introduction to Literature (101), and the first-year-experience course (CSUB 101).  When I am not teaching, I am writing poetry; you can see some of my work here and here.  When I am not writing, I am probably reading a book (I'm in the middle of Bob Hicok's Elegy Owed) or working on some sort of painting.  In terms of this course, I hope to help you improve all aspects of your writing, from development and organization to depth and insight.  Along the way, my goal is to make writing a skill that you will enjoy improving.


  1. Hi Professor Woodman & other classmates!
    My name is Laura Castro and I have lived in Bakersfield, CA my entire life. I graduated from Golden Valley High school in 2011 and enrolled into CSUB that same year, which would make this my last year. I am a Liberal Studies major with no minor and I am also on the credential track program. I aspire to be an Elementary teacher; my preferred grade to work with would be fourth grade because the students are getting ready to enter middle school and I find it to be crucially important for them to be ready to take that next step in the educational aspect. I recently started working at Banfield Pet Hospital as a receptionist; I use to work over at the Greenfield Union School District as an After School Program Tutor, but I had to leave due to my school schedule conflicting with my work hours. Some career goals would be to really taking teaching to a whole new level, especially with all the technology gadgets available to students and teachers. I think teaching techniques have definitely evolved over time and I find it necessary for the students to be able to learn as things change. I want students to leave my classroom happy because they learned something, not leave happy because they're finally out and they don't have to deal with whatever they couldn't figure out. Although I do want to be a teacher, I do not necessarily see myself doing that for the rest of my life. I would like to continue school after receiving my BA, maybe major in Public Admin or something else (haven't figured it out yet). I can envision myself working across the country with those less fortunate and those who have less access to what we have in our typical normal classes. As for this course, I really hope I can get to practice my writing overall; I enjoy writing and being able to get feedback on how to improve in the areas I am weak in. I have taken English 110 with Professor Woodman and I really liked how enthusiastic he was toward teaching the material, so when I seen he was offering this course I checked everyday to see if someone would drop and luckily they did! Really looking forward to this course. See you all Saturday!

  2. David Maciel GonzalezJanuary 5, 2015 at 7:55 PM

    My name is David Maciel Gonzalez, and I am 11 weeks away from completing all graduation requirements necessary to receive my Bachelor's Degree in the Social Science of Criminal Justice with a minor is Psychology. I am an assistant manager and a driver for Domino's Pizza--yes, yummy--and I'm fulfilled with excitement to start my career. I am currently an applicant for many juvenile correctional department facilities were I strive to start my career. I would love to support and give guidance to juveniles who are in need and who may also be interested for part-time employment; Domino's Pizza offers flexible work hours for students and is always seeking part-time workers. I am taking English 305 to fulfill the graduation writing assessment requirement and I hope to learn how to better structure and how to better communicate my thoughts on paper. One of the weaknesses I have noticed when I write is I tend to get lost when I write and figure that I have gone out of subject. There is always a lot of editing on my rough drafts because of my astray thoughts. There are two things I enjoy to do on an everyday basis; I enjoy eating and I enjoy exercising. I always have a big appetite and get more cravings than a pregnant woman. Exercising helps me reduce stress levels and helps me feel refreshed to encounter everyday challenges.

  3. Hello everyone. My name is Sabrina Smith. I am a semi-new transfer student from Taft College. This is currently my third year and I plan to graduate with a B.S. in Computer Science in 2016. I actually work on-campus in the Cashier's Office as a student assistant. I also tutor in math 3 to 5 nights a week. I hope in the future I can score a job with Google as a software engineer or programmer. If not Google, I still hope to work for a known company. I hope this course helps to further and refine my writing skills. Good luck to everyone!

  4. Hello fellow classmates! My name is Anthony Perez and I am working on my last quarter here at California State University, Bakersfield. I’m originally from Fontana, California, which is in southern California. I am a psychology major and hope to become a college professor in the future as my occupational job. Being a Student-Athlete my career goal is to hopefully become a professional soccer player after I’m finished with my eligibility here at this institution. My current job is being a head coach for the JV soccer team at Garces Memorial High School here in Bakersfield. Also, I am the goalkeeper coach for the girls club Runners FC. I love working with children because they admire adults and look for great proper role models. I hope to better structure my essays as well as develop creativity in my writing so that it can benefit me when applying to jobs in the future. Hopefully this class can be enriching to my career and benefit in every aspect of my writing. I am taking this class to fulfill my GWAR requirement in order to graduate and finally receive my bachelor degree! Overall, school and soccer are two things that are significantly important in my life and one day I wish to become successful.

  5. Greetings everyone,
    My name is Danielle Wilson. I work at the Oak Tree Country Club in Tehachapi as a server. I grew up in Santa Barbara and spent most of my time at the beach. In my free time I enjoy hiking with my dog. I am a Nursing major and I hope to one day work in a hospital in Northern California. I have troubles fully developing ideas in essays and hope that this class will make me a better writer.

  6. Hello everyone,
    My name is April Davis. I am a CAFS major, not sure about my minor yet, aspiring to be an elementary school teacher (preferably teaching grades K-2nd). I'm hoping to have my BA by the spring of 2016 and be done with the credential program by the following spring. I am currently going to school fulltime and working 2 jobs, cleaning houses and working at a Christian daycare. God, family, and working with children are what I am passionate about!!Through this class and others I will take, I hope to better myself and become better prepared for my future career!

  7. Hello Everyone!

    Hope everyone had fantastic Winter break!My Name is Maria Ortiz, I have two dogs that I adore Milo a poodle and Liza my Siberian Husky and of course my Family and friends; am currently a Senior in CSUB and hope in Graduating in Spring 2015. I transferred from Bakersfield College were I obtained my Associates of Arts In Criminal Justice. I transferred to Csub in Fall 2012, were I started pursuing my Bachelor Of Arts and minor in psychology. My careers goals is becoming either a Probation Officer or a Parole Officer to help and educate people in this career path.I'm currently an after school activity leader and love doing it because, children are the people that look up to an adult and feeling that you have change a childs life one day at a time and be seen as a role model is rewarding everyday.
    The reason am taking this class is because writing has always been my trouble area its sometimes difficult for me to start an essay little alone finish one. I hope this class can improve my writing skills and help me utilizing the skill learns in the future jobs. Even though is required for the (GWAR) I really want to learn and hope to become a better writer and not just take it because I have to but because I know I will gain something and apply it to my life as well!

  8. Hello everyone,
    My name is Valeria Rojas. I am pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology with a minor in CAFS. Last quarter I completed the required courses for my minor, so now I am debating whether to declare another minor or continue with CAFS and declare it as another major. My career goal is to become a child, family and school social worker. I am currently a varsity soccer coach for the girls at Arvin High School. I enjoy playing and teaching this sport because it helps relieve stress. In regards to this course, I hope to learn how to structure ideas in order for my writing to flow. I tend to have difficulty putting my thoughts on paper, so I hope to improve that in this course.

  9. My name is Ruby Montes, my major is Liberal Studies, in the future when I finish with school I want to be an elementary teacher. I want to be an elementary teacher because I like helping children and spending time with them. I have worked with children since I was fourteen years old. In fact the first job i had, i worked as a teacher assistant. I worked during the summer in the local elemetries in my town for the migrant summer school. I recently had a baby girl name Abigail, and I am not working. This class is a requirement for my major. I hope to become a better writer, too help me better prepare for future exams, which are required for my major like the cbest and cset.

  10. Hi everyone. My name is Maria Nevarez and it's my last year at CSUB. My major is Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting. My career goal is to work for Chevron as an Accountant in the tax field. I hope with this course I can learn to develop my ideas more effectively and improve my writing skills.

  11. Hello Everyone,

    My name is Jesus Soto, and I am a business major with a concentration in accounting. I am currently a Technical Assistant for Chevron and I have been there for a little over a year and a half. I am in charge or tracking the work done by the rigs in Chevron's Cymric field, and making sure that any changes a reported to the proper agencies. My current goals are to get my Bachelor's degree and then either take the CPA exam or enter into the MBA program. My hope for this course is to improve my writing to help me with work and any other future classes. Outside of school and work I enjoy playing video games and working out. I find that those two activities help me to relax and wind after a long day.

  12. Hello everyone!
    My name is Andreina Rendon and I am a dog lover. I have four dogs, three outside that my family and I saved and one that I keep inside my house (Princess aka Bubbs). I am a Criminal Justice major. I hope to one day become a detective. I mostly work in the summer, but as of right now I am job hunting. In this course I expect to improve my writing skills, preferably learn techniques on how to start and end an essay the best way possible. Now that I am on my third year at CSUB, I’ve been thinking a lot about joining The Marines after I graduate. I would have joined during high school and left after, but my parents thought it was best for me to start school here at CSUB and focus on that only. Now that I’m about a year from graduating, I am considering joining The Marines for myself, to better myself, to become more disciplined. I believe it will also help me in the future, career wise.

  13. Hello everyone,
    My name is Leticia Aguirre. I am a Liberal Studies major. In the future I would like to become an elementary school teacher. I am currently working as an instructional aide at an elementary special education classroom. I enjoy my job because, I have the opportunity to work with students of all ages in small groups. Having this experience of working with different ages of students, I would rather work with the kinder through second graders. What I hope to learn from this class is how to facilitate getting started with any type of essay. I always have trouble knowing how to start an essay. Outside of school, what I enjoy the most is spending time with my family.

  14. Hey everyone,
    My my name is Jasmin Vega. I am junior majoring in mathematics. I currently work on campus at Cal-SOAP. My career goals is to eventually become a math teacher or professor. With this course, I hope that my writing will improve. I have pet duck. I still do not know the gender, but his name is Quackers.

  15. Hello everyone,
    My name is Joey Campos and my major is Liberal Studies. Currently, I have no job as I am a full time student that will be graduating this spring. I could not decide on a minor so I have a few that I am close to finish which are in the area of art and computer science. As of this moment, I have started to focus on passing the CSET which I attempted during the break and now I’m waiting for my test results to see what my next move would be. One of my goals is to complete these test before I enter the credential program next year. Though I am taking this course to meet the GWAR requirement, I hope that this class will help me become a better writer and also to get me used to providing feedback when we do peer review. Hopefully, the writing topics in this course are interesting. Enough about school, for fun I usually play video games, watch Netflix and be around friends and family. Though more with friends. One thing we do is cosplay when we go to anime or comic conventions. Which reminds me for Bak-Anime this month we will be cosplaying as characters from the Assassin’s Creed series. Anyways, it was nice getting to know some of you through your introductions.

  16. Hello,

    My name is Maria Zamarripa, and I'm a senior planning on graduating in the spring. I am a Sociology major with a concentration in Human Services. I am a substitute for the after school program in the Delano school district, I also work at Kmart and I'm doing an internship at ADAKC this quarter. I'm not completely sure what it is I'd like to do with my BA but I would like to be able to explore careers and different sectors of my major which is why I am applying for the masters program in social work. Becoming a social worker is a career path I'd like to follow. What I really hope to learn in this course is to become a better writer overall. I recently learned how to crochet, it's been extremely addicting and I'm almost done with the scarf I'm making my boyfriend, who promises to wear it once I'm finished.

  17. Hello everyone,

    My name is Isabel Mireles and this is my second quarter at CSUB. I am a Liberal Studies major. I currently work as a Kindergarten Instructional Aide for the Lamont Elementary School District. I truly love my job and have learned so much from the students. I am currently working on earning my Bachelor's degree and plan on obtaining my Teaching Credential shortly thereafter. I would love to someday teach for the Lamont Elementary School District, as that is where I went to school. In this course, I plan on learning how to better organize my writing so my point of view and arguments are clear and effective. Apart from school and work, I love watching my son play soccer. He is my ultimate motivation in everything that I do!

  18. Hello Professor Woodman and classmates!
    My name is Ashley Martinez, and this is my last year where I will graduate CSUB with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting. I am currently working at Dominos Pizza and have been for 8 years as an insider. Dominos Pizza has been my only source of employment. I hold an honorable reputation with my employer, but I resided now as an assistant manager due to my busy schedule with school. After graduation I will initiate my career working as an accountant for Kern County to obtain experience. I am still undecided in obtaining a CPA license in hope to work for public accounting in the future. I also have an interest for management. My alternative route if accounting does not go as planned is to go to NBA school for a Masters in Management. My two greatest fears in college have been taking History and English courses. I have trouble formulating ideas and writing persuasive essays. I hope this class will help me become a better writer.

  19. Hello everyone,

    My name is Kristin Zakhary. I am a senior here at CSUB, majoring in CAFS (Child, Adolescent, Family Studies). I am a wife and relatively new mom (my son is 6 months old) so I am not currently working right now, although I am a volunteer at my church’s daycare center. In this course I hope to learn how to better my writing skills and this class will show me how to improve academically.

  20. Hello everyone,
    My name is Stephanie Vidales and I am a Psychology Major with a minor in Sociology. I have about two quarters left before I receive my Bachelor's degree. Currently, I work at Bakersfield College at the Circulation Desk in the Library. I have worked there for almost 7 years now starting out as a student worker when I attended school there and eventually moving up to the Library Assistant position I have now. In the future I want to be a Marriage and Family Therapist, but while I'm attaining my Master's Degree to become one, I want to be a school guidance counselor. Helping people has always been

  21. cont... (Sorry don't know what happened)
    in my nature and I absolutely love it. Fun Fact about myself is that I am a huge Indianapolis Colts fan. Football is my favorite sport and I love watching it. Thank you for taking the time to read about my life. Hope you all have a wonderful quarter :)

  22. Hello, I am Faviola Gurrola I am a Liberal studies major. This is my second quarter in Cal state. My goal is to graduate in 2016 and so far I am on track. I am a reading tutor at Sequoia Middle school. I work with great group of sixth graders helping them become better readers. I am looking forward to improving my writing skills and becoming a better writer.

  23. Michael C. HernanezJanuary 7, 2015 at 1:06 PM

    Hello everyone, my name is Michael Hernandez and this is my third quarter attending CSUB as a Liberal Studies major. Currently I am in sales at a company located in downtown Bakersfield named Stewart Electric & Data-Com Supplies. When I am not working or studying, I am always staying active with either snowboarding, sports or attending sports events like my World Series champions San Francisco Giants! In a few years, I see myself teaching 6th grade or above but I am keeping my eye on other options also. As for this course, I am hoping to sharpen my writing skills as a whole. I'm looking forward to see what this quarter has to offer. Good luck to everyone!

  24. Hi everyone, my name is Berenice Castro (as you can see above). Currently a Junior here at CSUB majoring in Sociology and minoring in Criminal Justice. I am currently unemployed but I previously worked in Farm Labor which is picking crops. My future goals I want to work in Rehabilitation for the Youth from drug/alcohol addictions or become a public defender. In this course I really hope to improve my grammar and writing skills because these are my weaknesses in school. I hope to learn and improve throughout the quarter as well as everyone in the class.

  25. hello, my name is Yolanda Garcia. I am a junior. I am majoring in Sociology and my minor is Criminal Justice. I am currently not working. If I am not at school or doing school work I am watching movies in Netflix. I hope to improve my writing skills with the help of this course.

  26. Hello everyone!
    My name is Diana Montoya. I am a CAFS major and I am a full time student at CSUB. I am hoping to obtain my BA by the end of the Fall 2015 quarter. I work at Community Action of Partnership as a Preschool teacher. I love my job because I enjoy helping children and families. I have been working at current job for six years. During my free time I enjoy spending time in the kitchen and cooking special foods for my family. One of the things that I don’t like to do is read books but I love watching movies.

  27. Hello, my name is Stefano Subia, a senior graduating this spring with a major in biochemistry. I was born and raised here in Bakersfield, but hoping to leave to pursue my future career goals. After graduating I plan on joining the military to broaden my opportunities, but ultimately my career goal lies within the medical field. Currently, I work at a group home for the developmentally disabled which may be difficult at times, but it is also very rewarding. In my downtime, I am usually at home relaxing, spending time with family, watching Netflix, playing games, or going out with friends. I hope to use the materials presented in this class to improve my writing skills.

  28. Hello my name is Christina Orozco. I was born and raised in Bakersfield, but have attended school in SB. I attended UCSB for 2 years, but decided to come home. While I was attending UCSB I learned valuable things about myself and the responsibilities of living alone. I recently dropped from the nursing program at CSUB and possibly pursing a degree in mathematics and human biology. I worked in a middle school for 2 years as a volleyball and softball coach as well as a tutor. I enjoy working with children but also find an interest in the sciences and mathematics. I hope to expand my understanding in our community about health administration. I am always willing to find new opportunities to help low income families in our community. During my downtime, I spend most of my time with my family and friends. They were a big support system during my transition from Santa Barbara to Bakersfield. I enjoy playing softball and going to fitness classes to relieve stress. I look forward to enhancing my writing skills, because I have always struggled with it. I hope to enjoy writing and for it not to be a burden.

  29. Hello all,
    My name is Taylor Dunn and I am a 22 year old theater major/communications minor at CSUB. I am moving to LA, therefore, all of my classes this quarter are online. I hope to transfer in the next year. My plans for LA include-but are not limited to-attempting to become a k-8th substitute teacher, join my friends' band, and obtaining my motorcycle license and exploring the coast. My hobbies include yoga, netflix, spending time with animals (mostly my snow bengal kitten Zeus), and singing. Recently, I've found a true passion of mine is making people laugh. After working at a theater where the main focus is comedy, it is easy to understand how powerful laughter is in a room full of strangers. ANYWHO, I wish everyone the best of luck this quarter.

  30. Hello everyone,
    My name is Emily Chim and I am a 20 year old senior. I am a Child and Family Studies major and minor in Sociology. I aspire to be a social worker or counselor. I am currently applying to grad school programs. I am working a retail job at the moment and although this is not what I want to make a career out of, it does pay the bills at the moment. When I am writing about a topic I am passionate about, I tend to get carried away and overlook simple mistakes, such as grammar and punctuation. Throughout this course I hope to improve on these mistakes.
