Thursday, January 22, 2015

Post #6

This post will be brainstorming for your essay.

First, read Roland Barthes's "Rhetoric of the Image."

Second, choose one photograph from a fellow classmate (on Post #4) and one photograph from The J. Paul Getty exhibit titled "Where We Live Now" (click on a photographer's name on the webpage).

Finally, answer this question: What is the message this photograph is trying to convey?

As Barthes describes, these messages can operate on a number of different levels and linguistic frequencies, so if you feel as though the photograph has more than one message, go ahead and list those possible messages.


  1. The photograph “Family” by A. Perez is trying to convey that family is not only defined by blood. Those who show love and support during good and bad times can also be defined as family. This photograph illustrates a group of men who have come together for the love/passion of a sport. It is highly likely that together they have overcome losses and celebrated victories as shown in this picture. The unity formed conveys that family ties can go beyond blood.
    Rhea Garen’s photograph conveys the idea that yard scenes can define the atmosphere of a home. For example, if a yard is well taken care of, one can get a welcoming feel. On the other hand, if a yard is not well taken care of, it is possible that one will negatively characterize the place.

  2. Photographer from “Where we live now” exhibit: Alex Harris
    Photographer from Post #3: L.Gudino “My Heart Lives Here”

    Roland Barthes discusses in depth the three messages that can be interpreted when observing any type of photograph. During this reading I was really able to connect with the Barthes statement, “Man’s interventions in the photograph (framing, distance, lightning, focus, speed) all effectively belong to the plane of connotation; it is as though in the beginning there were a brute photograph on which man would then lay, with the aid of various techniques, the signs drawn from a cultural code” 278. Being a part of a culture that a photograph is portraying allows the viewer to make a better interpretation of what’s being presented. I chose Alex Harris’s image because I really like how the photograph looks like it was taken in todays present time due to the clearness of the picture, but the furniture in the home makes it feel like it was taken in past time. The use of colors in the home reminded me of my grandmas house, which is located in Durango, MX. The old pictures hanging on the wall also gave it that old picture feeling, especially because those images are not even in color. After I made these observations I read the information that pertained to the picture and it was actually taken in New Mexico; my prior experience in areas like this allowed me to make a connection with what was being presented. The overall message I received on my end is that this is someones home and if no one longer lives in this home it still remains the same and full of their presence (images hanging on walls). This picture itself captures many things that can give a small idea of what type of life was lived.

    In L.Gudino’s the photograph is captioned, “My Heart Lives Here”; meaning that she loves this place and it can also mean that no matter where she is other than that place, that will always be here number one home. When I look at this image I interpret something a little different, such as; “you do not have to be outside during the day to feel at peace with ourselves, but you can also step outside at night and feel that same peace”. In Mexico this would be called a “plaza”; plaza’s are usually the go to place at any time of the day. At nights plazas are filled with lights and depending on what city, theres little shops surrounding it make it feel so alive. I personally understand as to why Gudino loves this place, whether it be her home or her home away from.

  3. The photograph by L. Gudino's "My Heart Lives Here", is trying to convey that not only does the appearance of a place makes you fall in love with it, it’s the memories and the encounters you experience within that place that plays a significant role. This picture shows a place where it’s empty, but in the persons eyes she or he sees all their memories all at once and builds an attachment with that place. This can show how an individual can become home sick because their heart may not belong somewhere else rather than home. This empty place shows how it can be filled with memories and experiences.

    Adam Barto's photograph conveys the meaning that a simple bon fire can show the relatedness of a family and how tied together they are. For example, when you see the father and the son getting the fire started, it shows how this family has a culture within each other by the way they are working together. Also, I stereotyped this picture a little especially because it was taken in the 1990's. It shows how men would work and the women would stay home to take care of the children. If you take a look at it, it shows a masculine man trying to get the fire going while the woman is eating with her daughter.

  4. S. Smith's "Hindsight" . Defined by the dictionary "hindsight" is the understanding of an event only after it has happened or developed. Viewing the image what came to my mind at first was how one must not look back. In life we always have to be moving forward. The view of the mirror in the image conveys the message how we can only look at the past and move on such as the car might be going forward direction. Another meaning that came into my mind was how we can not change where we come from or are coming from in the past, but looking forward might be a better view.
    From "Where We Live" I chose Laura Mcphee image of the "Apple Orchard". I really liked this picture because when you see it at first it shows the real nature view, mountains in the background with snow and up close the dry grass and leave less trees. Mcphee states "how humans inventiveness has shaped the natural world", then implies "no part of earths surface is unaltered by human activity". With these statements it conveys the meaning of the photograph of how as humans we have created ways to preserve and admire these landscape scenes, but at the same time we are destroying them. The image has furniture peaces and junk laying in the middle of nowhere. It shows how far we have gone and the real reality of what is occurring to our "nature world".

    1. Nice work, Berenice. You've found different levels of message here.

  5. Jim Dow's picture, Sign for "Gas" Station, took me back to a place I may "have been" in the past. The empty gas station and outdated gas pumps are only a record of what a gas station used to be. If you look beyond the sign "Gas," you can feel the emptiness of the place. There is a story being told without the need for words. The unpaved ground with puddles of water, the antiquated gas pumps, and the decorated lamp posts are just a reminder of what America used to be. This image preserved an important period in history.
    The picture by M. Hernandez, "North Lake Tahoe," gave me a nostalgic feeling. It reminded me of the vacations I spent there with my family, and how much we enjoyed nature and its beauty. The image is serene, yet powerful. There is no linguistic message,and there is no need for it; the image's coded iconic message does all the work.

  6. The photograph in Hither Hills Park by Adam Bartos, demonstrates an ordinary family vacation where the main focus is to bond as a family. The photo conveys how a family can still go out on vacation even though it is not an extravagant location or activity they will be participating in. The photograph captured a moment where the parents are providing their children with the best possible vacation even if they have to sleep in their van because they cannot afford a hotel. Although the vacation is low budget and there are not various activities for the children to do or a big dinner, they are content with having the opportunity to go on vacation with their parents. The children are enjoying their experience of going camping by focusing their attention on the campfire.

    The photograph by J. Campos titled “ life of a student” implies that students struggle with managing their time with school, work, family, and etc. Some students drink caffeine in order to stay awake longer to finish all the things or homework they need to do within a certain time frame. Depending on the person, some need coffee in order to wake up in the morning or get an extra boost through out the day. The goal of drinking caffeine is to stay awake to finish all the errands a person has to get done in a day.

    Christina Orozco

  7. The photograph by E. Chum's "For All Ages", is a a night picture of Disney land's castle. The title I feel gives away the message that this particular park, has no age limit and this park is not necessarily for children only but for everyone. The messaged being conveyed is, all ages are able to find this park enjoyable.

    The photograph by Virginia Beahan and Laura McPhee titled "Apple Orchard" I feel is conveying the message of how beautiful the sights of nature can be, and how humans are also interfering with that. This photograph has a wonderful scenery, but the garbage that has been infested into the land, has humans written all over it. I think the deeper meaning is about how humans are not taking care of their planet, and how the presence of them is turning beautiful landscapes like the orchard, into an undesirable place to live and hard to admire.

    -Maria Zamarripa

  8. The photograph entitled “This Site, Landscape in Memoriam” by Joel Sternfield, is trying to convey that a house just sitting an empty lot in a long landscape is filled with many memories even though some may be unfavorable, while other can be joyful moments of a person life. A home is where families are raised together and is a place where one can call it “Home.” The home might be old and almost falling down, but to acknowledge that in that same house, all the holidays, birthdays, and parties took place filled with awesome moments whom one can cherish and go back to the same house and remember what happened in every single time in every single room. No one should be ashamed were they came from but to cherish those moments they shared with loved ones and think back, and live with just memories that were created.

    The Photograph entitled “Capturing the Moments of Today,” by C.Orozco conveys that we live in an era that every moment we live has to be captured in photographs. Meaning that is this particular place such as the beach, one can live those moment of living in a serene atmosphere or just enjoying a sunny day at the beach and enjoying the view. Another thing that came to mind is that when you go to the beach and just sit, is also to a way of enjoying the sound of the waves emerging from the shore can make it a place that can be captured with harmony and peace. I can say that the reason I go to the beach is to relax and enjoy the view while enjoying peace in mind of hearing the waves coming from the shore and the moments of today can be remembered decades from now.

    1. Nice work, Maria. Read the information that goes with Sternfeld's photograph. That photo is from a series called "On this Site," which focuses on places where tragedies have occured, so that normal looking house is actually the scene of an environmental catastrophe.

  9. V. Royas's photograph "The Life of a Flower" is of a hand holding a yellow flower. I feel like the meaning of this photograph is that the life of a flower is simple and beautiful compared to the human life, yet there are some similarities. A flower is planted in the dirt, safe and sound, and begins to grow by obtaining the nutrients and energy needed from the elements surrounding it. It breaks through the surface on its own to grow straight and tall. When the time is right, it spreads it's petals and blooms to be the beautiful, unique flower it was meant to be, waiting to inspire and help pollinate the world. Humans go through a similar path when growing up. We start our lives at home, safe and sound, and slowly grow to become part of society with the help of family, friends and teachers along the way until it is time for us to bloom and be the unique people we've set out to be and give back to the world we've become a part of. The life of a flower is simple and beautiful, the path is clear; if only our lives could be as simple as a flowers.

    The next photograph by Sheron Rupp is a picture of an older woman walking through a field of sunflowers. Rupp describes her photograph as "capturing the dailiness of ordinary life, the mundane, the insignificant detail, which may possibly harbor personal meaning for our lives and others." In something as simple as taking a walk through a field of flowers, a personal moment has been captured. It is not the big, out of ordinary events that make someone's life worth living, it is the small, simple things. This type of personal peace and happiness this photograph has captured is so often over looked because the simple things in life are underappreciated.

  10. Joel Meyerowitz' photograph "Fence" depicts a beautifully clouded sky and orchard, both lying beyond the white Pickett fence centered in the photo. Meyerowitz' photo may hold many interpretations. At first glance, I immediately thought Meyerowitz may be trying to convey the known saying "the grass is always greener on the other side." We cannot see what is on the side of the fence the photo is being taken on, but we could argue that the message is that the beautiful landscape on the other side is better. "Fence" may also be implying a sense of protection. The photographer is inside of the fence and the clouds outside may indicate some form of storm, which the fence is dividing contact with. "Fence" could also be displaying the idea of calm before (or after) the storm," with the potential of outgoing or incoming bad weather. This may be interpreted metaphorically, as in leaving behind or approaching a negative experience in one's life.

    "The Magician," photographed by M. Woodman, shows a child playing with what looks like light wands. I feel as if this image is trying to show all the wonder and excitement that comes with being a kid. The light streaks in the photo may symbolize or represent the child's imagination, what the child is seeing, as he waves his toys around. To me, this image restores the sense of innocence that children are still lucky to have. How easy it was to just be a kid, finding your own way to have fun, and enjoying life before you knew all the troubles and responsibilities you would have to face as you grew up.

  11. Camilo Jose Vergara's photograph, he captures a church that is in the corner of what look to be like any regular street. He states that even in poor communities people often value the church. The photograph is trying to show that no matter the location, people can have their religious beliefs no matter where they are.
    In L. Gudino's photograph, "My Heart Lives Here," I can see that the picture is where Gudino likes to be, maybe calls it home. No matter where or how far the photographer is, they will never let this picture out of their heart. It is a beautiful scenery that reminds me of the plaza in Mexico. I can see that maybe if Gudino photograph is far away from this place, they miss it, and i understand.
    -Jasmin Vega

  12. A. Perez’s “Family” the significance behind this picture is that family doesn’t necessary need to be people that are blood related. The word family has many different meaning to different people, but in this picture family is someone they can trust, and help one another when they need it. Family can also simply be a group of people that have always been there for one another through the bad and good things. These group of men have the same goal which is to win and they have to work as a family helping each other out to better or perfect there skill to improve in the sport they love or might feel passionate for.
    Robert Adams demonstrates a black and white of a tree in the middle of nowhere; at least that is how some people will view it. In this picture I see life, although it might seem that the tree is alone it is not because of its existence the picture shows peace and tranquility. Although the picture is black and white and seems plane and boring, its message behind is that there can be life in the least expected places.

    Ruby Montes

  13. I chose Adam Bartos’s picture “Where We Live”. This is a family picture. The picture reflects the happiness of a family. I think this picture wants to send a message to all families. The message is that family comes first, before anything else. Children need to spend time with their parents. It is the best time to relax and leave their stress behind, it is the best time to be happy and have happy family holidays. The best vacation is to be with your family and make your children have an unforgettable moment because one might never have moments like those again.
    The photograph by M. Hernandez with the tittle “North Lake Tahoe” is a very nice and peaceful picture. The peace I get from looking at the photo makes me want to keep looking at the picture. I choose this picture because I think this picture shows a lot of peace, everyone would like to spend a holiday there. This is the perfect place to go on vacations with the family, away from the pollution and noise of the city. Also, this picture shows how beautiful nature is and how it is our responsibility to take care of it. If we don’t take care of nature we are going to lose all these beautiful places. We need to stop contributing to the different things that pollute our environment.

    Diana C Montoya

  14. The photograph by E. Chum's "For All Ages", is trying to convey that although one is getting older by number, one can still be young in spirit. Disneyland is said to be “the happiest place on earth”, it is a place for kids, as well as for adults; where one can make memories that will last a lifetime. The image shows a group of individuals gazing at the Disneyland castle; it also shows the variety of people that visit Disneyland. This photograph is captured to keep memories locked in and never forget the emotions one had in visiting “the happiest place on earth”.

    Joel Sternfeld’s photograph "On This Site, Landscape in Memoriam" conveys that a tragic event might have occurred in the house shown in the photograph. The windows of the house are covered with old plywood conveying that it is a place where no one is occupying the residence (an image of loneliness), where it leads to wondering why this may be. The conditions of the house depict an uninhabitable place. Sternfeld states, “Experience has taught me again and again that you can never know what lies beneath a surface or behind a facade.”, explains that, one never knows what has happened behind the old dirty plywood. Many things may come to mind why it is abandoned, but in reality no one truly knows what went on. We may think we know the answer, but do we really? It may just be an interpretation to what we observe.

    Andreina Rendon

  15. The photo I chose to view is S. Subia’s “The Graveyard” and this picture has many different model of cars in it that are broken down. This is where old broken down cars are moved to when they have got too many problems to fix and that is the graveyard. Further inspecting the picture, I have come to realize that this does not mean an actual graveyard, but a place where cars are put up for salvage parts in order to fix or extend the life other cars such as an organ donor would do for people.
    From Where We Live: Photographs of America from the Berman Collection Mitch Epstein’s Family Business Liquidation Sale is a picture of a red sofa with the word forever written in bold letters in the background. When forever is written it usually means that the store is closing. In the picture there is a red couch. This means that the store was some sort of furniture store. Though the couch is red and red usually is an emotionally intense color that is associated with strength, power, determination, passion, desire and love. Maybe that is what the owner felt for the store. A Sofa can also signify a sofa spud and otherwise known as a couch potato and that was what the owner was like and that is the reason why the store was going to be going out of business for being lazy.

  16. Photographer from: “Where we live now” exhibit: William Eggleston
    Photographer from post #3: D. Maciel-Gonzalez “Mechanical Love Affair”

    William Eggleston is known as the father of color. He snapshots pictures of family and friends to capture a sense of interest. This picture resembles a style from the early 1930s and 1940s. Eggleston is most known for saying “at war with the obvious.” This quote symbolizes the reason why people take photographs. They take pictures of people, places or things that they are interested in. Just as Eggleston is interested in capturing random photos and converting them into art, so is the picture of D. Maciel-Gonzalez, “Mechanical Love Affair”. In this photograph there are three types of vehicles: a classic car maybe from the 50s, a motorcycle, and a sports car. The three types of cars symbolize a particular style for each car. The classic car portrays a hot rod lifestyle. The motorcycle defines a biker lifestyle. Lastly, the sports car portrays a performance vehicle. All three of these vehicles provide the same function that allows an individual to get from point A to point B. Yet, although the vehicle may provide the same function, each vehicle can provoke a different feeling to the driver. The title “Mechanical Love Affair” sends a message of the relationship that the driver may have in connection to each vehicle. As photographers we capture pictures of things that grasp our attention. This is done with Eggleston photo. In addition to the second photo, people can be attracted to a certain interest based on their likes.

  17. David Maciel GonzalezJanuary 26, 2015 at 12:44 AM

    A. Martinez’s photograph, “Party Like a Rock Star” demonstrates life. The character in the picture is a dog. Yet, the emotions flooded when watching the picture can be applied to all animals. Humans are animals. From the basic structure of life, animals have feelings and devote love or hate towards particular things. The basic meaning behind Martinez’s picture is an animal enjoying leisure time with another animal. Animals spend time with other animals. Animals love companionship. The term “Party” usually symbolizes a celebration. The picture demonstrates the term “Party” by showing a loveable moment of enjoying life with another animal, in essence, a celebration of life with a companion nearby. The glasses symbolize a “Rock Star.” The term “Rock Star” merges from the traditional American and European artists who were in a rock band and traditional lived a certain lifestyle against the norms of society. A rock star generally lived more laidback. When summarizing the meanings behind each term, you reach a level of celebrating life in a laidback manner. The picture portrayed the feeling of the caption itself. Another meaning I received from the picture was how other viewers may picture a dog. There may be individuals who like dogs as there are individuals who dislike dogs. When I picture a dog, I can get two aspects of how a dog may behave. Dogs tend to be great companions and dogs can be obnoxiously loud when barking at unknown sources like noise or strangers. The picture became art the moment I saw it because it was out of the norm to see a dog “Party Like a Rock Star;” chillin’ with the owner and being laidback.
    In Mitch Epstein’s photo of “Family Business” is a simple picture of a couch. It’s furniture, to sit down traditionally in living rooms. The deep meaning behind the photo as the caption mentions it is interacting and spending time with family. The couch tends to be in a living room. When thinking outside the box, a house has other rooms were family members have rooms for privacy. The rooms may have family members of different ages going through different emotions in life. An example would be a teenager going through puberty as an adult guardian may be going through mid-life crisis. When we think back inside the box, family members may have had a long day struggling with new emotions of uncomfortably as other family members may have gone through financial stressful emotions. Although family members may deal with emotional struggles, the couch resembles a living room, a place where the family meets to interact to encounter new emotions to forget about the past as well as confronting those emotions and advising for emotional support.

  18. Sheron Rupp photograph has an elderly women walking into a sunflower maze. This maze can represent walking through life because many times we don’t know where we are heading. Some people go through life lost without any plans in life and just wonder around without direction. This photograph can also represent a woman who’s entering the afterlife a woman who is getting reading to start a new journey. We can’t see where the path is leading just how we don’t really know where people go when they pass away.
    E. Herrera's "A Promise"
    The rainbow symbolizes a fresh start after a bad day. The rain comes to wash the messiness of life and brings beautiful colors to encourage someone to keep moving. The cross on the picture can bring hope and faith in something greater than this world has to offer.

    -Faviola Gurrola

  19. Michael C. HernandezJanuary 26, 2015 at 9:11 PM

    The picture I chose from Where We Live was Rhea Garen of the back of someones yard in Ithaca, New York, where there is a green house and it looks like a small shed in the back yard. The picture was taken in 1992 and by the looks of it, the picture has an older feel to it. In the back of the picture, it appears to be the next row of houses. The houses look like they were once the suburban, white picket fence type of houses but in this picture, they have aged. A great example of aging is the white picket fence covered in vines. What I take from this photograph is although we might call home somewhere on this planet, gods green earth is always present and is the root of our existence.

    S. Smith's photograph entitled "Hindsight" shows just how beautiful something so common like the sun. Our sun is apart of every second of our lives one way or another. We take something so common in our lives for granted. Although that is true, there are precious moments that we are able to seize. Our existence solely relies on our sun like our food, weather and energy. S. Smith's photograph is strong, yet attractive at the same time as the sun rays hit the surroundings and vehicle. As fast as we may proceed through our lives, our sun will always be by us (hopefully) and if we're lucky, we might catch the perfect glimpse of the powerful sun and its rays upon us without it actually hurting our eyes.

  20. E. Chum’s photograph “For All Ages” is a picture of the Disney castle at night. The picture is not only an image of the castle being illuminated by lights, but it also stands for much more to different people. The title that was chosen for this picture is perfect because it represent what makes Disney so special not only in their minds but in the minds of people around the world. This is because regardless of a person’s age, gender, ethnicity, or background they can all have fun and escape into the magical world that Walt Disney created. For most people this represents the place where they can go and still feel like a kid and enjoy themselves outside of everything that is going on around them. While this picture may be a great it is also representation countless thoughts and emotions that come to mind when a person looks at castle.

    Camilo Jose’ Vergara’s photograph “How the Other Half Worship depicts a small white and red church in a poor neighborhood. It is guarded by a small metal frame in the front door and the door to the side is metal which gives of the impression that the neighborhood is not the safety place. The meaning being this picture is that regardless where a person lives, or what type of place they may be stuck in there is always a place to worship. It is a representation of hope regardless of the circumstances, and that while people may be different there are some things that we all share.

  21. The two photos I chose were: M. Zamarripa's "Rusty the Cat" and Alex Harris's "Onésimo and Eleanor Pacheco's house" from the Berman Collection "Where We Live".

    In the picture entitled "Rusty the Cat", there is a simplistic intent to capture the feline in his mundane activities. Rusty is not doing anything extraordinary or intriguing, just merely resting as a cat does on the daily. The linguistic message here does nothing to enhance any sort of understanding of the picture (except give the name of the cat). Even the name is something simple- Rusty can be drawn from the color of the fur. The colors further support the idea of simplicity with a clean pale grey tile floor and rusty-colored cabinets in the background matching the color of the cat's fur. The colors seem to wash together, but the main focus is Rusty's gaze that is concentrated on something out of the shot giving the photo a bit of mystery or possibly just the common aloof sense of a cat.

    Alex Harris's photo of the New Mexico home is so full of detail and colorful patterns. The title/caption of the picture is simple and gives very little information to the photo itself just as with the title of the cat photo by M. Zamarripa. The white walls gives a blank and clean canvas for each of the cloths and wall art that give the pops of color and life to the home. The fact that there is not very much in the home is probably due to the fact that the home owners are poor, minimalists, or they enjoy the bright feeling their home possess with its clean white walls and details of color. The depth of the picture insinuates that the home is not that large again leading the viewer to believe that perhaps the home owners are not wealthy or are merely minimal with their living space and belongings. The main reason for this photograph seems to be to capture the essence of part of another person's living space. These people seem clean, authentic, and lively. Everything inside the home seems to be perfectly placed.

    Taylor Dunn

  22. The photograph by E. Herrera titled “A Promise” seems to convey a hopeful and bright future. The rainbow pictured, which typically appears after a rainy day, is symbolic of the positive outcome one can expect after having withered a storm, or a tribulation. Rainbows are not something you see every day; therefore, I’d like to believe that the rainbow serves its purpose in appearing when the timing is perfect, both due to weather conditions and when one has overcome an obstacle. The building pictured, which I believe to be a church, serves as a representation of the place people turn to during gloomy times. The position in which the rainbow is pictured (behind the church) leads me to think that in order to reach the beauty that lies ahead, one must maintain hope and not lose sight of the “promise” that has been made, in a religious aspect. The angle at which the photograph was taken also further emphasizes that one needs to look up or ahead after a storm in order to enjoy the view all while preparing for the next unexpected storm. Another message I got from the photograph was that of unity. I feel that the rainbow represents all of the different ethnicities and cultures of the world, because it is made up of different colors. I believe the church is a symbol of peace and hope for a unified world.

    In Camilo Jose Vergara’s photograph, a church is photographed in what he describes as a poor neighborhood. The colors of the church particularly caught my attention because they are red and white. White is a color which can be seen as a representation of purity or goodness and red can be seen as a representation of love. Goodness and love are what people seek in life. It doesn’t surprise me that there are several churches in poor neighborhoods, as Vergara mentioned, because it is what helps keep hope alive. I believe the color red is also symbolic of the suffering that poor neighborhoods experience. Red reminds me of bloodshed and sacrifice, which are examples of the suffering I previously mentioned. Vergara mentions in the caption of his photograph that each church has a unique identity. Just as the churches are unique, so are the people in the neighborhood, because although they may be poor, they are still human beings and still have something different to offer. I believe the church also represents a sense of security in Vergara’s photograph. People tend to reach out to churches for help and go when they most need to feel safe. I believe it works the other way around as well. Churches tend to seek people to let them know that there is hope. Both the people in the neighborhood and the church need each other.

    Isabel Mireles

  23. T. Dunn’s photo titled “Priorities” shows a cat comfortably taking a nap with paws stretched out. While the name of the image “priorities” typically refers to an individual focusing on a list of task or ideas ranked by their importance, this image appears to be presenting the exact opposite. The cat could possibly represent an individual that has an important goal they should be working towards, but instead chooses to slack and indulge in pleasures that provide immediate satisfaction, such as napping. It also could mean that the cat has absolutely nothing to worry about, since its needs are usually met by the owner, so it chooses to simply relax.
    Robert Dawson’s “Backlot, Isleton,” appears to show an alleyway filled with various items. It seems as though the neighborhood had a lot of foot traffic, but has since been abandoned and left to decay. The image leaves us wondering what happened to the inhabitants, how they lived, and what the area like was at the time of its peak. This image could be telling us that people and life moves on, and one should not live in the past. The past also shouldn’t be forgotten to serve as a reminder of who they are or where they came from.

    Stefano Subia
