Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Winter 2015, Post #2

For this post, review the syllabus, and post one question you have about the syllabus, the class, or one of the assignments.  Post your question by Friday, and I'll answer either on this blog or during our orientation on Saturday.


  1. Hello Professor Woodman, couple of questions for you.

    For our Formal Argument on Saturday, will we be typing it? Also, I see we have until 3:00 pm to complete it. Is this a strict time constraint or will you provide extra time if we do not finish by then?

    One last question: when turning in our rough drafts for our upcoming essays, do they count toward our final score? Or are points only deducted if you don't turn it in?

    Sabrina Smith

    1. Sabrina, you will be typing the essay on Saturday, and I'll give you some extra time if you need it. As for the rough draft, points are deducted if you don't turn in a complete draft. In other words, if you fail to complete a rough draft, or you submit a rough draft that is only a page long, you will not earn credit for that draft. Otherwise, as long as you submit your draft (on time !), you'll be fine.

  2. Greetings Professor Woodman!

    I just want to appreciate clarifying what this Saturday essay is going to consist of. I had a question regarding the syllabus about the overall grade we will be receiving, would the class grade be based on three essay?

    Regards, Maria Ortiz

    1. Maria, your overall class grade will be based on an average of your three essays (Saturday's essay, an essay in which you analyze some photographs, and an essay in which you discuss the idea of being lost).

      Saturday's essay is going to be the Formal Argument. Basically, I am going to give you two quotes. You are going to choose one of the quotes, summarize it, and then argue whether or not the ideas in that quote are valid. This essay should be around two pages long once you're finished.

  3. Hello Professor Woodman,
    I had the same question Sabrina had but, it has been cleared. One other question I had about the syllabus is the required text, what edition are we required to have?

    1. Leticia, it doesn't matter which edition you have. If I were you, I'd buy whichever edition is cheapest.

  4. Hi Professor Woodman,
    I've read the syllabus and looked through the Blackboard page and I'm confused on the rough draft part? What rough draft is due on the 10th? Is that the in-class essay we are doing or another one?

    Thank you.

    1. Berenice, the essay due this Saturday is the in-class essay (which you'll begin and finish on Saturday).

  5. Hello Professor Woodman.
    I have a question regarding due dates. If an assignment is due on Friday, does that mean we have until midnight of Friday?


    1. Valeria, with the exception of this Saturday, every other assignment will be due by Midnight.

  6. Hello Professor Woodman,
    I was wondering if you are always going to let us know everytime you post a new bolg assignment by email?
    Thank you Ruby Montes

    1. Ruby, yes, I will notify you by email when there is a new blog.

  7. Hello Professor Woodman,

    I have a question regarding what you said about us having to review three other students’ essays on Are we going to be randomly selecting which essays to review, or are we going to be assigned three. I was also wondering if we are going to have more than one Saturday class section this quarter.

    Thank you,

    1. Jesus, the system will assign the essays to you, and this will be the only Saturday class you'll need to attend.

  8. Hi Professor Woodman,

    Is it necessary to have a username in place for our blog posts? I have to post as "Anonymous" because I do not have a google account.
    My next question is, do we have to submit both our rough draft essays and our final essays to

    Thank you,
    Isabel Mireles

    1. Isabel, you don't need to create a username, but you will need to identify yourself in your blog response (so that I know it's you and can give you credit). Yes, you will submit both your rough and final drafts to

  9. Hello proffessor Woodman,
    Are we going to need to do the individual drop-in tutoring, or is that optional? Also, are we meeting face-to-face just Saturday, or will there be other dates?
    Jasmin Vega

    1. Jasmin, the tutoring is completely optional. You should use it as needed. This Saturday will be the only day we meet as a class, but each of you will come see me during my office hours at least once this quarter.

  10. Hello Woodman,
    Based on what you provided us for the in-class essay, it will be the same format as taking the GWAR exam. My question is will we able to take a dictionary as reference, just as we would be able to testing for the GWAR.

    Thank You,
    Ashley Martinez

    1. Ashley, our in-class essay will follow the same general structure as the GWAR exam, but unlike the GWAR, I will allow you to use all of your notes, so feel free to bring a dictionary as well as access those files in Blackboard.

  11. Hi Prof. Woodman,
    Are we required to use the MyWritingLabPlus or is that just a recommended tool?

    1. April, MyWritingLabPlus is an option you have to improve your writing. I will not be requiring it of any of you.

  12. In the syllabus it says that students who don't attend the orientation will be dropped from the class. Is it possible to reschedule and come in to your office for the In-Class essay?
    I work Saturdays 8AM-4PM and already asked to switch to the evening shift, but have not yet received a response from my boss.
    Thanks, Stefano Subia

    1. Stefano, it would have been optimal to come to my office hours this week to speak about this in person, but if you can't get off work, let me know, and we'll schedule a day for next week.

  13. Hello Professor Woodman,
    My question is about this Saturday and the Formal Argument essay. Are we doing the rough draft in class, then the final draft? Also, do we submit both rough and final to for each essay? Thanks for your time.
    ~Stephanie V

    1. Stephanie, for this Saturday's essay, there will be one draft only: your final draft. However, you should have enough time in class to edit, proofread, and revise in order to make the essay successful.

  14. Professor Woodman,
    I had a question on the peer reviews, how exactly will that work? I was also wondering if we will be notified when you put up a new blog post or are we to check regularly for new post?

    1. For the peer reviews, I will ask you to comment on specific aspects of other students' essays. For example, I may ask you to evaluate their thesis statement. As for the blogs, I will always email you when there is a new one.

  15. Are we being graded on mywritinglabplus?
    Thank you Faviola Gurrola

    1. No, I will not grade you on mywritinglabplus.

  16. David Maciel GonzalezJanuary 9, 2015 at 1:53 PM

    Greetings Professor Woodman,

    In addition to Ashley Martinez's question regarding the availability of being able to use a dictionary for the Formal Argument this Saturday, are students allowed to use as a source of dictionary or are students only allowed a book dictionary?

    Thanks for your time,
    David Maciel Gonzalez

    1. David, you're free to use as well. Basically, you can use all of your notes and any information you find on the internet (if you want to use a statistic for evidence). However, the time you spend looking for this sort of information is time you aren't writing, so you'll want to keep that in mind.

  17. Hello professor Woodman,
    This is my last quarter here at CSUB and I want to be able to see if I'm doing the assignments correctly or if theres anything I should fix. I was wondering if I complete the assignments earlier than the due date if I can go to your office hours and talk to you about what I might need before I turn in the complete assignment. Also, for the blog is there any notification we can receive so that we are aware of when the blog assignments are due because it seems as if I did not check the blog today I would have not seen that post 2 was due today.
    Thank you professor!

    1. Anthony, yes, you may see me during my office hours for all of your assignments. I will send you an e-mail (to whichever address you have in the CSUB system) to let you know when there is a new blog assignment.

  18. Professor Woodman,
    I have a question regarding the three essays we are going to be assigned through the quarter, will we be able to rewrite any of them if we were to score low? Also, where is CB 101 located at? I'm not so sure about the location for the orientation.

    Thank you, Andreina Rendon

    1. Andreina, no, the final drafts are the final drafts, but I will be happy to discuss any of your rough drafts with you during my office hours. CB is located to the right of the library if you're entering from the main entrance. It is kind of between the new art building and the library.

  19. Hello Professor Woodman,

    I have read through the syllabus and have not been able to find anything on whether or not you accept late work, such as a blog post. I understand different professors have different policies and I am wondering what yours is. Are we able to make up blogs? Also, I have a question regarding contacting you. I emailed you regarding the meeting and received no response. I am unsure if the email did not reach you, but on my end, it was documented as being sent. I was unable to make it to your office hours. Is there a phone number we can reach you at? Or what would you suggest we do to contact you?

    Thank you,
    Emily Chim

    1. Emily, no I will not accept late work, but I will give you enough time to complete each assignment, so that shouldn't be a problem. As for your e-mail, I apologize for not responding immediately.

  20. Michael C. HernandezJanuary 9, 2015 at 10:57 PM

    Hello Professor Woodman,
    In previous classes, other professors didn't require the text but made it optional. I was curious to know if that was an option in your course this quarter?
    Thank you, Michael.

    1. Michael, the Quick Access will help you with grammar and mechanics issues, but there are other books that can help you with that as well, so I am not requiring any of you to purchase that book.

  21. Hello Professor Woodman, I have read the syllabus and only have one question. Are we always going to receive email notifications when we have an assignment (blog post) to complete?
    Thank you,
    Kristin Zakhary

    1. Kristin, yes, I will be sending you e-mails when there is a new blog.

  22. Hello professor Woodman, I enrolled in your class late and just started posting on your blog. I read the questions posted by other students, and you answered the questions I had. I am looking forward to learning to write better since English is not my strongest subject.

  23. My name is Elsa Flores, but I use my maiden name Herrera for my email. I just wanted to clarify in case you were wondering who wrote the previous blog.

  24. Hello Professor Woodman,
    All my questions have been answered in the previous blogs. I just had one quick question. When I posted a response to blog #1 I was not able to see it on the blog, so I am not sure if it posted or not. Also I am posting late because I just enrolled into your class today, I was the one that came by your office today (monday 1/12/15). Thank you.

    Christina Orozco

  25. Professor Woodman,

    For some odd reason I did not see this post, so I apologize on the late response. After our meeting last Saturday I no longer have any questions in regards to the syllabus. If I have any questions I will email you or stop by your office hours.
    I am looking forward to taking this course with you as well.

  26. Professor Woodman,

    My questions/comments are as followed: I had the same question as Kristin regarding emails about upcoming assignments. Also, for the second essay with the pictures, do we get to choose the picture we want to write about or will another classmate's photo be assigned to us? Thank you!

    Taylor Dunn
