Monday, May 11, 2015

Brainstorming: Interviews & Multiple Perspectives

One mark of insightful writing is the ability to examine a subject from multiple perspectives and points-of-view, which --understandably-- can be difficult, since we are so used to seeing the world through our own eyes (with our own biases, prejudices, and ways of "seeing"). 

This post will consist of two parts.

First, post a question that relates to the idea of "lost and found."  This question should be specific enough to lead to interesting responses, but not so specific that someone may not be able to answer it.  For example, you could ask, "When have you felt physically lost and not known where you were, literally?"

Second, you will respond to one of your fellow classmates' questions.  For example, if I were to answer the above question, I might write a short paragraph on the time I tried to take a shortcut when I was driving home at 3:00 in the morning and got lost in the middle of an orange grove.  

Complete your questions by Tuesday, and answer the questions by Thursday.


  1. Have you ever lost an item only to find a new memory?

    1. Often times when I am desperately searching for a lost item I come across something that I had long forgotten about. Sometimes I am so intrigued by the old item that I tend to forget about the item I lost in the first place. It's generally an endless cycle of losing and finding objects in my house.

  2. What was the most valuable loss you have experienced?

    1. For me, death of close family members has been a valuable lesson. Obviously, I would negate that connotation, because I miss those whom I have lost dearly, however they have taught me a lot about never taking time for granted. Each of us only have so long here and enjoying every day and moment with family and friends is a motto I like to live by. Death is the ultimate lesson.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. For me the death of my grandmother has been the most valuable loss I have experienced. I was close to her, and I loved spending time with her whenever I could. She lived down in Mexico so I would only see her once a year, but I would talk to her all the time on the phone. When she passed away it was unexpected. It truly broke my heart because I was only one week away from going to visit her. Even though it has been five years since she passed, I still grief her death, but I know she watches over us. I hold her memory dearly in my heart. She will always be an important part of my life, even though she is not around anymore.

  3. If you were lost at one point in your life, how did you find a solution to get out of it?

    1. Last time I was lost badly in life was loosing a division 1 scholarship for football and that was everything i have strived for. Even though a few of my coping strategies were not fruitful the one way to find my way through it was focusing on a goal or dream that I fell in love with and focused all I had towards completing my goal, and here I am graduating in the spring.

    2. All I ever wanted to be was a dancer. I applied to only a few colleges, but my one dream college was to go to UC Irvine and minor in dance and major in child development so that I could be a dance teacher. My senior year my parents split and that was very difficult. My grades started slipping and my determination was gone. I felt so alone that I was hanging out with any friends that would accept me. I learned later that these friends, were not "friends". I got accepted to UC Irvine and was ecstatic. I really thought that things had turned around. I moved down there and was ready to start school. When I finally went to register for classes, I was notified that my acceptance was rejected because my gpa fell below a 3.0. I didn't know what to do. It was too late to apply anywhere else and I was already moved into my apartment. So, I decided to stay there and go to the junior college there. I had to take a step back and adjust my future according to what was actually happening to me and accept the fact that I had made mistakes. As soon as I accepted my mistakes, I was able to grow as a person, mature, and worked harder than ever. The rest has fallen into place and now I am almost done with my junior year. I can't wait for my future.

    3. I found myself at the age of 24 completely lost. I had been married four years, and knew that I needed to get out of this painstakingly terrible situation. I was more scared then I had ever imagined, alone and lost. I went to a marriage counselor, she helped to guide me and encourage me. She confirmed that I was making the right decision showing me the next steps to take on my path. After I filed for divorce I again lost myself in work, as a nurse we have the opportunity to pick up a large amount of over time, there was a December that I worked 29 twelve hour shifts straight. This was not life sustaining or good quality of life. I decided I needed radical change to help remove me from my funk. I applied for nursing jobs in southern California and in Santa Barbara, as if going to the interviews was not enough I was actually offered jobs at every hospital in which I applied! I talked to family and visited the areas I would potentially live, eventually deciding that I would move to Santa Barbara. Here I have found meaning to my life, I have found an amazing partner, the best of friends and hobbies that are healthy and fun. It was a rough few years, with many tears and sleepless nights but I would not change it for an instant as I now know true sadness and have found joy and happiness. Without this sadness I would not know the extent of the joy I feel.

  4. Have you ever felt joy after losing something, whether an object or an idea?

    1. At one point in my life, I lost my cell phone for a few days. At first, I panicked and thought that I would lose everything such as pictures and videos of my family and friends. However, in the time period that my phone was lost, I was surrounded with my family and friends. I did not even think about my phone at all because I actually enjoyed every single second I had with them. I have never felt so much joy knowing I was cherishing and appreciating the time I had with them. It made me realize that in today's society, everyone is so caught up with capturing moments on their phones, posting things, in that they don't really think about that small significant time they have with their loved ones. For example, I was tweeting about something I had ate. As I was typing it, so focused on my phone, that I lost the first sight of my young niece feeding herself with a spoon. As simple as my niece feeding herself, I thought I should have paid attention to that first moment when she grabbed her own spoon and started eating. So, losing my phone was not bad at all. Now, every time I am with my family and friends, I make sure to keep my cell phone usage at a minimum.

  5. Has there ever been a point in your life where you felt so lost, but one day that all changed and a sense of wholeness and completeness fell upon you? For example, you finally felt "found".

    1. A year ago, I found out that I didn't get accepted into the CSUB Nursing program for the Fall of 2014. Of course, I was devasted. For years I worked so hard to achieve the goal to graduate from this program but failed. I thought that was the end of it. After a while, I moved on and changed my major, my classes, and my career goals. But still was not satisfied with my decisions. I was so lost. The time that I felt found was when I attended Sunday mass at a church that I've been introduced to. I reached out to God. I began to attend mass and my faith began to grow stronger and stronger everyday I got closer to Him. And through Him, I was introduced to patience. I found my solution to not give up on my goals. Within the last year, I applied to many colleges for the Nursing program. I continued to search and keep going. Now, I am enrolled into the Bakersfield College RN program for the Fall of 2015.

  6. When was the last time you panicked over losing a valuable item, only to calm down and then find it when you least expected it?

    1. The last time I panicked was when I was doing a court observation downtown of Bakersfield for my court class. I forgot my cell phone in the restroom, and when I went back it was gone. I found it at the receptionist desk. It was the least place that I expected it to be at. What was more valuable to me was not the cell phone itself, but it was the people who I talked to with my cell phone.

    2. I have small panic attacks on a daily basis, because of misplacing my cell phone. I don't have the best memory, so i lose my phone often. The last time I lost it was inside the library, I left it by the computer in the lower lobby. I was heading out, and stopped to use the restroom and realized I didn't have it in my purse. I dumped everything out of my purse, trying to find it. I was so happy to see it in the same place I left it.

  7. Jose Leon SanchezMay 11, 2015 at 8:55 PM

    Have you ever lost yourself in a dream, then found yourself in reality?

    1. I have always been a lover of travel and wished to explore new places, cultures, and people. Being so young and trying to work here and there while I attend school, it was never easy to plan a big trip due to expenses. I found myself dreaming each day of all the beautiful countries I have never experienced. One day I took action and booked a trip for a year later for two weeks in Italy, forcing myself to get another job and put away money. As my trip neared I found myself in a new reality of getting a passport, converting my money, and learning a new languange. Once we landed in Italy I realized how lucky I was to be there and was so thankful I made my dream into a reality. Now I have amazing pictures, stories, and fond memories of all the architecture, culture, and of course the food!

  8. Do you think feeling lost and lonely is a good motivator to find a happier, more fulfilling life? Should friends and family let loved ones feel pain to improve them?

    1. Perhaps, but only for a short time. I think feeling lost or lonely for a long duration can lead to serious issues like depression. About a year ago, I went through a phase in which I felt very confused about my future goals. I was constantly stressed out. Since I am a quiet person, it is usually difficult for me to express myself to others, including family and friends. So at that time, I didn’t seek advice from anyone. Eventually, it all started affecting my health. One day as I was walking, my vision became blurry, and I suddenly collapsed. Thankfully, I soon regained consciousness, but I was in pain, bleeding, and scared. Many hours were spent at the doctor’s office, and my day ended with 8 stitches. I finally had a talk with my family and close friends, and they were the ones who helped me “find” myself again. For that, I will always be thankful.

  9. Have you ever felt lost, physically and mentally, at a place that is very familiar to you? If so, how did you find your way out?

    1. Once in high school, the day we came back from winter break my senior year, my best friend in which i spent every lunch time with was still coming back from their vacation. I felt so lost and just alone that day. I talked to people I did not really know. I definitely felt physically lost with no direction on what I would do by myself. I mentally felt lost because I really did not like the other people I was "forced" to be with that day. I ended up just sticking through the lunch period and waited for them to come back the next day and then shared stories about my lonesome day and we laughed about it.

    2. About 7 years ago my husband and I split up for 6 months. I was fine at first. After all it was my idea. But a month into it he started seeing someone. (I was already seeing someone.) But the idea of him seeing someone made me loose it.
      I was a mess. Hopeless. Lost. I cried. For about 3 days all I did was cry.
      But I have the most amazing best friend in all of the world. She says to me "don't loose yourself. I love you and you love you. It is ok to cry but remember you have to overcome this. Run a hot bath. Pour yourself a glass of wine and sit in that bath as long as it takes. Cry as hard as you need too. But promise me when you get out, you will leave all of this in the tub to wash down the drain." I promised. I spent just over an hour crying in the tub. And I dunked myself over and over again trying to imagine a new me coming out of the water every time. It took about 20 times until I was strong enough to actually get out.
      As I practiced I convinced myself that the desperate person I had become served no purpose. Whether I wanted my husband back or to move on, the person I had become would fulfill neither. I had to do this for me. Or just stay in the tub. Needless to say....

  10. Have you ever lost something, but got it back?

    1. I dropped a diamond ear ring in the sink, and it went down the drain. I was sick! It was as if I was on an emotional roller-coaster: anxious, dread, worry, and fear. Once the panic attack subsided, I was able to clearly think, then determination kicked in. I found the tools to disconnect the pipe under the sink. I was so happy and relieved to find the ear ring still in the "trap"- what an appropriate name. I soaked it in alcohol for hours. Now, I always make sure the drain cover is closed before any jewelry is near the sink.

  11. Have you lost someone to only find happiness through it?

    1. I was in a long-term relationship for about 4 years before my ex and I split. It was probably one of the most difficult times in my life as I was in my last semester of nursing school. I quit my job just months before the break-up because we discussed that nursing school was getting overwhelming and he made enough money to support the both of us until I graduated and found a nursing job. The split was not at all smooth sailing and dragged on to what seemed like years. I turned very bitter about the whole situation and the person who once made me happy made me feel miserable. After I graduated, I took a trip to Seattle to visit my brothers. For the first time after the break-up, I felt a sense of peace. I had to physically remove myself from the broken relationship to find my happiness.

  12. Have you ever went searching for something but came back to find something better than what you were looking for?

    1. I had an instance like the one you are describing. There was this one time were I really wanted to eat pizza for lunch. Now I am really picky about my pizza; I am a pizza-elitist. I wont just eat any pizza, not from Dominos Pizza or Pizza Hut. All of those pizza chains are reserved for pizza commoners, but as said before I am pizza elitist I want the best. So I heard Pizza Rev opened up in Bakersfield and decided to give it a go. But to my utter astonishment, Pizza Rev had a line that extended all the way to the entrance. Me, the pizza elitist would not wait 30 minutes to be served. I demand instant service. So I decided to search somewhere else. Starved of pizza and mournful because I wont be able to have my healthy gluten free dough from Pizza Rev, I decided to try out a recommendation from a friend. He recommended Boss's Pizza a pizza joint downtown. My friend is also a pizza elitist, but to drive such distance and to be in a place of such quality, surely he must be mad. But I have this hunger than cannot be quenched by just any plebeian pizza. I called the pizza joint and made a pickup order for a simple pepperoni and cheese pizza. I arrived at the location 20 minutes later, picked up my pizza and locked myself in my car in the sketchy parking lot. I took a slice from my pie and bit into it; the following taste will for ever be engraved on my tongue. Pure ecstasy, it was a taste better than what I was looking for, even better than Pizza Rev and I have not even tried their pizza. The only downside is that Boss's Pizza does not have gluten free dough.

      In conclusion without the exaggeration, I went to search for good pizza, but found something better that being Boss's Pizza.

  13. Have you ever felt like an opportunity was lost only to have another present itself?

    1. Countless times I have felt like I could kick myself for missing an opportunity to do something fun. Feeling like you missed an amazing opportunity for something might be one of the worst feelings but I have noticed that almost every time I feel frustrated with missing an opportunity another presents itself. It might not be the exact same opportunity but it is just as exciting. I truly believe everything happens for a reason, so if you miss an opportunity to do something, you shouldn't beat yourself up about it. Instead you should look for new and different opportunities that are just as thrilling.

  14. Have you ever lost passion in something you once loved?

    1. Yes, I used to love playing, watching and talk soccer. I loved it so much as I was growing up but once I got to high school and started playing other sports, I lost the passion I had for soccer. I stopped playing and didn't really care for it anymore. Until I got out of high school I realized that soccer was my passion and regret not playing even when I still had time to play. Now all I do is look at pictures and videos my mom took when I played and they bring back so many memories of the one sport I was real competitive and passionate about. I am glad I have those things to look back at, even though my passion for the sport is gone. One day maybe I will go back and kick another ball....The love of the sport.

  15. Have you ever lost an item that was taken for granted, and felt appreciative once it was found?

  16. Have you ever lost a precious gift, but found out that it was the memory, thought or feeling that was precious instead of the actual gift?

    1. Yeees. A few years back I lost my favorite jersey, which probably had a value of $1 - $5. I looked everywhere for the jersey- in my room, in my garage, and in the house of some relatives. After a few months, it turned out that my mother confiscated my jersey because she got annoyed of me wearing it the entire time. I finally got my jersey back, but I never cared about the physicality of the jersey. That jersey symbolized an important year in my life: the year I reunited with my loved ones and found the one person that is closer to me now compared to everyone else. That jersey gave me back that sensation of having my best friend close to me, having him right next to me. I lost my shirt once again, but I am pretty sure I stored it away in a memory box. Some materialistic objects, in my opinion, will always have a symbolic meaning that make that object worth more than what others may perceive.

  17. Have you ever lost sight of your "true self" leading to a journey to find it again?

  18. How many times have you been in a situation where you thought you found yourself, only to realize you were still lost?

    1. In the beginning of my senior year in high school, I thought I found myself because I changed my attitude toward school. Before I would lose focus in class not caring much. However, my senior I began studying everyday because I realized what I had done in the past will not help me in the future, I raised my GPA from 2.50 to almost 3.35, which was an enormous gap. Even though I made significant change in my grapes, I realized that I was still lost because I had no idea what college to attend or what to major on. However, I never lost hope.

  19. Have you ever lost something, then spent a ridiculous amount of time looking for it, and come to find it when you least expected to?

    1. Just recently I lost a hundred dollar bill and I was devastated when I couldnt find it. I felt like I wasted hours of my life working for that amount money. I search my whole house and my car for hours and hours. There was no sight of the money anywhere and unfornately at the moment I gave up. But the following day, I was doing homework on the laptop, and notice a green paper peeking out underneath the laptop. The idiot(me) felt so gratify when I found the money but at the same time felt dimwitted becasue I didnt expect the money to be underneath the laptop. Somehow I must of been colorblind becasue the money was in front of me the whole time. My lesson learn was that I shouldnt leave money around like that.

  20. Have you ever lost focus on a personal goal, and found the solution to the problem?

  21. Have you ever felt lost because you thought you made the right decision?

  22. Have you ever felt happier once losing something that was very important to you?

    1. Yes Shawanda, I have. A couple of years ago, I had a headphone set which saw through frequent use. I used it for everything: from listening to podcasts of my favourite history programmes to providing the orchestra for study sessions late at night. Be it at home or abroad my headset would accompany me. To the point where others joked it was I who was being worn by the headset and not the other way around. In other words, when I lost my headphones during a camping trip, I felt as though a part of myself had gone with it.
      But these feelings did not persist, for I came to realize that through this loss came an opportunity, the chance to upgrade to a more potent model.

  23. As a child have you ever lost a parent (by their own selfish choices) only to dream about what they might be like- only to find out that you were better off the whole time without them?

  24. Have you ever found hope through despair -- the loss of something?

  25. Have you ever been in a situation that you were completely lost in another country, did not speak the language or know another person?
