Thursday, May 21, 2015

Structuring Information

How will you structure your "Lost & Found" essay?


  1. I am going to model my essay after the Special Education Teacher essay and how it utilizes a rhetorical mode of cause and effect in order to focus on the past, present and future. I will still use my own style to make it my own essay. I plan on utilizing my own story of depression to discuss the topic of happiness, and how it is lost with a condition such as depression. If it flows with my essay, I am going to incorporate my education in mental health nursing to provide examples and explain the thought process of depression and extend the idea of losing happiness.

  2. I will use narration to open for sure. I would like to incorporate narration throughout as well but I don't want to try to be too creative and get lost. I would like to stress the hopelessness that people feel when they lose their phone. The emotions I wish to evoke will need narration to properly to so.
    I would like to support my idea with facts. I plan to use a cause and effect through history. I will support my idea with facts regarding overall health concerns from people becoming stagnant. I will argue that cells phones contribute to the decline in health.
    I will describe settings from history, where cell phones did not exist. I will mention that family's talked and actually hangout together as opposed to today where people cannot be bothered to look up from their phones.
    I will conclude by claiming though society feels lost without their cell phones, they are actually loosing themselves in their cell phones.
    I will mention addiction to the "all knowing phone" and how it is corrupting people. If I have more space (which I doubt) I will offer suggestions to correct this crisis.

  3. I will be using cause and effect as the main structure of my essay. I will include how a future event, such as retirement causes one to feel lost. I will also include narration of personal past stories of events that have shaped me into the lost then found person I am now. I will also be comparing and contrasting the loss when one voluntarily retires or changes their employment to the sudden and unexpected loss of employment.

  4. I will be using narration as an approach in structuring my essay. I will be the storyteller who encounters the characters who becomes “lost”. I plan to focus on one defining loss; the story will be build up to the character I am profiling losing herself in the midst of her husband's illness. I want to get a little creative with my story and want to end the story with a sort of cliff hanger…not sure if this is a possibility?

  5. I will be using tone of voice, a 1st person point of view and description to create a narrative stance. I will tell the story in chronological order, from beginning to end. I will tell a story about the how my close friend lost sight of the person she was, after falling in “love” with the wrong person. I will discuss domestic violence, referring to the effects. The story will require me to take dramatic standpoint.

  6. Jose Leon SanchezMay 24, 2015 at 2:18 PM

    I will be narrating the story and using cause and effect to structure it. I will be describing what happened to the couple and how the couple was lost and managed to find themselves in the world we live in as a teenage pregnant couple.

  7. I will be narrating a series of key events that occurred in my life that caused me to become more interested in my own culture which leads to the discovery of who i am as a person.

  8. Since there are no direct sources for this essay, I am simply going to use narration, cause/effect, & process analysis. Narration will help connect the reader with the story presented. Cause and effect will strength the relationship between lost and found. Analysis will look further into these ideas. Each paragraph will present a new insight on these relationships.

  9. My essay will be structured around a simple narrative.
    I will focus on providing a story with a meaning, not unlike a children's fable.
    That is, a story which has a good moral at the end, or at least, a take away that makes the story stand out. However, it's a tall order to execute so I might end going in a different direction later on. Oh and the length should be standard, nothing too long. That's my plan at least.

  10. I plan to write this essay as a narration, and use examples. This way I can help the reader better understand the morale of the whole essay. Each of the paragraphs will be a different milestone that will in the end help with the overall meaning of the story.

  11. I will be narrating the story of my friend and mine which have similar problems and morals. I will be switching back and forth between each story to get to one of the main points. Each paragraph will have its own part of the story narrated and will see both sides of each story ending with a moral.

  12. I will be focusing on the future, but using the past and present to structure my essay. For instance, I will be traveling to my past to explain the present and future. I will use real life examples, and scenarios to make this paper interesting and meaningful. I will incorporate the criminal justice system. And I am going to give it all I can, and got.

  13. I will be focusing on the future, and use the past and present to explain the cause of loss as well as being lost leads to being found utilizing the rhetorical mode of narration. For instance, I will be telling the story of two young people who found each other. I will incorporate real life examples of my own in order to make my essay more meaningful.

  14. I want to describe the present first and the close relationships I have and explain that it was not always this way. Then I want go to the past to explain where my dad was from and my relationship with him. The general idea will be about losing the relationship with my dad to ending up with this incredible relationship with my mom and my dad's sister. I want it to be positive and insightful.

  15. I will be using narration for this essay. And describing the interpersonal relations through that view, and how loosing my grandma and grandpa recently, was able to find hope and joy through that. I will use this essay to show people that they can find joy even through the tough times.

  16. I will be using narration for most of this essay as I will be narrating the story of how my mother immigrated to the U.S. I will compare her journey to other immigrants to tie her to the group. I will also use description to give as many details as I possible could about the scene I am presenting to the reader. I will be describing how my mother traveled to the United States and the entire struggle she had, until she was able to find herself here.

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