Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Assignment 7

Hello All,

One of the most important parts of the Profile essay is the dominant impression, which is the main idea or feeling you want to convey or evoke.  Sometimes the dominant impression is clear in the title of the essay itself; the title "Streets of Sorrow" describes Hollywood with a clear impression of melancholy or depression in a way that a title like "Streets of Stars" would not.

1.  What will be the subject of your profile essay?  What place will you profile?
2.  What will be the dominant impression your essay will evoke?
3.  What narrative perspective will you choose? 
First-person ("I" or "we")? The first-person perspective provides a sense of intimacy.
Second-person ("you")? The second-person perspective provides a sense of immediacy.
Third-person ("he," "she," "it," "they")?  The third-person perspective provides a sense of objectivity.
Each perspective is acceptable, but each perspective will shape the essay in a different way.  Regardless of the perspective you choose, be consistent.
Reread the "Profile" attachment on Blackboard for clarification with the next questions.
4.  What will be your "Beginning"?
5.  How will you structure your "Middle"?
6.  What will you use in your "Conclusion"?
7.  How will you use dialogue?
8.  What "Characters" will your essay feature?
9.  What "Illuminating Details and Anecdotes" will you use?
10.  How will you use all (or most of) the senses?  What visual images will you use?  What auditory images?  What tactile images?  What gustatory images (tastes)?  What olfactory images (smells)?
11. What verb tense will you use?  Past tense?  Present tense?

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