Saturday, July 21, 2012

Assignment 8

Hello All,

As you are now well-aware, the Profile essay requires a different writing style than the Academic Analysis.  Rather than being strictly formal, you may now be freer and more experimental with your prose.  Feel free to use first-person or second-person pronouns and contractions.  However, some "rules" remain: avoid using generic phrases like "a lot" or "thing."

Here are some additional readings to help you with your writing.

This article discusses effective verbs.
This article discusses effective descriptions and word choice.
This article discusses sentence construction.
This article discusses effective-sounding sentences.
This article discusses voice and tone.

Assignment #8 is to post your best sentence (so far) from the Profile essay to your blog.  This sentence should be excellent in terms of those five areas.


  1. Hello Professor Woodman,

    I have a few questions about the essays. Are the essays out of 100 points? Also, the number posted on next to the essay is our grade...right??

    1. Aquiles,

      The essays are out of 100, and the number next to the essay is your grade . . . unless it says "1," in which case there is some sort of error; no one earned a 1/100.

  2. Professor Woodman,

    I have a concern regarding TurnItIn. On the peer reviews, I do not see any points from the first peer reviews. Obviously the 2nd reviews are not all submitted yet, but I want to make sure I receive the credits for them, since I submitted them and I can see them. I hope I submitted them correctly! Thanks.

    1. Justin,

      You submitted them correctly . . . although your analysis of the phrase "hell hole" was . . . unique.

      You earned full credit for the Peer Reviews for both the first and second essays. I don't enter points for these assignments because they are credit/no credit. If you do them, you earn full credit. If you don't, you've earned the zeroes. So far, you've earned the full credit.
