Monday, February 15, 2016

"Arrival Gates"

In "Arrival Gates," Rebecca Solnit uses syntax and metaphors to develop her theme of physical and psychological "arrival."

Here is one metaphor Solnit uses to describe the present: "the present is a house into which we always have one foot, an apple we are just biting, a face we are just glimpsing for the first time."

1.  Using this sentence as a model, write a similar sentence for your "Lost & Found" essay:

"Being lost is ...., is ..., is ...." or "Being found is ..., is ..., is ...."

These metaphors should be specific things (such as Solnit's house, apple, face), and the more specific, the better !

2.  Look at the opening sentence of Solnit's essay . . . it is a long paragraph that is all one sentence, a sentence that begins with a long string of "after" clauses tied at the end with the simple independent clause "I arrived at the orange gates."

Somewhere in your essay, I want to see you write a similar paragraph, one that is a long string of phrases or clauses tied at the end with a short, emphatic independent clause.  Instead of "after," you could use any of the following words:

although, as long as, as though, because, before, even if, even though, since, unless, until, when, whenever, where, whereas, while,

Which word will you choose to repeat throughout your sentence to build tension and rhythm?


  1. A word that I would use to repeat throughout my sentence to build up tension and rhythm would be because.

  2. 1. Being found is the warmth of clothes after they are washed and dried, the sense of relief felt after a large class assignment is completed, the excitement felt when participating in a favorite hobby.

    2. I would like to use "as long as" throughout the sentence to build tension. I do not think I use the word enough and when imagining what the sentence could be, I think I could use "as long as" well.

  3. 1. Being lost is experiencing the Tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon, a nostalgic feeling that didn’t deserve to be there, or the moment of eerie silence that engulfed your senses.

    2. I will choose “as though.”

  4. 1. Being lost is searching for an item of value in a pitch-black space, the feeling of isolation in a room of people having fun, wanting to speak up, but not knowing what to say.

    2. I think I will chose "even though"

  5. Being found is the light bulb in your head turning on after you finally solve a problem, the feeling of excitement when one graduates college and obtains their degree, and perfecting the sweet taste of a well baked chocolate cake.
    I would probably use since, although, or because to build up tension and rhythm.

  6. 1. Being lost is like diving into the ocean without knowing how to swim,the feeling of emptiness drowning your body, and falling into an abis.

    2.I like the word "unless."

  7. 1. Being found is the feeling of arriving home after a long day, the warm feeling when he says "I love you more," the smell of fresh brewed coffee on a Sunday morning.

    2. I will repeat the word "when" to create tension in my essay.

  8. 1. Being lost is when you get back the test you took last week and you didn’t do as well as you thought you did, the sudden goodbye from someone you thought you would have forever, the realization that one person can’t change the world.
    2. I would choose the word “although” to repeat throughout my sentences to build tension and rhythm.

  9. 1. Being found is the day he comes home from work, the day you’ve fallen in love, the Saturday morning hikes spent with your family.
    2. The word I plan to repeat throughout my sentence to build tension is “because.”

  10. 1. Being found is opening the jar of consciousness and allowing for a liquid of ideas to spill out.
    2. I would like to try repeating "since".

  11. 1.Being lost is like having no sense of belonging, it is like being at a new school as a new student and not knowing anybody or anything, it is like losing your sense of self.
    2.The word I plan to repeat throughout my sentence to build tension is "even though".

  12. Being lost is like feeling your way around in complete darkness, it’s like feeling completely alone in a sea full of people, like a shooting star falling out of the sky because too many people wished on it.

    I would use the word “until” to repeat throughout my sentence to build up tension and rhythm

  13. 1. Being lost is like a thunderstorm that shows no sign of letting up, it is like a cat that won’t stop clawing your leather couches, trying to forget someone you thought meant the world
    2. I think that I will use “until” or “even though” both are my favorite words to use in my writing. So I will decided when I am writing which one I like most with the outline.

  14. 1. Being found is the rainbow after a storm, it's the day your soul meets its match, finding comfort in chaos.
    2. I think that I will use the words "as long as" and "as though" to allow for tension to build as I go along.

  15. 1. Being lost is like knowing you can but not being able to, like seeing everyone bloom and blossoming while you
    2. I use “however” quite often.

  16. 1. Being lost is floating on a cloud; rather than the sky being the limit, you are confined to a snow globe, the goal can be seen but not attained.

    2. I use however often and I like it so I will probably continue to use it.

  17. 1. Being found is feeling complete after working through the obstacles that lead to your success. It's like pouring sand into a jar filled with marbles in order to fill in the gaps.

    2. I would repeat the word "whereas" to build tension in a sentence.

  18. 1. Being found is having a beautiful person to come home each night, the feeling of finishing the long assignment you worked all night on, and the smile you get after you have made your boss happy on a bad day.

    2. I will you the word because in my essay to create a long string of “because” clauses.

  19. Being found is having arms wrapped around you in a tight hug after a bad day, the feeling of success when you've proved people wrong. Being found is like soaking in a hot bath after a stressed day.

    2. I will used the word "although" because I already tend to use it a lot.

  20. 1. Being lost is running into the ocean, face first and full of energy, only to be tossed upside down by the waves tumbling over you and waiting desperately to take your next breath.

    2. I think I might use the word "until" or maybe "when". Both of these words could help in capturing the sense of waiting that I felf when I was younger.

  21. 1. Being found is knowing who you are and what you stand for, it is feeling at peace in the midst of chaos, it is loving yourself even at your most unlovable moments.

    2. I will use the phrase "even if" throughout this paragraph to connect my string of ideas.

  22. 1. Being lost is not knowing the language everyone speaks, being lost is not knowing the culture from where you live, being lost is not fitting in in any social group, being lost is not being home, and being lost is one of the worst feelings.

    2. The phrase I will probably use is “as long as”.

  23. 1. Being lost is like crying in the store when you cannot find your mother, it is a situation you take for granted and in an instant you feel abandoned and lonely. Being lost is like that ant who loses the trail, and is wondering around trying to find its way again. Being lost is like your first day at CSUB, too afraid to ask for directions and too embarrassed to stand at the Map.
    2.I would use the word “although”. I would use it like this, “Although I was lost…”

  24. 1. Being lost is a cloud that drifts and isolates itself further and further away. Being lost is a painting where all the colors are dark. Being lost is a grocery store that has no groceries.

    2. The word I will use to build tension will be because. Using because allows me to explain multiple scenarios of feeling lost and then finding yourself.
