Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Your Personal "Lost & Found" Essay

The topic for your personal essay is the concept of "Lost & Found," and there are many ways to approach this idea.  One way to begin brainstorming and planning a structure is to revisit the rhetorical modes: definition, description, narration, exemplification, cause/effect, compare/contrast, division & classification, process analysis, and argument.

If you had to choose one rhetorical mode to form the "spine" of your essay, which of these rhetorical modes would you select?  Explain in a sentence or two.

If you had to choose two additional rhetorical modes to help you flesh out that body, which two additional modes would you select? Explain in a sentence or two.


  1. I would choose description to form the "spine" of my essay because I am planning to write about anxiety. I think being very descriptive is necessary to create an effective essay on the feelings of anxiety.

    I would also select narration and cause and effect. I would choose narration because I will incorporate personal stories that involve anxiety. I will choose cause and effect because I will mention what was the cause of the anxiety and the effect of this anxiety.

  2. For my "Lost and Found" essay I would use divison/classification to form the spine of my because I want discuss different classifications of love. By dividing and classifying love in my essay I feel I can give the reader a clear understanding on the subject.

    If I had to choose two additional rhetorical modes for my body paragraphs I would use definition and exemplification. By using definition as one of my rhetorical modes I would be able to review how love has different meanings to different people. Using exemplification will allow me to refer back to examples on how a person demonstrates their love for someone or something.

  3. For the spine of my "Lost and Found" essay, I will define anxiety. This will be used to show the essential details of each version of anxiety. It will help differentiate each other without using any examples yet and it helps open up the essay.

    For the two additional rhetorical modes, I will use compare/contrast and exemplification. With compare and contrast, I can show the similarities and differences between the two versions of anxiety for the reader to better understand both versions. With exemplification, I can give examples of how an individual can feel when they have one type of anxiety or another. This can also allow the reader to think back on a time in which they felt that type of anxiety.

  4. If I had to choose one rhetorical mode to form the spine of my essay, I would choose compare and contrast because the concepts lost and found are opposites; however, people experience these sensations differently from one another.

    For the flesh of the essay’s body, I will choose exemplification and description. These two are my favorite rhetorical modes or writing because they allow outside resources and beautiful detail to translate the concept of lost and found.

  5. For the spine of my “Lost & Found” essay the rhetorical mode that I would chose is description. I would use description because not everyone thinks of hate in the same way. Hate is also not used in the same context all the time. For example, the sentence “I hate how she behaves” is different from “I hate her entirely”.
    If I had to choose two additional rhetorical modes for my body paragraphs I would choose definition and compare and contrast. I would define what hate means in the Webster’s dictionary as well as ask others what they feel hate means. By incorporating the definition of hate into my essay I can tie my other rhetorical mode into my essay; compare and contrast. I will compare the different meanings of hate and contrast how they are used.

  6. For the spine of my essay I will use compare and contrast. I will compare a time in my life when I was "lost" to a where I am now, "found."

    Two additional rhetorical modes I may use are narration and description. By using narration in my essay I can tell the story of how I became "found." Using description I can further describe the experiences and paint a vivid picture for the reader.

  7. For the spine of my essay I am going to use description. For my essay I am going to talk about love. Because you can sometimes lose yourself or even find yourself.

    Two additional rhetorical modes that I may use are narration and exemplification. For narration I have a few different stories about falling in love and heartbreak that I think would be a good attention grabber. And for exemplification i have several examples like books and songs that talk about how love can make you lose yourself or find yourself.

  8. For the spine of my "Lost and Found" essay I will use definition. I will define my topic to give the reader a clear understanding of it and also how others may interpret it from their understanding.

    Two additional rhetorical modes that I will be using are narration and description. I can explain what this topic means to me, how I interpret it, then describe how it has affected my life and will result in where I am today.

  9. 1. For the bulk of my essay I think that I will use the rhetorical mode of narration. I'm choosing this because I plan on telling the story of how I came to be lost and found so this mode seems most appropriate.

    2. Two additional modes that I will most like;y use are exemplification and description. Throughout the telling of my story I think that providing descriptions and examples of things will help to paint a better picture for the readers.

  10. 1. For the bulk of my essay I plan to use the rhetorical mode: narration. I plan on implementing my own experience and story into the essay of demonstrating how I was lost and then found.
    2. Two additional modes I plan to use are compare/contrast as well as exemplification (but this may change). I hope to provide my own life examples to illustrate the ideas I am wanting to portray to the reader.

  11. 1. For the most part of my essay I plan to use the rhetorical mode of compare and contrast. I want to be able to compare how it feels to be lost and how it feels to be found in a situation.

    2. Two additional modes I could use in my essay would be narration and definition. I want to be able to narrator and tell a story in my essay about being lost and found. I want to be able to have the reader thinking of moments in their life where they felt lost and then found. I also want to define what I can so that the reader has a clear understanding throughout the essay.

  12. To create the spine of my essay I would use the rhetorical mode, description. I believe the best way to get my main point across in my paper is to create a vivid picture in the reader’s eyes.

    Two additional modes I would select for my essay would be definition and compare/contrast. My main point involves two ideations of what a fulfilling life could be, so giving definitions and comparing/contrasting will help to further get my point across.

  13. For the "spine" of my essay, I will use comparing and contrasting. This is because I will be comparing two stories of women who went through similar situations and analyze the similarities in their healing process through Buddhism.
    In addition, I will use cause and effect to explain what occurred to push women to practice Buddhism and what occurred during the healing process through practices and rituals. I will also use narration when telling the stories of these women.

  14. For the spine of my essay I will use definition and probably narration to create a form of relation between the reader and I.

    The additional rhetorical forms I would use is compare/contrast to describe the similarities and difference between my topic and argument .

  15. I will be using the rhetorical mode of description for the basis of my essay. This will help to better elaborate on the idea of why someone becomes lost and describe in detail how that might happen.

    The other two rhetorical modes I will use are compare/contrast and definition. There are several reasons as to why somebody may go into the state of being lost, so I will be defining the possible definitions of “lost”, as well as comparing those different meanings.

  16. 1. The rhetorical mode I will use as the spine of my essay will most likely be description. I will describe what it means to fulfill your life and why one should try to do so.
    2. The second rhetorical mode I would use would be compare and contrast, here I will compare and contrast the outcomes of fulfilling your life and not fulfilling your life. The third rhetorical mode I will use is Process Analysis. Here I will explain how one could fulfill their life as best as possible.

  17. The rhetorical mode that I will be using for my essay would be division and classification to give the reader different interpretations of the word love.
    The second rhetorical mode I plan on using would possibly be a narration because I feel an experience that I bring from my own personal life will give a deeper meaning to what love means to me.

  18. The rhetorical method I will use for the "spine" of my essay will be description. I want to describe a broad idea of love and break it down further in my supporting paragraphs.

    The other rhetorical methods I could use in my body paragraphs would be compare/contrast because there are so many different ways and types of love. I would also use narration because I would like to give the reader an opportunity to connect with me and my different views of love.

  19. For my personal essay I would use either a narrative or proceas analysis.

    Although it is personal, it would be interesting to go through it step by step and analyze love and loss of trust in another form.

  20. One rhetorical mode I would choose to form the “spine” of my essay is Narration. Using Narration as the “spine” would seem easier to write my essay of the theme “Lost & Found”.
    An additional mode I would use Description since we are going to be required to use figurative language or be descriptive in our essay. Another mode would be Cause/Effect because this would allow me to explain cause and effect of certain events in my essay which should tie into the theme.

  21. For the spine of my “Lost & Found” essay I will use definition because I’m planning to write about depression.
    For the two additional rhetorical modes I will use description in order to describe the different stages of depression; in addition, division & classification in order to divide the stages of depression depending of its classifications.

  22. If I had to choose one rhetorical mode for the spine of my essay, I would chose compare/contrast. I will compare/contrast being in love with another person and loving oneself and how the two situations and evoke feelings of being lost or found.

    Two additional rhetorical modes I plan to use are description and narration. I will describe the importance of loving oneself and will use narration to put the concept in context for the reader.

  23. The rhetorical mode that will be the spine of my essay is description. I will be describing what it is like for individuals in general to lose themselves as well as find themselves.

    Two additional rhetorical modes I will be using will be narration as well as compare and contrast. Narration will be used to explain moments in my own life where I have felt lost and later found myself. Definition along with compare and contrast will be used in a broader aspect to compare and contrast how each person has their own definition of what it is like to be lost.

  24. If I had to choose one rhetorical mode for the spine of my essay, I would chose cause and effect. I will discuss the cause of anxiety and then effect it has on my daily life.

    Two additional rhetorical modes I am plan to use are description and narration. I will describe how I am feel when undergoing an anxiety attack and narrate my thoughts on how I deal with an attack when it occurs.

  25. IF I had to choose one rhetorical mode to form the spine of my essay it would be compare and contrast. Since I am planning to describe my life in Mexico vs my life in the US.

    Another rhetorical modes that I would use in my essay to form the body paragraphs would definitely be description as well as narration. This would be very useful to provide a glimpse of the life in Mexico as well as to tell stories that might have occurred.

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