Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Syntax Variety

Though it may seem enough to have sentences that are free of grammar or mechanics errors, effective writers know how to combine different types of sentences in order to build rhythm and tension within a paragraph.  This tension keeps the reader interested on a subconscious level, and the end result is that the reader will be more invested in reading what you have to say.  As a general rule of thumb, use short, simple sentences for emphasis or when you want to clarify an otherwise confusing concept.  Use long, complicated sentences to establish connections between ideas and develop the broad context or worldview.  What writers should avoid is a paragraph (or essay) in which every sentence is the same general type or the same general length; this monotony is death.

In terms of the four basic types of sentences, there are simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex.

A simple sentence (also known as an independent clause) is one complete thought.  In other words, there is a subject and predicate.  Here is an example: "Photographs surround us."

A compound sentence is when the writer uses two complete thoughts (two independent clauses) linked with either a comma and coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) or a semicolon.  Here are two examples: "Photography can be an art form, or a photograph can be a commercial mode of advertising" and "Photography can be an art form; conversely, a photograph can be a commercial mode of advertising."  In that second example, "conversely" is a conjunctive adverb.  Other examples of conjunctive adverbs include furthermore, however, and nonetheless.

A complex sentence is when the writer uses a complete thought combined with a thought made incomplete through the use of a subordinating conjunction (such as while, since, after, although, because, and even though).  In other words, a complex sentence has an independent clause paired with a dependent clause.  Here are two examples of a complex sentence: "Because photographs surround us, we often take them for granted" and "We often take photographs for granted because they surround us."  A writer can either begin the sentence with the dependent clause (in which case a comma would come at the end of that introductory dependent clause) or with the independent clause (in which case there would be no comma).

A compound-complex sentence is when the writer has at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause.  Generally, these are the longest sentences.  Here is an example: "When we take and post a selfie to Instagram, we are sharing a vision of both ourselves and how we see the world; this vision can be empowering, but for teenagers these images can also lead to bullying and insecurity."

For this assignment, review your essay's use of syntax, and make sure each paragraph has an effective combination of short, medium, and long sentences.  Finally, choose one paragraph to revise and ensure it has an example of a simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentence.  Post those four sentences to the blog.


  1. 1. Photography is a science.

    2. An image can elicit an array of emotions, or an image can elicit apathy.

    3. The image elicits emotion while communicating a moment in time, and relating to each consumer's perspective.

    4. When a photographer uses concepts, they can be clear or ambiguous; and like poetry, not all consumers arrive at the same conclusion.

    1. 1. Perfect.
      2. Perfect.
      3. The second part of your sentence is missing a subject. Revise it to read something like "While the image communicates a moment in time and relates to each consumer's perspective, specific details in that image also elicit emotion."
      4. Since you're using a semicolon, you need to cut the "and" before the "like poetry."

  2. 1. Photography is the study of taking photographs.

    2.Photography may be defined as the art of capturing images, but it may also be described as either acknowledgement of or depersonalization from the world.

    3. In this instance, photography may be described as a plane ticket to any destination in the world.

    4. While the individual is able to experience the view of another person through a photograph, he or she might lose the will to go experience the destination or subject of the photograph because he or she enjoyed the experience through the photograph itself.

    1. 1. Perfect.
      2. Perfect.
      3. The first part of your sentence is a prepositional phrase, which makes your whole sentence a simple sentence. Make it complex by including a clause that has both a subject and a verb. Write something like "Because photography can function as a plane ticket to any destination in the world, a person can travel thousands of miles without ever leaving his or her own home."
      4. You're missing the compound part of the compound-complex sentence. Add a semicolon and another complete thought to the end, and you'll be in good shape.

  3. 1. Simple: In that appreciation the viewer and photographer are connected.

    2. Compound: The fact that our generation has such accessibility to cameras is something that is often taken for granted, but should be seen as a luxury.

    3. Complex: However, to a person who practices yoga or is familiar with the physical capability that is required in order to achieve certain maneuvers, recognition and respect can be expressed over the difficulty of the pose shown, which is most likely what the photographer was hoping to convey when the picture was taken.

    4. Compound-Complex: However, to the photographer who took the time to capture that noteworthy moment of their vacation, or their child’s first step, or that exquisite meal that they were about to consume; these moments felt significant to them and they felt compelled to freeze them in time.

    1. 1. Put a comma after "appreciation" since your sentence opens with a prepositional phrase.
      2. Your second clause needs a subject. Put "the ability to take photographs" before "should be seen as a luxury."
      3. Perfect.
      4. Change the semicolon after "consume" to a comma, and add a comma after "significant to them."

  4. Simple: Photography's ability to evoke emotion ebbs and flows.

    Compound: A spectrum of emotion exists ranging from compassion to detachment, but it is dependent on the viewer as to what emotion will be evoked.

    Complex: People relate differently based on each situation because of their own experiences.

    Compound-Complex: When we view photographs, it is with an understanding that each of us could easily become the subject; this notion allows us to become vulnerable, so in reality we too can evoke emotions from others.

  5. 1. Simple:Photography can be used for a variety of reasons.
    2. Complex: It can be used for information, documentation, or for recreational use.
    3. Compound: The first photograph ever taken, dates back to the 1820s and we have gradually taken more photographs during the last two centuries.
    4. Compound-Complex: In Susan Sontag’s On Photography she explains that most of the photos taken during the early 1900s were images of the wars that were going on during that time; these photographs were used as visual representation to show the community what was happening at the war scenes.

  6. 1. Simple: People take photographs for different reasons.
    2. Complex: People take photographs for fun, as a hobby, and even as a job.
    3. Compound: People take photographs of all types of things as well, there is no limitation to what can or cannot be photographed.
    4. Compound-Complex: Photographs are keepsakes, but they also allow the photographer to express him or herself on a different level.

  7. 1. Simple: The abstract context of a photograph disrupts the ability to truly connect with it.

    2. Compound: Perhaps the photographer is saying farewell to Tijuana, or maybe they are saying farewell to a relative that is leaving Tijuana.

    3. Complex: Due to its limited perspective, the individual “confirms alienation” (Sontag 167) because they have no idea what this picture is of.

    4. Compound-Complex: However, being uncertain of what is being presented in the photograph is only one part of the false illusion of understanding it; whether or not one is aware that this is a photograph of an airport, one cannot be certain of the meaning behind the picture due to the fact that it can take on different interpretations.

  8. 1.)Photography serves many different reasons.
    2.)Photography may be utilized for family vacations, or photography may have the sole purposes for "selfies".
    3.)Because photography is so common, anybody can call themselves a photographer.
    4.) Whenever we see something worth capturing, we instantly pull out our cameras to freeze the moment; this allows us to become empowering of our memories.

  9. 1. Photography can be an expression of oneself through a photograph.

    2. People are naturally creative beings, and in doing so, they pursue to capture how they see the world.

    3. Because everyone views the world differently, photography is an ideal means of connecting many diverse people and cultures to a shared interest in capturing the beauty of the nature and the society surrounding them

    4. A photo speaks visually to the viewer, and is capable of taking them halfway across the world to encompass its wonders; this is what helps connect society to humanity.

  10. Compound Complex: Snapchat is also a fun way to stay connected; it is a different form of texting.

    Complex Sentence: Although the photographs only last for a couple of seconds, they can be screenshotted and saved.

    Compound Sentence: Social media is an entertaining, useful source that gives us the opportunity to connect with family and friends, but it can also have its disadvantages.

    Simple Sentence: Social media is a creative way to share photographs.

  11. Compound: Along these lines, a photographer can superimpose a subject into a well-crafted setting, with the right lighting, timing, and even perhaps props, and in doing so can transport the viewer to a place as only the photographer has previously imagined it, creating a new shared experience between photographer and viewer.

    Compound: Photographs once served a much more perfunctory role in documenting history, but have evolved into an art form that captures the essence of our imagination in a format that can be visually shared.

    Compound: As with any art form, imagination plays a major role in the artist's eye, and the viewer's eye as well.

    Simple: A photographer can set the stage that defines his vision.

  12. Simple: In the past years, photography has changed immensely.

    Compound: Followers on Instagram might be the first to see the photo, while other photographers prefer to keep moments intimate and private.

    Complex: Because photographs were previously black and white and unclear and have improved to colorful and realistic, there is no denying that technology has improved the concept of photography.

    Compound-complex: Regardless, each photographer holds something in common: the photographer is able to snap the photo and simultaneously experience the moment with the subject.

  13. Simple: Photography is a pastime.

    Compound: One partakes in for the simple reason of it being a distraction, or a fun activity.

    Complex: With this being said, anybody can take a picture.

    Compound-Complex: A teenage girl will take a picture of her and her friends at a social gathering; parents will capture countless moments of their first child, and will continue to with their future children.

  14. Simple:
    Using a camera is not an abstract concept to most people.

    Cameras might seem like a simple device but, cameras are rather complex.

    Using a camera is as simple as pointing and shooting, this mentality is what give us the feeling of power.

    We might not carry a gun every day but, we carry a camera every day with us on our cellphones, which can be as powerful as a gun.

  15. Simple: Pictures allow the viewers to recall what life was once like.
    Compound: Pictures are tools in order for people to remember experiences in their lives, and to hold on to a memory.
    Complex: By capturing moments on film, one can share their journey with others and show how time has changed throughout the years.
    Compound-Complex: Photographs may seem like a simple concept, but in reality they work as memorabilia, history, and even art, becoming increasingly more popular with each rising generation.

  16. Simple: Portraying everyone as beautiful is the aspect of photography that connects individuals to each other.

    Compound: It is only human to reproduce and to cherish pregnancy; therefore, Romanova's photograph resembles Steichen's notion of "oneness" in humanity.

    Complex: When exploring the idea of reaffirming connection between the individual and humanity, one needs to look at Edward Steichen's exhibit "Family of Man".

    Compound-Complex: The last image of her blog "Touching, Unguarded Portraits of Sleeping Parents-To-Be", portrays a couple holding hands while asleep; through this action, they both embrace their love and begin to create a welcoming environment for their child.

  17. Simple: The art of photography goes a long way.

    Compound: These categories include representation of emotions, memorializing experiences, business purposes, and legal purposes; all of which either allow for a person to make a connection or alienation with the world or others around them.

    Complex: Because of this, those that had over went a change in their life and or appearance may feel alienated or connected with the person they used to be depending on whether the change was either positive or negative.

    Compound-complex: Through Rissman’s photography we can also see how she was a continuous participant of her children’s adolescence; these photos were simple and beautiful, which also show her connection with her children as a mother.

  18. Simple: The primary way in which photography alienates individuals from the world around them is by becoming the focus of the situation.

    Compound:I came home from Honduras with an immense amount of memories that will last me a lifetime, however I also came home with an almost equal amount of photographs that narrate my entire trip.

    Complex: Because people make photography the main focus of their situation, they alienate themselves from the world around them.

    Compound-Complex: With these photographs I feel connected to Honduras; I feel connected to the people and the beautiful scenery that are now completely out of my reach.

  19. Simple: Photography captures these feelings that are deep down inside of us.

    Compound: On the other hand, photography enables people to become artists and speak people in a different way that words cannot fulfil.

    Complex: When those photos were taken, they might not have had such great meaning at that time, but because we have them today we can better understand the people who came before us and difference they made

    Compound Complex: So, we seek out to see others at their lowest, we are fascinated by war, mass murders, and disease; these heartbreaking events in the lives of people we will never know are documented through photography, all for us to see.
