Friday, March 10, 2017

Spring 2017, Post #11

After completing the "PeerMark" assignment through, use this blog post to answer two questions:

1.  What were the general strengths and weaknesses of your classmates' essays?

2.  After reviewing three of your classmates' essays, what changes do you intend to make to your essay?  Why?


  1. The general strengths of my classmates’ essay were that they were informative and detailed. Every essay I peer reviewed provided an insight of color that I did not previously have. The weaknesses of my classmates’ essays were grammar and citation errors. I saw many run-on sentences and sentences that needed colons. There were a lot of misplaced periods and commas in direct quote citations. These weaknesses can be strengthened by being aware of them during revision.

    After reviewing my classmates’ essays, I plan on carefully revising my essay to insure the sentences in each sentences flow. I also plan on checking my citations and editing my introduction paragraph. I plan to make these revisions because I saw a lot of mistakes that can be avoided if I carefully review my essay. I plan to edit my introduction because after reading my classmates’ essay I was inspired to make my introduction as attaching attention grabbing like theirs.

  2. After reviewing my classmates essays, the overall general strengths were the use of personal experience and personal knowledge. For example, many of the papers that shared the use of colors in the education field included personal knowledge and experience in the classroom. The main weaknesses I noticed were grammatical errors and sentence structure.

    Based on my review of my classmates essays, I intend to review my paper and check for grammatical errors as well checking that my references shared are relevant to my argument.

  3. I notice many students had opinions in their papers that were not supported with evidence.

    In my paper I will be sure to have enough supporting evidence. I also like the attention getters some of my classmates used, and I think I will try to create a better hook for my paper.

  4. The strengths of the essays that I read was the amount of knowledge that the writers had about each individual subject. Good examples were used that were based off an extensive knowledge of the subjects. The biggest weaknesses were sentence structure and grammar. Punctuation was in places that was not necessary and absent from places it was needed. Some sentences didn’t make sense or they were run-on sentences.

    After reviewing the essays, I intend on using more of my knowledge of my major in my essay instead of keeping the topics general. I will also double check grammar and sentence structure to make sure everything makes sense. I will also make sure my paragraph organization is better because I noticed that essays that were organized well made more sense when I was reading them.

  5. The general strengths I believe that my classmates had were providing examples to get their point across and knowing how to introduce a quote. The weaknesses I think my classmates had was, they mentioned an additional color they did not really explain how it contributes to their topic.

    After reviewing the three essays from my classmates, I will most definitely check my grammar and reread my essay to see if I explained the main idea of my essay effectively for the reader to understand the point I want to make across. I decided to make these changes to my essay because the grammar of my classmates was great and I want to be on the same track with my grammar as well. Also, I decided to reread my essay to make sure my main idea is great is huge think I will pay close attention to my essay because I saw that was a weakness in the three essays I peer reviewed.

  6. The general strengths of my classmates’ essay were that they provided many examples regarding color and their major. Many people are not familiar with biology terms and one classmate provided definitions for the reader to better understand their points. Overall, everyone provided many examples. Some weaknesses were minor punctuation errors. Commas were missing and quotations were missing when the writer used exact sentences of another. I only saw one dropped quotation that needed explanation.
    After reviewing the three essays, I plan to change my introduction. My introduction consisted of a list rather than explaining the importance of color in my major. My introduction seemed weak compared to my classmates. I plan to look for grammatical errors. I will also fix my sentences so they flow smoothly with my sources.

  7. The general strength I found from the three peer reviews was giving examples and backing it up with sources. There was one individual that did this but also had some free-standing quotes. I noticed that where was also some good structure in paragraphs. Weaknesses varied on each paper I read. One individual has no transition sentences; another jumped between different topics; another simply had no opinions and had all facts.

    Through the peer reviews I plan on ensuring that I have good sentence and paragraph structures. I will make sure that I explain and give examples for each color; furthermore, connect sources that will efficiently back up my examples. I plan on re looking at my thesis and ensuring that it matches my body paragraphs. Finally, I will make sure my opinion is clearly stated. By doing these important steps, my essay should flow smoothly and be an amazing paper.

  8. While reading my peers essays, I saw many strengths. I believe the greatest strength I saw was that my peers had very valuable information and knew how to use it. I would say the biggest weakness I saw was that some of my peers seemed to revolve their essays more around their quotes, instead of finding some kind of balance between the quotes and what their information was about. Although, they had some great information I would have love to read more about what my peers had to say about their topic.

    From reading my peers essay, I would say that I would definitely go back to look for any free-standing quotes. I also plan to make sure that it seems like my essay does not solely speak about the quotes I have used, but what the overall point of my essay is.

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  10. Some of the essays lacked transition sentences and general flow. There were also a few grammatical errors. However, they all had solid thesis statements and excellent use of sources.

    Make sure that there are no grammatical errors and the essay has a nice flow. I will also ensure that each paragraph ties in with the next using proper transition sentences.

  11. Strengths I found on my classmates' papers were that they included an attention grabber at the beginning of their essay and their thesis statement was on point, short, and simple. The weaknesses were some didn't know the difference between its (possessive) and it's (it is), they used I in their essays (can only use I in only one body paragraph if you're using one of the 9 rhetorical modes on your essay), and some used too many quotes from their sources when writing their essays (I wanted to see more on what color meant to them based on their profession).
    After reviewing my classmates' essays, I plan to make sure I have a good attention grabber on my introduction and to make my thesis statement short, simple, and on topic.

  12. Heriberto Pina

    After reading some of my classmate's papers, the strengths were that they were detailed. The weakness would be that they need to avoid using the words like “ I believe, and I think.” One of the changes I have made is the order of my paragraphs I rearrange them.

  13. Strengths in my peers paper that i found included a great flow of the paper and great supporting data to back up their topics.
    Some of the weaknesses that i witnessed where citation errors, grammar, and not enough talk about the relationship between color and their major in their intro.
    After reading my classmate's papers, i think i will review my use of quotes so not to over power my topic and focus more on my interpretation of the relationship to nursing.

  14. 1. General strengths were that a lot of them had a pretty good stable introduction and editing and grammar were good. Weaknesses I would have to say were that a lot them didn’t finish or didn’t cite. I didn’t feel as they were making their connection to their thesis statement or even had a thesis statement.

    2. After reading my classmates’ essays I added a better introduction examples to back up my research. I was able to see their mistakes and went back to see if I had made the same.

  15. 1. The hook was a very good strength in a lot of my peers essays. If it starts off strong, its easier to keep the momentum going. A strong introduction sets the tone for the rest of the essay and it was very relevant.

    b. Some of the weaknesses were that they didn't seem like they read it out loud. Some of them did not introduce the quotes right or that they didn't give enough foundation for the quote.

    2. I intend on reading my essay out loud so that it will make sense if i read it out to the class.

  16. 1. The strengths of my classmates essays was that they did a very good job of voicing their general ideas while connecting them to there quotes. There weaknesses were that there could have been more quotes incorporated through the essays.

    2. The changes that I made to my essay was that I wanted to tie more ideas about how my topic related to Finaly's "Color" instead of tying a certain color into my topic. I did this because I wanted to essay to revolve around color and for foster children to be a branch off of it.
