Friday, March 3, 2017

Spring 207, Post #9

For previous blog posts, you analyzed how Victoria Finlay utilizes rhetorical modes in her book Color.  For this blog, you need to choose which rhetorical modes you will use in your own essay and explain how you will use them.  For example, if you choose compare/contrast and you are writing from the discipline of psychology, you could compare and contrast the effects of two different colors on a person's emotions (a blue room versus a yellow room, for example).  Here are the nine rhetorical modes again (in no particular order):

Process Analysis

In terms of how to use these rhetorical modes, you could use them as the focus for individual paragraphs (i.e., in the first body paragraph, I will use definition; in the second body paragraph I will use cause/effect) or as sections of the essay (in the first few paragraphs I will analyze the process of how this happens).

You do not need to use all nine rhetorical modes to be successful, but you do need to use effectively the ones you choose.  For the purposes of this blog response, brainstorm how you could use at least four of the nine rhetorical modes in your academic analysis.


  1. In the introduction paragraph, I will use description and definition; in the first, second, third, body paragraph I will use compare/contrast the colors green, yellow, blue, red. And for the conclusion I will process analysis.

  2. In the introduction I will use definition; I will define the key words so that they are mutually understood by both the readers and myself. In the first body paragraph I will use cause and effect to explain the effect of color on the brain, and in turn, mood. In the second body paragraph I will use compare and contrast for the stress reducing and stress inducing colors. For the third body paragraph I will use exemplification; I will provide examples of how certain colors have affected children in the classroom.

  3. In the introduction paragraph, I will use argument because I will be making a claim about color in the criminal justice system, and I then will explain with evidence, how I came to to conclusion.

    In the first body paragraph, I will use Division/Classification to show how whites, Blacks, and Latinos are different ethnic groups. I will also explain how the law affects and effects them in different ways because of the obvious division.

    In another body paragraph I will compare and contrast the different experiences between whites and minorities, when it comes to the law.

  4. In the first paragraph/introduction I will use definition and description to begin exploring the use of color in marketing. For the body paragraphs I will use cause/effect, exemplification, and argument to illustrate how colors are used in marketing to influence shoppers’s purchasing decisions.

  5. In the introduction I will use definition to define what my essay will be focusing on. In the first body paragraph I will use description to describe colors and their uses in a classroom setting. In the second body paragraph I will use cause and effect of color to discuss about the impacts it could have on children and its effects. For my third body paragraph I will use exemplification to provide examples of how colors could affect children in a classroom setting.

  6. Throughout the essay I will use argument and exemplification on the value of color in a classroom. In the body paragraphs I will compare and contrast students' mood with the use of color and cause/effect.

  7. I am planning on using process analysis to show the steps in which an athletic trainer and an athlete go through during the injury process in relation to the doctor’s visits. Each step would be discussed to show how the two professions overlap and where there is conflict or compromise.

    Division/Classification can be used in a body paragraph to classify the similarities and differences of the allied health and the health professions. Once the process has been explained in a broader sense with process analysis, the next paragraph will show in detail how each field in categorized and compare them to one another. I will also relate each category to the colors and how the colors conflict and compromise.

    Comparison/Contrast will be used to compare each profession and where they stand in the injury process of an athlete.

    Cause/Effect can be used to show how the injury process of an athlete would be different with the exclusion of the allied health field or the health field. I would analyze a hypothetical solution where an athlete would go through the process with only the allied health professional and then again with the health professional and see how the outcomes differed.

  8. In the introduction I will describe the significance that colors play in biology. In the first body paragraph i will define some biological terms that involve color in its definition. In the second body paragraph I will show a process of analysis on how animals get their color. in the last body paragraph i will give examples of experiments that involve the use of colors. In my conclusion i will argue that color is essential to the science of biology.

  9. I would use description and definition in the introduction which would be followed by exemplification in the first and second body paragraphs. I would use cause/effect in the fourth paragraph and use process analysis in the next paragraph as I proceed to the conclusion.

  10. Heriberto Pina

    I would start by using definitions in the introduction. Followed by description for the first body paragraph. In the second body paragraph, I will use compare and contrast and lastly I will use cause and effect.

  11. I will use definition to define the 4 different colors based on personality types in the first paragraph and define what color means to dementia patients. I will use compare and contrast to differentiate the 4 different colors based on personality types and differentiate colors based on dementia patients' views in the second paragraph. I will use narration to illustrate the differences of the 4 different colors based on personality and to illustrate how dementia patients see and interpret color in the third paragraph. I will use argument on why the 4 assigned colors are appropriate for each personality type and why certain colors should be avoided for patients with dementia.

  12. My paper will discuss colorful objects and their significance in certain religions.
    The rhetorical modes that I plan on employing in my paper include:
    Argument - I will argue the significance these particular objects have.
    Process Analysis- I will detail the entire process of how Tibetan monks create sand mandala art, and what occurs when the piece is finished.
    Narration- I will construct a story in order to illustrate the purpose and significance of stained-glass windows within a church.
    Cause/Effect- I will describe the cause/effect that Tibetan Buddhists believe prayer flags have on the world.

  13. In the introduction paragraph, I will describe the phenomena that’s occurring in the criminal justice system involving blacks and whites. Throughout the body paragraphs I will compare the differences in treatment based on the color of your skin. Because I will compare the treatment, I will use exemplification to better describe my major points. In the body paragraph, I will explain the causes and effects due to treatment based on one’s color. I will also use process analysis to describe one’s stages in the criminal justice system based on being white or black. In the conclusion, I can reiterate the problem with one’s skin color and the criminal justice.

  14. In my introduction paragraph, I will use definition/description to define color and briefly describe its significance in the health care setting. In my body i will use classification/division to separate color into the 3 primary colors (red, blue, green) and talk about their own qualities. Then, I will use exemplification to give examples in nursing that relate to the primary color, such as their role in triage and assessment. I will use compare and contrast when talking about the different associated meaning of each color.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. In my introduction paragraph, I will be just giving some history background to grab attention upon how the two issues of red squads and bloods.

    In my first paragraph: I will use definitions and description upon red squads and bloods, with the color red.

    Another paragraphs: I will give use compare/contrast between the two subjects.

    Another Paragraphs: I will use cause/effect, to illustrate how these two subject were developed, how they cause certain issues in society.

    In conclusion, I will just end with restating the main points upon the four rhetorical models, and how the color red matters in law enforcement.

  17. For my essay I can see myself using a few of Finlay's rhetorical modes. Being that I am writing about what colors in the classroom can do for students and their work. I will probably be using Analysis and how the colors work on the students. I also plan on using cause and effect and what the cause of the different colors and color coordination effect students and their summaries. I could possibly even use classification and how some students classify with different colors and their emotions.

  18. For my essay, I would like to use process analysis to list my claim in a series of steps. In my body paragraphs, I would like to use compare/contrast, exemplification, and definition. In my conclusion I will use argument to restate my claim.

  19. In my essay, I can use the following rhetorical modes: Cause/effect, Definition, Description, and process analysis.
    I will use description in my introduction and in the beginning of two of my body paragraphs. I can use cause/effect and process analysis to explain how we see color biologically in my body paragraphs. Throughout my essay I will use definition to define psychological and biological terms.

  20. In my introduction paragraph, I will use narration as the rhetorical mode. In my body parragraphs, the rhetorical modes I will use are Cause and Effect, Description, and Exemplification.The cause and effect will be on a specific color and how it affects employees and customers. For description, I will describe the colors and the different environments that they will be most effective in. Also, I will add in examples from articles that I found. The end of my essay I plan on bring up an argument on which color is a good general color for a productive work environment.

  21. Brooke-Lynn WoodworthMarch 11, 2017 at 12:43 PM

    In my introduction, I would like to use description to first describe to the readers a peaceful and present classroom including the colors involved. Using descriptive words about the mood the color sets and the tone of color, this will help give the reader a better understanding of the differences. Division/classification could also be used here to differentiate between a bright yellow or a dull yellow and the implications those colors may have. I would like to then continue talking about the differences in the first body paragraph using compare/contrast. The whole paper I will also be using cause/effect to talk about the significance of the colors on children.

  22. In my introduction I will use description and definition to specify how colors play a key role in the world of business. I will also be using the argument term in my introduction, to clarify the purpose of my essay.
    In my body paragraphs I will compare/contrast how several colors affect businesses internally as well as how specific colors are able to bring attention towards certain products/services.

  23. For my essay, I will use explination to briefly explain color perception and theory to include a better understanding of the psychological and physiological effects of color on children.
    I will also use cause and effect to express how certain colors cause certain psychological and physiological effects on children and the effects as well.
    I will use description to describe the different effects in detail.
