Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Spring 2017, Post #12

For this blog post, first read Harrison Candelaria Fletcher's "White" (62) and Jericho Parms's "Red" (144) in Brief Encounters: A Collection of Contemporary Nonfiction.  In "Red," Parms uses color to explore perception, focus, and connectivity while Fletcher uses color to frame and structure memory and experience.

Then choose a color, and walk through your home or apartment making a list of every thing (important or insignificant) you have that is that color.  Then, reflect on what this color means to you (in terms of association, emotion, and memory).


  1. The color I will choose is green. The couches in my house are green. My plants inside my house are green. I have a green sweater that my grandmother gave me in Jr. High. I have six olive green shirts, three olive green jackets, and two olive green jeans. I have a build a bear that that has a green outfit that one of my best friends gave me 3 years ago. One of my favorite colors is olive green. However, this color is meaningful because green is my grandmother’s favorite color and she means everything to me. She raised me growing up and has taught me everything I know and gives me the best advice when it comes to ‘life’.

  2. The color I chose for this assignment is yellow. There’s a variety of yellow things in my home. I have a yellow blanket, my comforter has yellow in it, there’s a lamp will a yellow shade, a yellow flashlight, my duffle bag has yellow pineapples on it, but most importantly, almost all the paintings framed in my house have yellow in them. My uncle used to paint and most of the paintings in my home are from him. He passed away when I was in third grade and now that I’m older, looking at his paintings somehow make me feel closer to him.

  3. I decided to walk around my dorm and I choose the color pink. My blankets and pillows are pink. Also on my bed I have a Minnie Mouse that is wearing a pink dress. On my bed I have a yellow bear with a pink dress. I also have a pink Hello Kitty tissue box. I have pink butterflies on my wall. On the ceiling I have pink glow in the dark stars. My trash can is pink. On my desk I have a little mailbox, scissors, a “I have to do” notepad and two little that is pink. On top of my drawer I have two gift that have balloons attach to them and everything is pink. I go outside and there is a Hello Kitty banner and balloons that are pink and purple. Since my birthday is on Sunday but I will be leaving home today, my roommates decided to decorate the living room with both of my favorite stuff which is anything that is pink and Hello kitty. Most of the items I have that are pink were given to me. Every time I see the stuff that were given to me and that are pink it reminds me to never give up and people believe in me.

  4. The color I chose is black. As I walked around my house to make a list of things we own that are black I did not find many things other than the frames and all three of the cars that are parked in our garage. Reason why I chose this color is because I feel black is often associated with negativity or darkness. That is possibly the reason why we do not own many black objects. On the contrary though, I believe black is the most positive color out there. Physics behind the color black states that it absorbs all the colors and that is why it appears black. I believe this makes black the most powerful color of all. As I see it, black covers everything: all disfigurements and imperfections.

  5. After walking around my house the color that choose is yellow. In my room I have a chandelier canvas above my bed and in the painting there are some yellow tones and in the specks of glitter yellow seems to show in different areas. The walls through out my house are yellow and the clock hanging above the fire place is antique yellow with black. My indoor dog has a collar with yellow flowers on it. As I look out the living room windows there are yellow flowers that are starting to bloom. The color yellow is a very happy color. It relates to me because I'm a very joyful person. I love the sunshine and I feel like when there is sunshine there is happiness all around.

  6. I chose the color white. I chose this color because there is a lot of white in my house. For instance, all the walls in my house are white none have been painted. In my bedroom all my furniture is white because i enjoy the simplicity of the color it soothes my mind. All my kitchen appliances are white and the majority of plates in my house are also white. I never really noticed that until i started looking around. This color gives me peace so it means a lot to me and my emotions. For instance, the color makes me feel put together and organized, it also gives the illusion of neatness and space. This is quiet ironic because white is not my preferred color it is actually black but i opt to choose white more because of the way it makes me feel.

  7. The color that I choose is brown. After, walking around my house, I realized that the color brown is everywhere. For instance, in my room I have brown curtains, blankets, furniture and most of my clothing is brown as well. The coaches are also brown. This color has always been one of my favorites colors and it brings tranquility to me. I also believe that this color shows some elegance. This color means a lot to me because it always brings peace and happiness.

  8. I selected the color pink. As I walked around my house I immediately looked at my feet. My running shoes I am wearing are pink. When I walked through my room I saw my pink weekend bag. When I walked through my house I saw a lot of pink toys in every room. Most of the toys belong to my nieces’, pink is one of their favorite color. Pink means happiness to me because I relate it to my nieces.

  9. The color I chose is pink because my room is colored light pink, my bed sheets are light pink, and my 3DS XL game console is light pink. When I skimmed around my room, I have a lamp and a vase of fake flowers that were colored light pink and white. The pink lamp was given to me because I love the color pink and the vase of fake pink flowers are to compliment the main theme of the room which is pink. Pink means pretty, princessy, and reminds me of my childhood which was full of Disney princesses and barbie dolls. lol

  10. Heriberto Pina

    After walking around my house, I chose the color black. Pretty much everything in my room is black. For example, my bed set up, desk, and computer monitor. I also own a black truck, and the first suit I purchased was black. The color black represents seriousness, and I think that defines me because I am somewhat shy and conservative.

  11. The color I chose to explore was the color red. I was very surprised by how little red I found in my house considering that I thought there would be a lot more. My house was purchased from an elderly lady who carried a color theme in each room of the house and the only room we haven’t done anything with yet is the red room. The carpet and curtains are all a very deep color of red. The house is fairly new to my family, but the red room makes me wonder a lot about the family that was raised in the home before we moved in as the second owners of the home. The lady described the home as her dream home that was built specifically for her family. The kitchen has no traces of red other than my mother’s dutch oven and pots and pans. The following room has my brother’s red high school football helmet on display in a standing cabinet that I associate with my high school experience because we attended the same high school. The helmet also reminds me of the challenges that my brother had in high school and how his decisions shaped our relationship today as adults.

  12. Looking around my main street, I noticed that my house is the only white house on the block with a blue door. Despising the blue door, inside my house the kitchen cabinets, my marriage frame, closet doors, my kitchen’s title has white title with a pattern with black, and my bedding set is white. Also, my ceiling is white, my favorite Dr. Dre Beats are white, and I have a hen that is fully white that means a lot to me. The color white means to positively, protection, good atmosphere, brightness, and peace.

  13. The color I chose to explore is the color pink. As i looked around my house, I noticed my pink purses, my two favorite pink blankets, my pink shoes, my pink toothbrush, my favorite pink coffee cup, my pink water bottle, all my hangers for my clothes are pink, and my pink iphone. I have towels that are pink and my makeup bag. My girl husky has a pink collar and food bowel that i bought for her that is pink. The color pink to me means cute, girly, pretty, upbeat, and fun.

  14. After walking around my house, I chose the color black. In my room my dresser is black. My TV and TV stand are black. The foot-board and headboard of my bed are black. I have about five pairs of black shoes. My iPhone and iPhone case is black. The computer, keyboard, and computer mouse are black. My motorcycle, jacket, and helmet are black. I chose this color because I do not like bright colors. The color of my room is white but everything else is black. Having a single color makes me feel relaxed. I feel that black brings out the organization in my room.

  15. Casey Bryan
    I chose the color red like Jericho Parms's father told him to in his story Red. Walking through my house I noticed we only had a few red things and the reds were did have present were deep burgundy reds. Throughout the house we had small red candles and our main living room's couch is a burgundy red. In our formal living room, which we are not aloud in, there is on deep red wall. I idealize the color red with things you are not suppose to touch. Growing up my parents would not let me sit on our new red couch and no one was aloud in the formal living room with red wall. Also the candles were red which were hot. Secretly I resent the color red because as a child things that were red were often off limits to me, and even now the formal living room and the red couch are not used very often and if they are you have to follow my mother's protocols.

  16. Brooke-Lynn WoodworthMarch 25, 2017 at 11:30 PM

    The color I selected for this writing assignment is blue. Writing this, I sit inside of my bedroom that has 2 walls painted cobalt blue. The carpet for my entire house is blue and has been that way since we moved into this house 15 years ago. When I exit my room through the hallway and enter the living room I see 3-framed New York Yankee and New York Giant jerseys that belong to my father on the walls. Across the living room, there is a photo of my father hanging on the wall of a trip he took in Alaska where the blue of the water takes up most of the photograph. That concludes the blue items in my household besides clothing items within our closets. Blue has grown to be a happy and peaceful color to me within my household. After writing the last paper, I began to wonder how the colors of my walls surrounding me influence me. With my wall color, I debated on what colors to paint my bedroom walls for over a month so this shade of blue I became very fond of; I didn’t want to pick a color that I would get tired of after a week. The carpet color I remember provided relief growing up being that if I spilled something (because I was a very clumsy child) it wouldn’t be too noticeable. The jerseys hanging on the wall have always kind of bothered me because I feel like they make our family home look like a bachelor pad and I would get embarrassed bringing friends home. The poster of my dad hanging actually makes me laugh when I think back on it because he received it as a birthday gift from my mother being that he liked the photo so much.

  17. I would say that a color I would choose to associate emotions and memories with would be blue. I have moved around a lot in my life and every time I have moved my bedroom was always some shade of blue. Now that I have moved into a new house, the first shade I looked into was painting my room blue. For some reason blue has always brought a feeling of relaxation to me. Without really noting when buying clothing, I have just always been attracted to the color blue, looking through my closet it is easy to say that I have many of the same color, but in different styles. Even as I am planning to move out soon, I have already thought of home décor that I wanted. I have thought of some type of small light blue, beach theme that I could put into a future apartment.

  18. Anytime I think of colors or a color, it is always blue and green. If i can't get either or, it'll be turquoise or teal. Ever since I was younger, blue has always been my color. When you walk in my house you'll see a lot of blue: the place mats, the utensils, the pots and pans. If you walk into my room it'll be turquoise or teal. Any objects i have, ill get black if i cannot have blue. I love the ocean blue and waterfall. Blue just brightens my day and makes me feel good and free.

  19. After reading Harrison Candelaria Fletcher's "White" and Jericho Parms's "Red" I really saw how both of the authors related those colors to things there we of significance around them.
    Walking through my house I saw a lot of green that would ramble a kind of creamy pesto. The walls on my house that I share with my roommates is green, I have a lot of greens in my fridge, green bathroom matts in my bathroom, the towels we have in the bathroom, and the couch that we have is green s well. To me, the color green that I have in my house is very calming to me. Something about the lightness of the color makes me feel at home and safe which gives me comfort.

  20. My walls are a bright green. To me they remind me of the freedom to choose. I painted my walls banana green when I remodeled my room. I have olive green sheets that are my favorite because they are the easiest to place on my bed. I have a green jacket a friend gave to me this Christmas. It's in a utility type style. I had wanted one for years, and I'm very grateful I finally have one. We have fake, green wreaths in our house that hang above a mirror and a picture frame. I rarely notice them. Green is a prominent color in our backyard, although I rarely go out there. Green is one my favorite colors. I'm more likely to choose green as the color of something. For example, I would choose green towels over yellow or orange in most cases. If I could choose my eye color, they would be green. Perhaps green really represents choice to me.

  21. I chose the color yellow. As I walked through my house I saw yellow lemons scattered across the counter top. There were ripe yellow bananas. I also saw a yellow minions pinata in the corner of the living room. There was a yellow plate and matching cup in the sink waiting to be washed. I saw a yellow baby blanket on the couch. The color yellow is important to me because it reminds me of the bright sunny days of my childhood when I would run around outside without a care in the world.

  22. I decided to choose the color red. In my room I have a red blanket, two red sweaters, four red shirts, a red beanie with a red scarf. Walking further around my house, I also have a couple red vases as well as red candles. In the kitchen there is red table mats. This color is very meaningful to me because it was the favorite color of my close friend whom had passed away from cancer. He was always such a positive person and knew how to put a smile on everyone's face.

  23. I decided to choose the color blue. As I walked around my house and my room I saw blue as the most dominant color. My walls are a light blue. I have blue frames and other decorations in my room. My parents bathroom have blue walls and blue bathroom glassware. Our living room has blue vases and blue frames as well. My bathroom as well has blue shower curtains, shower mat, and decorations. I also have a blue car. This color is very meaningful to me because it's a color that has always been around my house, ever since i was little. It reminds me of memories of my childhood and it also makes me feel calm and happy.
