Monday, June 12, 2017

Summer 2017, Post #3

For this post, use the Walter Stiern Library's ebrary electronic search database for books, and find one book that would be relevant for your essay.  Post the title, author, and a short explanation as to how/why you could use this source in your essay.


  1. "Success Ethic, Education, and the American Dream" by Joseph L. DeVitis and John M. Rich does make a few connections in the media between critics and how 'successful' a work is. it expands more into the success aspect of it all, which I'll have to read more into later.

    -Amber G.

    1. That book seems useful for your topic! I like the name of the book as well!

  2. “The Art and Adventure of Leadership: Understanding Failure, Resilience and Success” by Bennis, Warren, Sample, Steven B., Asghar Rob (2015)

    Even this is a book about leadership, the book talks about leaders getting criticized for their decision and opinions. The book encourages readers to embrace failures and use it as a building block for success. I think this is a good source for criticism and success because leaders constantly battle through failures and criticisms. Leaders are constantly judged by their opinions or ideas, but even if the leaders are negatively criticized or made a mistake, failures are bound to happen. Nevertheless, a true leader doesn’t stop with failures; leaders gain from the mistake they made and learn to be resilient to become successful.
    Jenny Wu

  3. "Student Affairs: Experiencing Higher Education" by Lesly Andres and Finola Finlay (2013).

    This book would be good to use as a resource for my essay because it talks about experiencing higher education. It breaks down the challenges and learning experiences that the students will come across. it doesn't just focus on the student housing.

    1. This book seems valuable and I like that it breaks down the challenges! Great source!

  4. "Student Learning in College Residence Halls : What Works, What Doesn't, and Why" by Gregory Blimling (2014)

    This book would be useful in further developing my essay because it provides insightful information regarding the lifestyle choices that are made while living on a college campus. Blimling goes into detail regarding how living on campus is beneficial academically and how directly living with peers can greatly enhance learning.

    -Paige Oliver

  5. Codevilla, A. (2014). To Make and Keep Peace Among Ourselves and with All Nations (1). Stanford, US: Hoover Institution Press. Retrieved from

    Codevilla discusses many aspects of the concept of peace. He discusses the different interpretations of peace through history, such as Augustus during the time of the Roman Empire, Abraham Lincoln during the post-American Civil War, and the U.S.’s current global involvements. The book also discusses pacifism versus peace, nation versus world. The book provides historical examples of how peace was gain and lost, and what factors contributed to each circumstance. Although the book does focus more on peace for the U.S., the author does include chapters for the U.S.’s involvement in the maintenance of global peace.

  6. I came upon Creativity and Development - a collaboration of Sawyer, R.Keith; John-Steiner, Vera; Moran, and Seana. I thought that this would be a great ebook of reference because it discussed development in correlation with creativity and it also referred to children's play; a point that is frequently referred to in my argument. This reference is a great tool for the discussion of the importance of play and creativity.

  7. A book which will be conducive to my final paper is, "Student Learning in College Residence Halls : What Works, What Doesn't, and Why" by Gregory S. Blimling. The book looks beyond empirical data and tries to establish a relationship as to why certain policies in residence halls work better with students. Learning different approaches to providing students with the best care is important to facilitate their continual growth with the university and on a personal level. This book will be substantial in supporting claims regarding education efficiency and emotional success within the residence halls during the first academic year.

  8. Frontiersmen : Warfare In Africa Since 1950
    Author: Clayton, Anthony
    This ebook details the war in Africa over multiple items which includes natural resources. This ebook will help add another example of a poor country not being able to control and distribute their resources.
    Carlos Montejo

  9. Environment, Scarcity, and Violence by Homer-Dixon and Thomas F.
    The book claims that stress, especially, environmental such as lack of resources can cause social unrest. This books gives examples ranging from developing countries and developed countries trying to give a diagnostic to why environmental stress has a large impact on societies.

    Rommel Agustin

  10. Petroski, Henry. Success Through Failure : The Paradox of Design. Princeton, US: Princeton University Press, 2007. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 14 June 2017.

    This book would be valuable for me because it describes the differences in success and failure. It shows how you need both, both of them intertwine together to make a person.

  11. Heroism in the Harry Potter Series edited by Katrin Berndt and Lena Steveker

    This book will enhance my essay because it talks about how we have become more suspicious of heroism, as we age. It also is about the evolution of the concept of heroism.

  12. McRae, Rob, and Hubert, Don. Human Security and the New Diplomacy : Protecting People, Promoting Peace. Montreal, CA: MQUP, 2001. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 14 June 2017.

    One of the topic that this book discussed is about violence as a response to inequalities in wealth and political power and scarcity of resources. The book also made a point about whether people fight for resources or they use resources for fighting.

    Jasper Agpaoa

  13. Heroes: What They DO and Why We Need Them by Scott T. Allison and George R. Goethals.
    This book has a combination of psychological researches about what heroes are and why we need to believe in them. It also provides examples from real life heroes and fiction heroes. I think that this book will be a good source for my essay, because one my essay points is to explain why children need to believe in heroes, but as they get older what they really need is believe in themselves.

    Alondra Moreno

  14. Transforming Students: Fulfilling the Promise of Higher Education
    Authors: Charity Johansson and Peter Felton

    This book includes numerous stories of how the college experience transformed the students into better students. There were sections of the book that discussed students' experience in dorm rooms.

    Ashley Manuel

  15. "Our Common Journey: A Transition Toward Sustainability" by Board of Sustainable Development Staff

    I think that this particular book would be helpful in my essay because it focuses on the how society can reach sustainable development. It claims that we can meet the demands of the growing populations while maintaining preservation of the earth and its resources. It also describes the challenges and barriers faced with implementing sustainability. This book would help me gain insight as to how current trends of consumption by humans could be detrimental to the earth and population itself.

  16. " A philosophy of Freedom" by Svendson,Lars,Pierce, Kerri

    I feel this book is a good source because it goes into great depth to describe freedom and what all it entails. This source can add a lot of value to my essay by defining freedom and the consequences that are subsequent in the absence of freedom.

    - Dylan H

  17. Blimling, Gregory S.. Student Learning in College Residence Halls : What Works, What Doesn't, and Why . Somerset, US: Jossey-Bass, 2014. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 14 June 2017.

    This book discusses the history of residence halls in college as well as how students can best learn in this environment. One of the chapters specifically addresses how students gain social identity, which I can use to support my claim.

  18. My freshman year : what a professor learned by becoming a student / Rebekah Nathan.

    This book is the personal experience of a Professor living among the students, and could be a good source regarding my topic of Student Freshmen being Required to Live in Dorms, and how my argument is that these are adult students who warrant a level of autonomy. It is my belief that students shouldn't be required to live in a situation in which they may not wish to. Autonomous living is a key stepping stone to adulthood, and it should be a choice. This references living in the dorms from the perspective of an educated adult, and could prove insightful.-Samuel

    1. I find this "e-book" non-sense irritating. I'm just going to the library to check this out. Wants an "Adobe" program I don't have, or care to get...

    2. And of course the physical book is in long beach. I guess I'll figure out how to get adobe...

  19. Hello Everyone,
    I am planning on using the book "American Public Opinion on the Iraq War".

    I believe this book is a good source to use in supporting my argument of the public/personal opinion on achieving success. This book talks about various events which took place during the Bush and Obama presidencies and how those events are viewed through the public eye. In addition to the opinion of various people, it also discusses different ways those events could have been handled for different outcomes.

  20. Blimling, Gregory S. (2014). Student Learning in College Residence Halls: What Works, What Doesn't, and Why.
    This book could be helpful for my essay because it discusses about the academic performance of students who live in residence halls. Second, it also talks about social development and how it influences on-campus students, along with the co-curricular activities offered. Furthermore, the book elaborates on personal growth and the transition period for students living on campus.
